A mobile app to provide evidence-based information about crystal methamphetamine (ice) to the community (Cracks in the Ice): co-design and beta testing
- Creator: Birrell, Louise , Deen, Hannah , Champion, Katrina Elizabeth , Newton, Nicola C. , Stapinski, Lexine A. , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Teesson, Maree , Chapman, Cath
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
A multiple health behavior change, self-monitoring mobile app for adolescents: development and usability study of the Health4Life app
- Creator: Thornton, Louise , Gardner, Lauren Anne , Osman, Bridie , Green, Olivia , Champion, Katrina Elizabeth , Bryant, Zachary , Teesson, Maree , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Chapman, Cath
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
A Systematic Literature Review and Narrative Synthesis of Effective Interventions for Family and Caregivers of People Who Use Methamphetamine
- Creator: Sanatkar, Samineh , Heinsch, Milena , Tickner, Campbell , Hunt, Sally , Teesson, Maree , Geddes, Jenny , Gilbert, Jayden , Pedemont, Lauren , McKetin, Rebecca , Kay-Lambkin, Frances
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
A systematic review of the efficacy, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of workplace-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of problematic substance use
- Creator: Morse, Ashleigh K. , Askovic, Mina , Harvey, Logan , Peach, Natalie , Teesson, Maree , Mills, Katherine L. , Sercombe, Jayden , Dean, Kate , Fisher, Alana , Marel, Christina , Chatterton, Mary-Lou , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Barrett, Emma , Sunderland, Matthew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
A web-based intervention to prevent multiple chronic disease risk factors among adolescents: co-design and user testing of the health4life school-based program.
- Creator: Champion, Katrina Elizabeth , Gardner, Lauren Anne , McGowan, Cyanna , Chapman, Cath , Thornton, Louise , Parmenter, Belinda , McBride, Nyanda , Lubans, David R. , McCann, Karrah , Spring, Bonnie , Teesson, Maree , Health4Life Team , Newton, Nicola Clare
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
A web-based toolkit to provide evidence-based resources about crystal methamphetamine for the Australian community: collaborative development of Cracks in the Ice
- Creator: Champion, Katrina Elizabeth , Chapman, Cath , Newton, Nicola Clare , Brierley, Mary-Ellen , Stapinski, Lexine , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Nagle, Jack , Teesson, Maree
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Age-varying associations between lifestyle risk factors and major depressive disorder: A nationally representative cross-sectional study of adolescents
- Creator: Sunderland, Matthew , Champion, Katrina , Slade, Tim , Chapman, Cath , Newton, Nicola , Thornton, Louise , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , McBride, Nyanda , Allsop, Steve , Parmenter, Belinda , Teesson, Maree , Mills, Katherine , Hides, Leanne , Stapinski, Lexine , Barrett, Emma L. , Mewton, Louise , Gardner, Lauren A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
An online intervention for co-occurring depression and problematic alcohol use in young people: primary outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Deady, Mark , Mills, Katherine L. , Teesson, Maree , Kay-Lambkin, Frances
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Childhood trauma among individuals with co-morbid substance use and post-traumatic stress disorder
- Creator: Farrugia, Philippa L. , Mills, Katherine L. , Brady, Kathleen T. , Barrett, Emma , Back, Sudie E. , Teesson, Maree , Baker, Amanda , Sannibale, Claudia , Hopwood, Sally , Merz, Sabine , Rosenfeld, Julia
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Clustering of multiple risk behaviors among a sample of 18-year-old Australians and associations with mental health outcomes: a latent class analysis
- Creator: Champion, Katrina E. , Mather, Marius , Spring, Bonnie , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Teesson, Maree , Newton, Nicola C.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Developing a roadmap for the translation of e-mental health services for depression
- Creator: Batterham, Philip J. , Sunderland, Matthew , Butow, Phylllis N. , Krouskos, Demos , Calear, Alison L. , Davey, Christopher G. , Christensen, Helen , Teesson, Maree , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Andrews, Gavin , Mitchell, Philip B. , Herrman, Helen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Evaluation of a digital health initiative in illicit substance use: cross-sectional survey study
- Creator: Kershaw, Steph , Birrell, Louise , Deen, Hannah , Newton, Nicola C. , Stapinski, Lexine A. , Champion, Katrina E. , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Teesson, Maree , Chapman, Cath
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Exploring the association between adolescent-perceived parental monitoring on dietary intake
- Creator: Osman, Bridie , Champion, Katrina E. , Thornton, Louise , Burrows, Tracy , Smout, Scarlett , Hunter, Emily , Sunderland, Matthew , Teesson, Maree , Newton, Nicola C. , Gardner, Lauren A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Factors associated with adolescents' engagement with a Healthy Lifestyles app
- Creator: Thornton, Louise , Brown, Hannah M. , Teesson, Maree , Osman, Bridie , Stewart, Courtney , Whife, Jesse , Champion, Katrina E. , Gardner, Lauren A. , McBride, Nyanda , Allsop, Steve , Spring, Bonnie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Factors Predicting Trial Engagement, Treatment Satisfaction, and Health-Related Quality of Life During a Web-Based Treatment and Social Networking Trial for Binge Drinking and Depression in Young Adults: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Creator: Sanatkar, Samineh , Heinsch, Milena , Deady, Mark , Thornton, Louise , Teesson, Maree , Kay-Lambkin, Frances , Baldwin, Peter Andrew , Rubin, Mark , Geddes, Jenny , Hunt, Sally , Baker, Amanda L. , Woodcock, Kathryn , Lewin, Terry J. , Brady, Kathleen
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Forming a national multicentre collaboration to conduct clinical trials: increasing high-quality research in the drug and alcohol field
- Creator: Sanson-Fisher, Rob , Brand, Matthew , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Haber, Paul , Day, Carolyn , Conigrave, Katherine , Mattick, Richard , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Teesson, Maree
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2010
Implementation of a Multi-Modal Training Program for the Management of Comorbid Mental Disorders in Drug and Alcohol Settings: Pathways to Comorbidity Care (PCC)
- Creator: Louie, Eva , Morley, Kirsten C. , Rogers, David , Dunlop, Adrian , Baillie, Andrew , Haber, Paul S. , Giannopoulos, Vicki , Uribe, Gabriela , Wood, Katie , Marel, Christina , Mills, Katherine L. , Teesson, Maree , Edwards, Michael , Childs, Steven
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Integrated exposure-based therapy for co-occurring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and substance dependence: predictors of change in PTSD symptom severity
- Creator: Mills, Katherine L. , Barrett, Emma L. , Teesson, Maree , Merz, Sabine , Rosenfeld, Julia , Ewer, Philippa L. , Sannibale, Claudia , Baker, Amanda L. , Hopwood, Sally , Back, Sudie E. , Brady, Kathleen T.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review
- Creator: Thornton, Louise , Osman, Bridie , Champion, Katrina , Green, Olivia , Wescott, Annie B. , Gardner, Lauren A. , Stewart, Courtney , Visontay, Rachel , Whife, Jesse , Parmenter, Belinda , Birrell, Louise , Bryant, Zachary , Chapman, Cath , Lubans, David , Slade, Tim , Torous, John , Teesson, Maree , Van de Ven, Pepijn
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Motherhood and drinking: The relative importance of mental health and psychosocial factors on maternal alcohol misuse during the postpartum period
- Creator: Prior, Katrina , Piggott, Monique , Stapinski, Lexine A. , Hunt, Sally , Vanstone, Victoria , McCormack, Clare , Newton, Nicola C. , Teesson, Maree , Birrell, Louise , Kershaw, Stephanie , Thornton, Louise
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024