Determining clinical cutoff scores for the Australian Treatment Outcomes Profile psychological health, physical health and quality of life questions
- Creator: Mammen, Kristie , Mills, Llewellyn , Deacon, Rachel M. , Bruno, Raimondo , Dunlop, Adrian , Holmes, Jennifer , Luksza, Jennifer , Shakeshaft, Anthony , Farrell, Michael , Lintzeris, Nicholas
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Measurement of adherence to home-based exercises among community-dwelling stroke survivors in India
- Creator: Mahmood, Amreen , Solomon, John Michael , English, Coralie , Bhaskaran, Unnikrishnan , Menon, Girish , Manikandan, Natarajan
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT)
- Creator: Unsworth, Carolyn A. , Timmer, Amanda , Wales, Kylie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Readiness for discharge from subacute mental health units for older people: using available measures to support clinical decision-making
- Creator: McMinn, Bryan G. , Lewin, Terry J. , Savio, Naveen , Matters, Dawn , Smith, Carol
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2017
An examination of outcome measures for pain and dysfunction in the cervical spine: a factor analysis
- Creator: Pickering, Phillip M. , Osmotherly, Peter G. , Attia, John R. , McElduff, Patrick
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2011
Health-related quality of life in chronic hepatitis B patients
- Creator: Ong, Siew Chin , Mak, Belinda , Aung, Myat Oo , Li, Shu-Chuen , Lim, Seng-Gee
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2008