Your selections:
A note on regularity of sets and of distance functions in Banach space
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Fabian, Marian
Antiproximinal norms in Banach spaces
- Borwein, J. M., Jiménez-Sevilla, M., Moreno, J. P.
Characterizations of Banach spaces convex and other locally Lipschitz functions
- Borwein, J., Fabian, M., Vanderwerff, J.
Convex functions on Banach spaces not containing ℓ1
- Borwein, Jon, Vanderwerff, Jon
Differentiability of cone-monotone functions on separable Banach space
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Burke, James V., Lewis, Adrian S.
Dual Kadec-Klee norms and the relationships between Wijsman, slice, and Mosco convergence
- Borwein, Jon, Vanderwerff, Jon
Essentially smooth Lipschitz functions
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Moors, Warren B.
Existence of nearest points in Banach spaces
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Fitzpatrick, Simon
Generalized linear complementarity problems treated without fixed-point theory
Handbook of metric fixed point theory
- Kirk, William A., Sims, Brailey
Maximality of sums of two maximal monotone operators
Minimal convex uscos and monotone operators on small sets
- Borwein, Jonathan, Fitzpatrick, Simon, Kenderov, Petàr
Non-expansive mappings on Banach lattices and related topics
- Borwein, Jon M., Sims, Brailey
Nonexpansive mappings on Banach lattices
- Borwein, Jonathan, Sims, Brailey
Notions of relative interior in Banach spaces
Proximal analysis and boundaries of closed sets in Banach space Part II: applications
- Borwein, J. M., Strojwas, H. M.
Second order differentiability of convex functions in Banach spaces
- Borwein, J. M., Noll, Dominikus
The life of Simon Fitzpatrick, 1953-2004
The Mazur Intersection Problem
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