Exploring definitions and predictors of response to biologics for severe asthma

- Scelo, Ghislaine; Tran, Trung N.; Bergeron, Celine; Bjermer, Leif; Bjerrum, Anne S.; Cano-Rosales, Diana Jimena; Canonica, Giorgio Walter; Carter, Victoria; Charriot, Jeremy; Christoff, George C.; Cosio, Borja G.; Denton, Eve; Le, Tham T.; Fernandez-Sanchez, Maria Jose; Fonseca, JA; Gibson, Peter G.; Goh, C; Heaney, LG; Heffler, E; Hew, M; Iwanaga, T; Katial, R; Koh, MS; Faregås, Malin; Kuna, P; Larenas-Linnemann, D; Lehtimäki, L; Mahboub, B; Martin, N; Matsumoto, H; Menzies-Gow, AN; Papadopoulos, NG; Patel, P; Perez-De-Llano, L; Dorscheid, Delbert; Peters, M; Pfeffer, PE; Popov, TA; Porsbjerg, CM; Rhee, CK; Sadatsafavi, M; Taillé, C; Torres-Duque, CA; Tsai, M-J; Ulrik, CS; Busby, John; Upham, JW; von Bülow, A; Wang, E; Wechsler, ME; Price, DB; Al-Ahmad, Mona; Al-Lehebi, Riyad; Altraja, Alan; Beastall, Aaron