/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Home ward bound: features of hospital in the home use by major Australian hospitals, 2011-2017 /manager/Repository/uon:40149 v 45.9%), the proportion of patients who died in hospital was lower (0.3% v 1.4%), and re-admission within 28 days was less frequent (2.3% v 3.6%). The 50 DRGs with greatest HIH activity encompassed 65 811 HIH admissions (82.1%), or 8.4% (95% CI, 8.4–8.5%) of all admissions in these DRGs. HIH admission numbers grew more rapidly than non-HIH admissions, but the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions: HIH care is most frequently provided to patients requiring hospital treatment related to infections, venous thromboembolism, or post-surgical care. Its use could be expanded in clinical areas where it is currently used, and extended to others where it is not. HIH activity is growing. It should be systematically monitored and reported to allow better overview of its use and outcomes.]]> Tue 05 Jul 2022 15:56:43 AEST ]]> Temperature profiles of antibiotic-containing elastomeric infusion devices used by ambulatory care patients /manager/Repository/uon:31374 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:42 AEDT ]]>