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Rethinking Western Motu descent groups
The underground life of capitalism: space, persons and money in Bali (West New Britain)
Being Hula: the appropriation of Christianity in Irupara village, Papua New Guinea
- Ngangan, Ken, Saudagaran, Shahrokh M., Clarke, Frank L.
Expressions of interest: informal usury in urban Papua New Guinea
Research and rhetoric on women in Papua New Guinea's village courts
The unseen city : anthropological perspectives on Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Exchanging skin: anthropological knowledge, secrecy and bolivip, Papua New Guinea (book review)
Substantial justice: an anthropology of village courts in Papua New Guinea
- Aisoli-Orake, Rachel, Archer , Jennifer, Chen, Shen
Language tangle: predicting and facilitating outcomes in language education
Transforming the education systems for children with disability in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste
Improving maternal health using partcipatory action research with women living in rural Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea cholera outbreak: implications for PNG, Australia and the Torres Strait
- Hall, John J., Gillespie, James A., Rosewell, Alexander, Mapira, Pilly
Aid and the control of tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea: is Australia's assistance cost-effective?
- Nguyen, Hoa-Thi-Minh, Kompas, Tom, Hickson, Roslyn I.
The tadpole of Litoria multiplica (Anura: Hylidae) from Papua New Guinea
- Anstis, Marion, Richards, Stephen J.
- Asigau, Viola, Lavu, Evelyn K., McBride, William J. H., Biloh, Eric, Naroi, Francis, Koana, Egi, Ferguson, John K., Laman, Moses
Contact-induced change in a highly endangered language of Northern Bougainville
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