Genetics of hand grip strength in mid to late life
- Creator: Chan, Jessica P. L. , Thalamuthu, Anbupalam , Reppermund, Simone , Menant, Jasmine , Trollor, Julian N. , Brodaty, Henry , Schofield, Peter R. , Attia, John R. , Sachdev, Perminder S. , Scott, Rodney J. , Mather, Karen A. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Armstrong, Nicola J. , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , McEvoy, Mark , Kwok, John B. , Assareh, Amelia A. , Peel, Rosanne , Hancock, Stephen J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Differential effect of disease-associated ST8SIA2 haplotype on cerebral white matter diffusion properties in schizophrenia and healthy controls
- Creator: Fullerton, Janice M. , Klauser, Paul , Schofield, Peter R. , Weikert, Cyndi Shannon , Pantelis, Christos , Fornito, Alex , Whitford, Thomas J. , Weickert, Thomas W. , Zalesky, Andrew , Lenroot, Rhosel K. , Shaw, Alex D. , Overs, Bronwyn , Heath, Anna , Cairns, Murray J. , Atkins, Joshua , Scott, Rodney , Australian Schizophrenia Research Bank,
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Distinct physiological mechanisms underlie altered glycinergic synaptic transmission in the murine mutants spastic, spasmodic, and oscillator
- Creator: Graham, Brett Anthony , Schofield, Peter R. , Sah, Pankaj , Margrie, Troy W. , Callister, Robert John
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2006
Genome-wide significant results identified for plasma apolipoprotein H levels in middle-aged and older adults
- Creator: Mather, Karen A. , Thalamuthu, Anbupalam , Reppermund, Simone , Kochan, Nicole A. , Lee, Teresa , Ames, David , Wright, Margaret J. , Trollor, Julian N. , Schofield, Peter W. , Brodaty, Henry , Scott, Rodney J. , Schofield, Peter R. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Attia, John R. , Sachdev, Perminder S. , Song, Fei , Armstrong, Nicola J. , Poljak, Anne , Holliday, Elizabeth G. , McEvoy, Mark , Kwok, John B. , Assareh, Amelia A.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Tackling Dementia Together via The Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT): A Summary of Initiatives, Progress and Plans
- Creator: Naismith, Sharon L. , Michaelian, Johannes C. , Breakspear, Michael , Ahern, Susannah , Fripp, Jurgen , Schofield, Peter R. , Sachdev, Perminder S. , Rowe, Christopher C. , Santos, Cherry , Mehrani, Inga , Robertson, Joanne , Wallis, Kasey , Lin, Xiaoping , Ward, Stephanie A. , Martins, Ralph , Masters, Colin L.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
High polygenic risk score for exceptional longevity is associated with a healthy metabolic profile
- Creator: Revelas, Mary , Thalamuthu, Anbupalam , Trollor, Julian N. , Waern, Margda , Wright, Margaret J. , Zetterberg, Henrik , Ames, David , Belnnow, Kaj , Brodaty, Henry , Scott, Rodney J. , Skoog, Ingmar , Attia, John R. , Zettergren, Anna , Sachdev, Perminder S. , Mather, KA , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Najar, Jenna , Seidu, Nazib M. , Armstrong, Nicola J. , Riveros, Carlos , Kwok, John B. , Schofield, Peter R.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Exceptional longevity and polygenic risk for cardiovascular health
- Creator: Revelas, Mary , Thalamuthu, Anbupalam , Attia, John R. , Sachdev, Perminder S. , Mather, Karen A. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Evans, Tiffany-Jane , Armstrong, Nicola J. , Riveros, Carlos , Kwok, John B. , Schofield, Peter R. , Brodaty, Henry , Scott, Rodney J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Review and meta-analysis of genetic polymorphisms associated with exceptional human longevity
- Creator: Revelas, Mary , Thalamuthu, Anbupalam , Attia, John R. , Mather, Karen A. , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Evans, Tiffany-Jane , Armstrong, Nicola J. , Kwok, John B. , Brodaty, Henry , Schofield, Peter R. , Scott, Rodney J. , Sachdev, Perminder S.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Gene-microRNA interactions associated with antipsychotic mechanisms and the metabolic side effects of olanzapine
- Creator: Santarelli, Danielle M. , Liu, Bing , Duncan, Carlotta E. , Beveridge, Natalie J. , Tooney, Paul A. , Schofield, Peter R. , Cairns, Murray J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2013