'The lesser of two evils': a qualitative study of staff and client experiences and beliefs about addressing tobacco in addiction treatment settings
- Creator: Wilson, Amanda J. , Bonevski, Billie , Dunlop, Adrian , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Tzelepis, Flora , Walsberger, Scott , Farrell, Michael , Kelly, Peter J. , Guillaumier, Ashleigh
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
96-week retention in treatment with extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections among people with opioid dependence: Extended follow-up after a single-arm trial
- Creator: Farrell, Michael , Shahbazi, Jeyran , Nielsen, Suzanne , Dunlop, Adrian , Dore, Gregory J. , McDonough, Michael , Montebello, Mark , Weiss, Rob , Rodgers, Craig , Cook, Jon , Degenhardt, Louisa , Chambers, Mark , Byrne, Marianne , Gholami, Jaleh , Zahra, Emma , Grebely, Jason , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Larance, Briony , Ali, Robert
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
A randomized clinical trial of a financial education intervention with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for low socio-economic status Australian smokers: a study protocol
- Creator: Courtney, Ryan J. , Bradford, Deborah , West, Robert , Mattick, Richard P. , Martire, Kristy A. , Bonevski, Billie , Borland, Ron , Doran, Christopher , Hall, Wayne , Farrell, Michael , Siahpush, Mohammad , Sanson-Fisher, Rob
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2014
Age at first alcohol-related hospital separation or emergency department presentation and rate of re-admission: A retrospective data linkage cohort of young Australians
- Creator: Yuen, Wing S. , Leung, Janni , Dunlop, Adrian , Mattick, Richard P. , Peacock, Amy , Man, Nicola , Chiu, Vivian , Gisev, Natasa , Livingston, Michael , Degenhardt, Louisa , Farrell, Michael , Pearson, Sallie-Anne , Dobbins, Timothy
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
An organisational change intervention for increasing the delivery of smoking cessation support in addiction treatment centres: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Bonevski, Billie , Guillaumier, Ashleigh , Kelly, Peter , Fry, Rae , Stirling, Robert , Fowlie, Carrie , Skelton, Eliza , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Farrell, Michael , Tzelepis, Flora , Walsberger, Scott , D'Este, Catherine , Paul, Chris , Dunlop, Adrian , Searles, Andrew
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Assessing the concurrent validity, inter-rater reliability and test-re-test reliability of the Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile (ATOP) in alcohol and opioid treatment populations
- Creator: Deacon, Rachel M. , Mammen, Kristie , Bruno, Raimondo , Mills, Llewellyn , Dunlop, Adrian , Holmes, Jennifer , Jefferies, Meryem , Hall, Michelle , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Farrell, Michael , Graham, Robert , Lintzeris, Nicholas
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Determining clinical cutoff scores for the Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile psychological health, physical health and quality of life questions
- Creator: Mammen, Kristie , Mills, Llewellyn , Deacon, Rachel M. , Bruno, Raimondo , Dunlop, Adrian , Holmes, Jennifer , Luksza, Jennifer , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Farrell, Michael , Lintzeris, Nicholas
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Effect of Cytisine vs Varenicline on Smoking Cessation A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Creator: Courtney, Ryan J. , McRobbie, Hayden , Kwan, Benjamin C. H. , Walker, Natalie , Gartner, Coral , Mattick, Richard P. , Paul, Christine , Ferguson, Stuart G. , Zwar, Nicholas A. , Richmond, Robyn L. , Doran, Christopher M. , Boland, Veronica C. , Tutka, Piotr , Hall, Wayne , West, Robert , Farrell, Michael , Weaver, Natasha A. , Petrie, Dennis , Mendelsohn, Colin P. , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Talukder, Saki , Macdonald, Christel , Thomas, Dennis
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Effect of increasing the delivery of smoking cessation care in alcohol and other drug treatment centres: a cluster-randomized controlled trial
- Creator: Guillaumier, Ashleigh , Skelton, Eliza , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Farrell, Michael , Tzelepis, Flora , Walsberger, Scott , D'Este, Catherine , Paul, Christine , Dunlop, Adrian , Stirling, Robert , Fowlie, Carrie , Kelly, Peter , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Palazzi, Kerrin , Bonevski, Billie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Factors associated with Quitline and pharmacotherapy utilisation among low-socioeconomic status smokers
- Creator: Boland, Veronica C. , Mattick, Richard P. , Siahpush, Mohammad , Barker, Daniel , Doran, Christopher M. , Martire, Kristy A. , Bonevski, Billie , McRobbie, Hayden , Borland, Ron , Farrell, Michael , West, Robert , Courtney, Ryan J.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Finding the optimal treatment model: A systematic review of treatment for co-occurring alcohol misuse and depression
- Creator: Hobden, Breanne , Bryant, Jamie , Carey, Mariko , Baker, Amanda L. , Farrell, Michael , Oldmeadow, Christopher , Mattick, Richard P. , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Sanson-Fisher, Rob
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Health and Social Characteristics of Clients Reporting Amphetamine Type Substance Use at Entry to Public Alcohol and Other Drug Services in New South Wales, Australia, 2016–2019
- Creator: Black, Emma , Mammen, Kristie , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Siefried, Krista J. , Farrell, Michael , Holmes, Jennifer , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Deacon, Rachel M. , Ezard, Nadine , Mills, Llewellyn , Dunlop, Adrian J. , Montebello, Mark , Reid, David , Childs, Steven , Bruno, Raimondo
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2023
Impact of opioid-free analgesia on pain severity and patient satisfaction after discharge from surgery: multispecialty, prospective cohort study in 25 countries
- Creator: Xu, William , Liu, Gordon , Soh, Rachel Ting Qian , Saeed, Umar , Abdulwahed, Eman , Farrell, Michael , Wright, Deborah , Martin, Jennifer , Pockney, Peter , Varghese, Chris , Wells, Cameron , Smith, Nicolas , Windsor, John , Gaborit, Lorane , Goh, Sarah , Basam, Aya , Elhadi, Muhammed
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of acute methamphetamine withdrawal: A pilot feasibility and safety trial
- Creator: Acheson, Liam S. , Ezard, Nadine , Shoptaw, Steve , Siefried, Krista J. , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Dunlop, Adrian , Brett, Jonathan , Rodgers, Craig , Gill, Anthony , Christmass, Michael , McKetin, Rebecca , Farrell, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Opioid-sparing effect of cannabinoids for analgesia: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical and clinical studies
- Creator: Nielsen, Suzanne , Picco, Louisa , Farrell, Michael , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Le Foll, Bernard , Murnion, Bridin , Winters, Bryony , Matheson, Justin , Graham, Myfanwy , Campbell, Gabrielle , Parvaresh, Laila , Khor, Kok-Eng , Betz-Stablein, Brigid
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Outcomes of a single-arm implementation trial of extended-release subcutaneous buprenorphine depot injections in people with opioid dependence
- Creator: Farrell, Michael , Shahbazi, Jeyran , Byrne, Marianne , Grebely, Jason , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Chambers, Mark , Larance, Briony , Ali, Robert , Nielsen, Suzanne , Dunlop, Adrian , Dore, Gregory J. , McDonough, Michael , Montebello, Mark , Nicholas, Thomas , Weiss, Rob , Rodgers, Craig , Cook, Jon , Degenhardt, Louisa
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Participant experiences in a pilot study for methamphetamine withdrawal treatment: Implications for retention
- Creator: Acheson, Liam S. , Clay, Simon , Ezard, Nadine , Siefried, Krista J. , McKetin, Rebecca , Lintzeris, Nicholas , Dunlop, Adrian , Brett, Jonathan , Christmass, Michael , Rodgers, Craig , Shoptaw, Steve , Farrell, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Predictors of retention in a randomised trial of smoking cessation in low-socioeconomic status Australian smokers
- Creator: Courtney, Ryan J. , Clare, Philip , Farrell, Michael , Mattick, Richard P. , Boland, Veronica , Martire, Kristy A. , Bonevski, Billie , Hall, Wayne , Siahpush, Mohammad , Borland, Ron , Doran, Christopher M. , West, Robert
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
Prevalence and characteristics associated with chronic noncancer pain in suicide decedents: a national study
- Creator: Campbell, Gabrielle , Darke, Shane , Degenhardt, Louisa , Townsend, Harriet , Carter, Gregory , Draper, Brian , Farrell, Michael , Duflou, Johan , Lappin, Julia
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Prevalence and factors associated with polydrug use among clients seeking treatment for alcohol misuse
- Creator: Lawson, Samuel , Bryant, Jamie , Freund, Megan , Dizon, Joshua , Haber, Paul S. , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Jefferies, Meryem , Farrell, Michael
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024