/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Separable determination of integrability and minimality of the Clarke subdifferential mapping /manager/Repository/uon:12996 Wed 25 Sep 2024 15:26:29 AEST ]]> Stability of closedness of convex cones under linear mappings II /manager/Repository/uon:11145 Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:16:27 AEST ]]> Generalized subdifferentials: a Baire categorical approach /manager/Repository/uon:12999 n} is a family of maximal cyclically monotone operators defined on a Banach space X then there exists a real-valued locally Lipschitz function g such that ∂0g(x) = co{T₁(x), T₂(x),..., Tn(x)} for each x ∈ X; in a separable Banach space each non-empty weak compact convex subset in the dual space is identically equal to the approximate subdifferential mapping of some Lipschitz function and for locally Lipschitz functions defined on separable spaces the notions of strong and weak integrability coincide.]]> Tue 24 Sep 2024 15:32:51 AEST ]]> A chain rule for essentially smooth Lipschitz functions /manager/Repository/uon:13023 m → R is arcwise essentially smooth on Rm and each function fj : R^n → R, 1 ≤ j ≤ m, is strictly differentiable almost everywhere in Rn, then g ○ f is strictly differentiable almost everywhere in Rn, where f ≡ (f₁,f₂,...,fm). We also show that all the semismooth and all the pseudoregular functions are arcwise essentially smooth. Thus, we provide a large and robust lattice algebra of Lipschitz functions whose generalized derivatives are well behaved.]]> Tue 24 Sep 2024 15:22:09 AEST ]]> Null sets and essentially smooth Lipschitz functions /manager/Repository/uon:13022 Tue 01 Oct 2024 12:03:28 AEST ]]> Stability of closedness of convex cones under linear mappings /manager/Repository/uon:7182 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:34:13 AEDT ]]> Lipschitz functions with prescribed derivatives and subderivatives /manager/Repository/uon:14689 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:19:10 AEDT ]]> Essentially smooth Lipschitz functions /manager/Repository/uon:13099 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:13 AEDT ]]>