W(h)ither affirmative action legislation in Australia?
Number of Objects: 2
(W)riting across and within: providing a vehicle for sharing local nursing and midwifery projects and innovation
Number of Objects: 2
W-Hierarchies defined by symmetric gates
Number of Objects: 1
Waffle mode mitigation in adaptive optics systems: a constrained receding horizon control approach
Number of Objects: 1
Wage and productivity relationships in Australia and the Netherlands
Number of Objects: 2
Wages and wage determination in 2004
Number of Objects: 1
Wages and wage determination in 2005
Number of Objects: 1
Wages and wage determination in 2006
Number of Objects: 1
Wages and wage determination in 2007
Number of Objects: 1
The Wagiman Landscape: Mental Maps and Prototypes
Number of Objects: 1
Wagnerism in Moravia: Janácek's first opera, 'Sárka'
Number of Objects: 1
Waiting for Biraban: Lancelot Threlkeld and the ‘Chibcha Phenomenon’ in Australian missionary linguistics
Number of Objects: 3
Waiting room ambience and provision of opioid substitution therapy in general practice
Number of Objects: 1
Waiting times in aged care: What matters?
Number of Objects: 1
Wake interaction between two side-by-side square cylinders in channel flow
Number of Objects: 2
Walanbaa warramildanha: standing their ground: honouring Aboriginal standpoint to effect teachers’ professional knowledge
Number of Objects: 2
WALK 2.0: Examining the effectiveness of Web 2.0 features to increase physical activity in a 'real world' setting: an ecological trial
Number of Objects: 1
Walk-and-talk therapy versus traditional indoor therapy for men with low mood: a randomised pilot study
Number of Objects: 1
Walking a mile in their shoes: anxiety and depression among partners and caregivers of cancer survivors at 6 and 12 months post-diagnosis
Number of Objects: 2
Walking as respectful wayfinding in an uncertain age
Number of Objects: 2
Walking Between Land and Water: the Pedestrian Poetics of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Number of Objects: 1
Walking on real numbers
Number of Objects: 2
Walking the tightrope: exploring the relationship between confidentiality and disputant participation
Number of Objects: 1
Walking towards Woomera: touring the boundaries of 'unAustralian geographies'
Number of Objects: 1
The wall art of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan: when, where, why, to whom and by whom
Number of Objects: 1
Wall house
Number of Objects: 1
Wall ingrowth architecture in epidermal transfer cells of Vicia faba cotyledons
Number of Objects: 1
Wall ingrowth deposition in phloem parenchyma transfer cells in Arabidopsis: heteroblastic variations and a potential role in pathogen defence
Number of Objects: 1
Wall ingrowth formation in transfer cells: novel examples of localized wall deposition in plant cells
Number of Objects: 1
WALLABY - an SKA Pathfinder Hi survey
Number of Objects: 1
Wallerstein's world-systems analysis in comparative education: a case study
Number of Objects: 2
Walton Ford: cruel & unusual
Number of Objects: 1
Wanting and liking: components of situated motivation constructs?
Number of Objects: 3
Wanton with James
Number of Objects: 1
War and disorder: the Hague Child Abduction Convention: Australian law in context
Number of Objects: 1
War crimes and realpolitik: international justice from World War I to the 21st century
Number of Objects: 2
War in a ‘white man’s country’: Australian perceptions of blackness on the South African battlefield, 1899-1902
Number of Objects: 1
War in the age of bio-politics
Number of Objects: 1
A war of attrition: precarity and paucity for refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong
Number of Objects: 1
War on the enemy: self-defence and state-sponsored terrorism
Number of Objects: 2
War stories: French veteran narratives and the 'experience of war' in the nineteenth century
Number of Objects: 2
War stories: narrative sense-making in German Eastern front soldier memoirs
Number of Objects: 1
War, violence and the making of the Stalinist State: a Tillyian analysis
Number of Objects: 1
War, writing and the Wenz family
Number of Objects: 1
Warburg effect targeting Co(III) cytotoxin chaperone complexes
Number of Objects: 1
A Warburg effect targeting vector designed to increase the uptake of compounds by cancer cells demonstrates glucose and hypoxia dependent uptake
Number of Objects: 1
Ward reduction of gastroschisis: risk stratification helps optimise the outcome
Number of Objects: 1
Warfarin poisoning with delayed rebound toxicity
Number of Objects: 2
The Warman - looking beyond 30 years
Number of Objects: 2
Warming of irrigation fluids for prevention of perioperative hypothermia during arthroscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Warndarrang and Marra: a diffusional or genetic relationship?
Number of Objects: 1
Warning - this job contains strong language and adult themes: do nurses require thick skins and broad shoulders to deal with encounters involving swearing?
Number of Objects: 1
Warray plants and animals: Aboriginal flora and fauna knowledge from the upper Adelaide and upper Finniss Rivers, northern Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Wartime rape: the politics of making visible
Number of Objects: 1
Was COVID-19 an unexpected catalyst for more equitable learning outcomes? A comparative analysis after two years of disrupted schooling in Australian primary schools
Number of Objects: 1
Was the global settlement effective in mitigating systematic bias in affiliated analyst recommendations?
Number of Objects: 1
Waste level detection and HMM based collection scheduling of multiple bins
Number of Objects: 1
Waste mineral powder supplies plant available potassium: evaluation of chemical and biological interventions
Number of Objects: 1
Waste minimisation strategies at the design phase: architects' response
Number of Objects: 1
Waste recycling by vermicomposting: maturity and quality assessment via dehydrogenase enzyme activity, lignin, water soluble carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and other indicators
Number of Objects: 1
Waste the waist: a pilot randomised controlled trial of a primary care based intervention to support lifestyle change in people with high cardiovascular risk
Number of Objects: 1
Waste to feed: agricultural waste – grown brine shrimp (Artemia) as live food for aquaculture and potential source of protein for feeds
Number of Objects: 2
Waste to watt: anaerobic digestion of wastewater irrigated biomass for energy and fertiliser production
Number of Objects: 1
Waste-derived nanobiochar: A new avenue towards sustainable agriculture, environment, and circular bioeconomy
Number of Objects: 1
Waste-to-energy generation technologies and the developing economies: A multi-criteria analysis for sustainability assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Wasted, manipulated and compressed time: adult refugee students' experiences of transitioning into Australian higher education
Number of Objects: 1
Wastewater driven biomass production for energy generation
Number of Objects: 2
"Wasting time": A qualitative study of stroke survivors' experiences of boredom in non-therapy time during inpatient rehabilitation
Number of Objects: 1
The Watchman and the Hippopotamus: art, play, and otherness in Thud!
Number of Objects: 1
Water absorption and sorptivity of alkali-activated ternary blended composite binder
Number of Objects: 1
Water and protons in electrodeposited MnO₂ (EMD)
Number of Objects: 1
Water available for recycling after the placement of dense phase flyash slurries
Number of Objects: 1
Water based fractionation of particles
Number of Objects: 2
Water bells created from below
Number of Objects: 2
Water bells formed on the underside of a horizontal plate. Part 1: experimental investigation
Number of Objects: 1
Water bells formed on the underside of a horizontal plate. Part 2: theory
Number of Objects: 1
Water content measurement in expansive soils using the neutron probe
Number of Objects: 1
The water crisis in Jordan: a Habermasian analysis of how power and interests guide policy towards colonization and unsustainable water management
Number of Objects: 2
Water extractable organic carbon in untreated and chemical treated biochars
Number of Objects: 1
Water formation via HCl oxidation on Cu(100)
Number of Objects: 1
Water Imprints: Experiments unfolding history and landscapes
Number of Objects: 1
Water level trends in NSW coastal lakes by use of exceedance probability analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Water loss due to evaporation from open reservoirs under weather conditions in Vietnam
Number of Objects: 1
Water modelling of Bluescope Steel 55%Al-Zn metal coating pots
Number of Objects: 1
Water on silicon (001): C defects and initial steps of surface oxidation
Number of Objects: 2
Water policy, trust and governance in the Murray-Darling Basin
Number of Objects: 1
The Water Reckoning - learnings from the international Rolling Role project
Number of Objects: 1
Water resource management in a changing climate: can we afford to wait for the climate models to give us the answer?
Number of Objects: 1
Water resource management in a variable and changing climate: hypothetical case study to explore decision making under uncertainty
Number of Objects: 1
Water retention properties of engineered soils for mine rehabilitation
Number of Objects: 1
Water saturation effects on dynamic behavior and microstructure damage of sandstone: Phenomena and mechanisms
Number of Objects: 1
Water Saturation Effects on Thermal Infrared Radiation Features of Rock Materials During Deformation and Fracturing
Number of Objects: 1
Water scarcity, pricing mechanism and institutional reform in northern China irrigated agriculture
Number of Objects: 2
Water sorption isotherm of pea starch edible films and prediction models
Number of Objects: 1
Water stratification in the marine biome restricts vertical environmental DNA (eDNA) signal dispersal
Number of Objects: 1
Water trading as a climate change adaptation strategy - will we be happy if the objective is achieved?
Number of Objects: 1
Water transport by osmosis through a high-internal-phase, water-in-oil emulsion
Number of Objects: 2
Water transport properties and agglomeration efficacy of a high-internal-phase, water-in-oil emulsion binder
Number of Objects: 1
Water wave overwash of a step
Number of Objects: 1