/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Investigating the suitability of the weak acid process for carbon dioxide mineralisation /manager/Repository/uon:15251 Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:57:52 AEST ]]> Study of thermally conditioned and weak acid-treated serpentinites for mineralisation of carbon dioxide /manager/Repository/uon:20855 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:02:51 AEDT ]]> Selection of acid for weak acid processing of wollastonite for mineralisation of CO₂ /manager/Repository/uon:21073 -5, 14(±3) × 10-5 and 17(±4) × 10-5 mol m-2 s-1 for formic, acetic and DL-lactic acids, respectively. The apparent activation energies amount to 11 ± 3, 47 ± 13 and 52 ± 14 kJ mol-1 for dissolution in formic, acetic and DL-lactic acids, respectively. These values indicate the initial diffusion limitation in the film around wollastonite particles for formic acid, and kinetic limitation for acetic and DL-lactic acids. The rates of dissolution rapidly decline for acetic and DL-lactic acids, but remain high for formic acid. The findings are altogether indicative of high performance of formic acid for extraction of Ca2+ for storing CO₂. Further experiments are needed to assess the recycling of formic acid to determine its overall suitability as a Ca2+ carrier for the weak acid process.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:59:25 AEDT ]]>