Your selections:
"The one single primary cause": divorce, the family, and heterosexual pleasure in postwar Australia
Censoring sex: the case of WJ Chidley
Even more hidden from history? Male homosexuality and medicine in turn-of-the-century Australia
Let's talk about sex: histories of sexuality in Australia from federation to the pill
Marital rape and the marital rapist: the 1976 South Australian rape law reforms
- Featherstone, Lisa, Winn, Alexander George
Rethinking female pleasure: purity and desire in early twentieth-century Australia
Sex and subculture: Bruce Beresford's Puberty Blues
Sex educating the modern girl: the formation of new knowledge in interwar Australia
Sexy mamas?: women, sexuality and reproduction in Australia in the 1940's
The value of an infant: the rise of paediatrics in Australia, 1880-1910
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