Characterising the impact of BRAINSPaN: A multidisciplinary community of practice for clinicians and researchers in the brain impairment field
- Creator: Wong, Dana , Steel, Joanne , Baker, Katharine , Doig, Emmah
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Conception of learning and clinical skill acquisition in undergraduate exercise science students: a pilot study
- Creator: Johnson, Nathan , Chuter, Vivienne , Rooney, Kieron
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013
Factors shaping e-feedback utilization following electronic objective structured clinical examinations
- Creator: Ashby, Samantha E. , Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Rivett, Darren A. , Russell, Trevor
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Implementation of an electronic Objective Structured Clinical Exam for assessing practical skills in pre-professional physiotherapy and occupational therapy programs: examiner and course coordinator perspectives
- Creator: Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Ashby, Samantha E. , Rivett, Darren A. , Russell, Trevor
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Kozier & Erb's fundamentals of nursing (Australian edition)
- Creator: Berman, Audry , Snyder, Shirlee J. , Parker, Barbara , Reid-Searl, Kerry , Stanley, David , Kozier, Barbara , Erb, Glenora Lea , Levett-Jones, Tracy , Dwyer, Trudy , Hales, Majella , Harvey, Nicole , Moxham, Lorna , Park, Tanya
- Resource Type: book
- Date: 2015
Learning physical examination skills outside timetabled training sessions: what happens and why?
- Creator: Duvivier, Robbert J. , van Geel, Koos , van Dalen, Jan , Scherpbier, Albert J. J. A. , van der Vleuten, Cees P. M.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2012
Physiotherapy clinical educators' perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules
- Creator: Knox, Grahame M. , Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Rivett, Darren A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Physiotherapy students' perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules
- Creator: Knox, Grahame M. , Snodgrass, Suzanne J. , Stanton, Tasha R. , Kelly, David H. , Vicenzino, Bill , Wand, Benedict M. , Rivett, Darren A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Technical knowledge and skills in undergraduate radiation therapy: the University of Newcastle experience
- Creator: Hopkins, Melissa G. , Callan, Scott A. , Cant, Jennifer G. , Dempsey, Shane E.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2007
The impact of pandemic disruptions on clinical skills learning for pre-clinical medical students: implications for future educational designs
- Creator: Saad, Shannon , Richmond, Cassandra , King, Dane , Jones, Caelyn , Malau-Aduli, Bunmi
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
‘I wouldn’t get that feedback from anywhere else’: learning partnerships and the use of high school students as simulated patients to enhance medical students’ communication skills
- Creator: Cahill, Helen , Coffey, Julia , Sanci, Lena
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015