Your selections:
- Hanington, Peter, Toan, To Quang, Tri, Van Pham Dang, Vu, Doan Ngoc Anh, Kiem, Anthony S.
- Deb, Proloy, Kiem, Anthony S., Willgoose, Garry
- Flack, Anna L., Kiem, Anthony S., Tozer, Carly, Vance, Tessa, Roberts, Jason
A new approach for location-specific seasonal outlooks of typhoon and super typhoon frequency across the Western North Pacific region
- Magee, Andrew D., Kiem, Anthony S., Chan, Johnny C. L.
A new island-scale tropical cyclone outlook for southwest Pacific nations and territories
- Magee, Andrew D., Lorrey, Andrew M., Kiem, Anthony S., Colyvas, Kim
- Ho, Michelle, Kiem, Anthony S., Verdon-Kidd D. C.
- Ho, Michelle, Kiem, Anthony S., Verdon-Kidd D. C.
A Spatial Data-Driven Approach for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping
- Senanayake, Indishe P., Kiem, Anthony S., Hancock, Gregory R., Metelka, Václav, Folkes, Chris B., Blevin, Phillip L., Budd, Anthony R.
A synoptic bridge linking sea salt aerosol concentrations in East Antarctic snowfall to Australian rainfall
- Udy, Danielle G., Vance, Tessa R., Kiem, Anthony S., Holbrook, Neil J.
An ice core derived 1013-year catchment-scale annual rainfall reconstruction in subtropical eastern Australia
- Tozer, Carly R., Vance, Tessa R., Roberts, Jason L., Kiem, Anthony S., Curran, Mark A. J., Moy, Andrew D.
An intercomparison of tropical cyclone best-track products for the southwest Pacific
- Magee, Andrew D., Verdon-Kidd D. C., Kiem, Anthony S.
Analysis of physical and non-physical factors associated with individual water consumption using a hierarchical linear model before and after an earthquake in a region with insufficient water supply
- Ito, Yuri, Yokomichi, Hiroshi, Shrestha, Sadhana, Kiem, Anthony S., Kondo, Naoki, Nishida, Kei
- Ho, Michelle, Kiem, Anthony S., Verdon-Kidd, D. C.
- Twomey, Callum R., Kiem, Anthony S.
Australia’s 2019/20 Black Summer fire weather exceptionally rare over the last 2000 years
- Udy, Danielle G., Vance, Tessa R., Kiem, Anthony S., Holbrook, Neil J., Abram, Nerilie
Bridging the gap between climate science capability and water resource management
- Austin, Emma K., Kiem, Anthony S., Verdon-Kidd D. C.
Bridging the gap between end user needs and science capability: decision making under uncertainty
- Kiem, Anthony S., Verdon-Kidd D. C., Austin, Emma K.
Bridging the gap between researchers and decision-makers
- Verdon-Kidd D. C., Kiem, Anthony S., Austin, Emma K.
Broadening the spatial applicability of paleoclimate information - a case study for the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Ho, Michelle, Verdon-Kidd D. C., Kiem, Anthony S., Drysdale, Rusell N.
- Sun, Wenchao, Fan, Jiao, Wang, Guoqiang, Ishidaira, Hiroshi, Bastola, Satish, Yu, Jingshan, Fu, Yongshuo H., Kiem, Anthony S., Zuo, Depeng, Xu, Zongxue
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