Your selections:
Ancient Indian square roots: an exercise in forensic Paleo-mathematics
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
Surprising sinc sums and integrals
- Baillie, Robert, Borwein, David, Borwein, Jonathan M.
Surprise maximization
- Borwein, D., Borwein, J. M., Maréchal, P.
A sinc that sank
- Borwein, David, Borwein, Jonathan M., Straub, Armin
A note on alternating series in several dimensions
- Borwein, David, Borwein, Jonathan M.
The converse of the mean value theorem may fail generically
- Borwein, J. M., Wang, Xianfu
The way of all means
- Borwein, J. M., Borwein, P. B.
Strange series and high precision fraud
- Borwein, J. M., Borwein, P. B.
Pi, Euler numbers and asymptotic expansions
- Borwein, J. M., Borwein, P. B., Dilcher, K.
Hilbert's inequality and Witten's zeta-function
A class of Dirichlet series integrals
Emerging tools for experimental mathematics
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Corless, Robert M.
Euler-Boole summation revisited
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Calkin, Neil J., Manna, Dante
Continued fractions of tails of hypergeometric series
- Borwein, Jonathan Michael, Choi, Kwok-Kwong Stephen, Pigulla, Wilfried
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