Your selections:
Proximal point algorithms, dynamical systems, and associated operators: modern perspectives from experimental mathematics
Computer Discovery and Analysis of Large Poisson Polynomials
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M., Kimberley, Jason S., Ladd, Watson
Automated simplification of large symbolic expressions
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M., Kaiser, Alexander D.
Compressed lattice sums arising from the Poisson equation
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
Hand-to-hand combat with thousand-digit integrals
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
High-precision computation: mathematical physics and dynamics
- Bailey, D. H., Barrio, R., Borwein, J. M.
Advances in the theory of box integrals
- Bailey, D. H., Borwein, J. M., Crandall, R. E.
Experimental mathematics and computational statistics
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
The computer as crucible: an introduction to experimental mathematics
- Borwein, Jonathan, Devlin, Keith
Mathematics by experiment: plausible reasoning in the 21st century
- Borwein, Jonathan, Bailey, David
Surprising sinc sums and integrals
- Baillie, Robert, Borwein, David, Borwein, Jonathan M.
Effective bounds in Euler-Maclaurin-based quadrature: (summary for HPCS06)
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
Ten problems in experimental mathematics
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M., Kapoor, Vishaal, Weisstein, Eric W.
Experimental mathematics: examples, methods and implications
- Bailey, David H., Borwein, Jonathan M.
The experimental mathematician : the pleasure of discovery and the role of proof
Experimental mathematics (editorial)
Emerging tools for experimental mathematics
- Borwein, Jonathan M., Corless, Robert M.
Making sense of experimental mathematics
- Borwein, J., Borwein, P., Girgensohn, R., Parnes, S.
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