Your selections:
Circus and electricity: staging connextions between science and popular entertainments
- Arrighi, Gillian, Bollen, Jonathan
Australian Child Actors on Early-Twentieth-Century Touring Circuits
Celebrating childhood on the Vaudeville stage
- Arrighi, Gillian, Bollen, Jonathan
Setting the scene: an introduction
- Arrighi, Gillian, Emeljanow, Victor
The Circus as an Agent of Transculturation
- Arrighi, Gillian, Irvine, Clare, Joyce, Brian, Haracz, Kirsti
The Fitzgerald Brothers' Circus : spectacle, identity, and nationhood at the Australian circus
Circus, colonialism and empire: the circus in Australasia and Asia
Devising place and social history: a regional perspective on teaching devised performance in the tertiary sector
Entertaining children: the participation of youth in the entertainment industry
- Arrighi, Gillian, Emeljanow, Victor
Circus studies: where to next?
Children and youth of the Empire: tales of transgression and accommodation
- Arrighi, Gillian, Emeljanow, Victor
Victoria theatre virtual reality: A digital heritage case study and user experience design
- Arrighi, Gillian, Siang See, Zi, Jones, Donovan
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