A mixed-method study of effects of a therapeutic play intervention for children on parental anxiety and parents' perceptions of the intervention
- Creator: He, Hong-Gu , Zhu, Li-Xia , Chan, Wai-Chi Sally , Liam, Joanne Li Wee , Ko, Saw Sandar , Li, Ho Cheung William , Wang, Wenru , Yobas, Piyanee
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Effects of postoperative pain management educational interventions on the outcomes of parents and their children who underwent an inpatient elective surgery: A randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Zhu, Lixia , Chan, Wai-Chi Sally , Liam, Joanne Li Wee , Xiao, Chunxiang , Lim, Evelyn Chin Choo , Luo, Nan , Cheng, Kin Fong Karis , He, Hong-Gu
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Parents' knowledge, attitudes, use of pain relief methods and satisfaction related to their children's postoperative pain management: a descriptive correlational study
- Creator: Chng, Hui Yi , He, Hong-Gu , Chan, Sally Wai-Chi , Liam, Joanne Li Wee , Zhu, Lixia , Cheng, Karis Kin Fong
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015
Therapeutic play intervention on children's perioperative anxiety, negative emotional manifestation and postoperative pain: a randomized controlled trial
- Creator: He, Hong-Gu , Zhu, Lixia , Chan, Sally Wai-Chi , Liam, Joanne Li Wee , Li, Ho Cheung William , Ko, Saw Sandar , Klainin-Yobas, Piyanee , Wang, Wenru
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2015