Yamaji Aizan and his time: nationalism and debating Japanese history (book review)
Number of Objects: 1
Yanama budyari gumada, to walk with good spirit: co-becoming with weeds and fire on/with/as Yarramundi, Dharug Ngurra, Western Sydney
Number of Objects: 1
Yanama Budyari Gumada, walk with good spirit as method: Co-creating local environmental stewards on/with/as Darug Ngurra
Number of Objects: 1
Yanama budyari gumada: reframing the urban to care as Darug Country in Western Sydney
Number of Objects: 1
Yandaarra is living protocol
Number of Objects: 1
Yarning about foot care: evaluation of a foot care service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Number of Objects: 1
Yarning the way: the role of Indigenous education paraprofessionals in guiding the post-school transitions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth
Number of Objects: 2
Year of the Bird: a celebration of hybridity
Number of Objects: 1
The year of the horse
Number of Objects: 1
Yearning to yarn: using Aboriginal ways of knowing and learning to support clinical placement experiences of Aboriginal health professional students
Number of Objects: 2
The yellow cake road: Malcolm Fraser, the ranger enquiry and Australia's role in the US international fuel cycle project
Number of Objects: 1
Yerranderie a Late Devonian silver-gold-lead intermediate sulfidation epithermal district, eastern Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Yield of carotenoids, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of extracts from Gac peel as affected by different solvents and extraction conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Yield stress and volume change behaviour of unsaturated soils
Number of Objects: 2
Yield stress, volume change, and shear strength behaviour of unsaturated soils: validation of the SFG model
Number of Objects: 2
Ym1/2 promotes Th2 cytokine expression by inhibiting 12/15(S)-lipoxygenase: identification of a novel pathway for regulating allergic inflammation
Number of Objects: 1
Yosano Akiko's 'Midaregami' (1901): modernity and Kansai culture
Number of Objects: 1
Yotsui kotsuban ryoiki no rinsho kaibogaku: yotsui no hyoka chiryo no kagakuteki konkyo
Number of Objects: 1
You are here: a system thinking approach to navigating an uncertain future
Number of Objects: 1
You can't do that! Directors insuring against criminal WHS penalties
Number of Objects: 2
"You Can't Make a Good Wine without a Few Beers": gatekeepers and knowledge flow in industrial districts
Number of Objects: 1
You Can't Please Everyone The Secular State, the Liberal State, the Neutral State
Number of Objects: 1
"You can't say that at SAHANZ": critical nearness and the role of autoethnography in architectural history
Number of Objects: 1
You Can’t Go Home Again: The Recuperative Reboot and the Trump Era Sitcom
Number of Objects: 1
"You don't know until you get there": The positive and negative "lived" experience of parenting an adult child with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Number of Objects: 1
"You need something like this to give you guidelines on what to do": patients' and partners' use and perceptions of a self-directed coping skills training resource
Number of Objects: 4
You see froot, you think fruit: examining the effectiveness of pseudohomophone priming
Number of Objects: 1
You see what I want you to see: poisoning vulnerabilities in neural code search
Number of Objects: 1
You'ss be OK!: induction experiences and reflections of NSW beginning teachers in physical education
Number of Objects: 1
Young aboriginal fathers: the findings and impact of a research project undertaken in the Hunter Valley, NSW
Number of Objects: 2
Young Aboriginal people's engagement with STI testing in the Northern Territory, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Young Aboriginal people's sexual health risk reduction strategies: A qualitative study in remote Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Young adolescents living in the liminal space of cancer: A narrative inquiry study
Number of Objects: 1
Young adult cancer survivors' psychosocial well-being: a cross-sectional study assessing quality of life, unmet needs, and health behaviors
Number of Objects: 1
Young adult males' motivators and perceived barriers towards eating healthily and being active: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Young adults' attachment orientations and psychological health across cultures: the moderating role of individualism and collectivism
Number of Objects: 2
Young Australian women explain their contraceptive choices
Number of Objects: 2
Young Australians with moderate to severe mental health problems: client data and outcomes at children and young people's mental health
Number of Objects: 2
Young children as active participants in the investigation of teaching and learning
Number of Objects: 2
Young children with type 1 diabetes can achieve glycemic targets without hypoglycemia: Results of a novel intensive diabetes management program
Number of Objects: 1
Young children's developing theory of mind and shared storybook reading in the preschool setting
Number of Objects: 2
Young children's living and learning experiences under the biliterate and trilingual education policy in Hong Kong
Number of Objects: 1
Young children's understanding of oddity: reducing complexity by simple oddity and 'most different' strategies
Number of Objects: 1
Young children's use of ICT in Shanghai preschools
Number of Objects: 1
Young children's use of ICT: preschool teachers' perceptions and pedagogical practices in Shanghai
Number of Objects: 2
Young children, adolescent girls and women with type 1 diabetes are more overweight and obese than reference populations, and this is associated with increased cardiovascular risk factors
Number of Objects: 2
Young drivers’ engagement with social interactive technology on their smartphone: critical beliefs to target in public education messages
Number of Objects: 1
Young East Timorese in Australia: Becoming Part of a New Culture and the Impact of Refugee Experiences on Identity and Belonging
Number of Objects: 1
Young hospitality workers and the COVID-19 pandemic: work, family support and wellbeing
Number of Objects: 1
Young hospitality workers in their own words: working conditions, labouring practices and experiences of hospitality labour
Number of Objects: 1
Young Indonesian cruise workers, symbolic violence and international class relations
Number of Objects: 2
Young Indonesian musicians, strategic social capital, reflexivity, and timing
Number of Objects: 2
Young Indonesian musicians: making the transition to adulthood through entrepreneurial activities and mobility
Number of Objects: 1
Young men and peer fighting in Solo, Indonesia
Number of Objects: 2
Young men’s preferences for design and delivery of physical activity and nutrition interventions: a mixed-methods study
Number of Objects: 1
Young people with co-existing mental health and drug and alcohol problems
Number of Objects: 2
Young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus: attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of diabetes management and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy
Number of Objects: 1
Young people's perceptions of the objective physical activity monitoring process: a qualitative exploration
Number of Objects: 1
Young people, debt and consumer credit pilot study report
Number of Objects: 1
Young people, education and hope: bringing VET in from the margins
Number of Objects: 1
Young people, identity, class, and the family
Number of Objects: 1
Young People’s Support Needs During the Military–Civilian Transition: “I Would Have Been a Very Different Person if There was More Support Available”
Number of Objects: 1
Young people’s voices regarding the use of social networking sites to plan for a night out where alcohol is involved
Number of Objects: 1
Young rural people at risk for schizophrenia: time for mental health services to translate research evidence into best practice of care
Number of Objects: 1
Young subjectivities and affective labour in the service economy
Number of Objects: 1
A young testicular microenvironment protects Leydig cells against age-related dysfunction in a mouse model of premature aging
Number of Objects: 1
A young woman who has taken an overdose of paracetamol (acetaminophen)
Number of Objects: 2
Young women and everyday media engagement in Muslim Southeast Asia
Number of Objects: 1
Young women's complex patterns of contraceptive use: findings from an Australian cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Young women's negotiations of gender, the body and the labour market in a post-feminist context
Number of Objects: 2
Young's modulus variation of carbon nanotubes due to defects associated with atomic reconstruction of random vacancies
Number of Objects: 2
Young, Muslim and looking for a job in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Younger Dryas-Holocene temperature and rainfall history of southern Indonesia from delta δ¹⁸O in speleothem calcite and fluid inclusions
Number of Objects: 1
Your bloomin' lot: an empirical study of the popular baby boomer stereotype
Number of Objects: 1
Your future is in your hands (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
Your future workforce: factsheet
Number of Objects: 1
Your “Eyesore,” My History? People and “Dead” Cars in a Remote Aboriginal Community
Number of Objects: 1
Youth and habitus at three Australian schools: perceptions of ambitions, risks and the future in reflexive modernity
Number of Objects: 2
Youth and political economy: towards a Bourdieusian approach
Number of Objects: 1
Youth and spatiality: towards interdisciplinarity in youth studies (editorial)
Number of Objects: 2
Youth and the consumption of credit
Number of Objects: 1
Youth culture and Islam in Indonesia
Number of Objects: 1
Youth culture in/beyond Indonesia: hybridity or assemblage?
Number of Objects: 2
Youth homelessness in late modernity: reflexive identities and moral worth
Number of Objects: 1
Youth mental health competencies in regional general practice
Number of Objects: 1
Youth perspectives factsheet
Number of Objects: 1
Youth sociology must cross cultures
Number of Objects: 1
Youth transitions and youth culture
Number of Objects: 1
Youth transitions to urban, middle-class marriage in Indonesia: faith, family and finances
Number of Objects: 1
Youth work and managing behaviour
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, Class and Everyday Struggles
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, health and morality: body work and health assemblages
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, Precarious Work and the Pandemic
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, social media, and cyberbullying among Australian youth: "sick friends"
Number of Objects: 2
Youth, work and global capitalism: new directions
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, Work and the Post-Fordist Self
Number of Objects: 1
Youth, Work and ‘Career’ as a Way of Talking about the Self
Number of Objects: 1
Youthful culture: Immaterial labour, co-optation and the space between IRL young people and their conceptual doppelgangers
Number of Objects: 1
Youthful warrior masculinities in Indonesia
Number of Objects: 2