O professor de História como historiador público
Number of Objects: 1
An O(2O(k)n3) FPT algorithm for the undirected feedback vertex set problem
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o-Vanillin derived schiff bases and their organotin(IV) compounds: synthesis, structural characterisation, in-silico studies and cytotoxicity
Number of Objects: 2
Oak (Quercus robur) acorn peel as a low-cost adsorbent for hexavalent chromium removal from aquatic ecosystems and industrial effluents
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OBATOCLAX and ABT-737 induce ER stress responses in human melanoma cells that limit induction of apoptosis
Number of Objects: 1
Obese asthmatics are characterized by altered adipose tissue macrophage activation
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Obesity and asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Obesity and childhood asthma - mechanisms and manifestations
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity and craniofacial structure as risk factors for obstructive sleep apnoea: impact of ethnicity
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity and male infertility
Number of Objects: 1
Obesity and melanoma: exploring molecular links
Number of Objects: 1
Obesity and risk of recurrence or death after adjuvant endocrine therapy with letrozole or tamoxifen in the Breast International Group 1-98 trial
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Obesity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Insights from the REDUCE LAP-HF II trial
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Obesity in men: are professional football clubs onside?
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity in pregnancy: implications for foetal and postnatal growth
Number of Objects: 1
The obesity phenotype in children with asthma
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity prevention and human service organisations: a survey of managers
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity prevention in the family day care setting: impact of the Romp & Chomp intervention on opportunities for children's physical activity and healthy eating
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity prevention within the early childhood education and care setting: A systematic review of dietary behavior and physical activity policies and guidelines in high income countries
Number of Objects: 1
Obesity promotes prolonged ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation modulating T helper type 1 (Th1), Th2 and Th17 immune responses in BALB/c mice
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Obesity risk among young Australian women: a prospective latent class analysis
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Obesity surgery still does not equal laparoscopic gastric banding
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Obesity, aspirin, and risk of colorectal cancer in carriers of hereditary colorectal cancer: a prospective investigation in the CAPP2 study
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Obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome and breastfeeding: an observational study
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Obesity, the new childhood disability? An umbrella review on the association between adiposity and physical function
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Obesity-Associated Metabolic Signatures Correlate to Clinical and Inflammatory Profiles of Asthma: A Pilot Study
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Obesity: the new global threat to healthy ageing and longevity
Number of Objects: 2
Obesity: translation and testing of a survey instrument for use in Taiwan
Number of Objects: 2
Obituary: Eric Clifford Wigglesworth AM: 21 May 1926 - 22 March 2009
Number of Objects: 1
The object of Alcibiades' love
Number of Objects: 2
An object oriented time model of a decision support system for intoxication diagnoses
Number of Objects: 1
Object verbs: link from Timor-Alor-Pantar to Trans-New-Guinea: an exploration of their typological and historical implications
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Object-oriented change detection and damage assessment using high-resolution remote sensing images, Tangjiao Landslide, Three Gorges Reservoir, China
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Objective clinical tests of dual-task dynamic postural control in youth athletes with concussion
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Objective concurrent feedback on force parameters improves performance of lumbar mobilisation, but skill retention declines rapidly
Number of Objects: 2
Objective duplex ultrasound evaluation of the extracranial circulation in multiple sclerosis patients undergoing venoplasty of internal jugular vein stenoses: a pilot study
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Objective measures of emotion during virtual walks through urban environments
Number of Objects: 2
Objective measures of emotion related to brand attitude: a new way to quantify emotion-related aspects relevant to marketing
Number of Objects: 1
Objective quantification of nerves in immunohistochemistry specimens of thyroid cancer utilising deep learning
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Objectively measured sedentary behavior, physical activity, and plasma lipids in overweight and obese children
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Objectively measured sedentary behaviour and health and development in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta-analysis
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Objectively measured waist circumference is most strongly associated in father–boy and mother–girl dyads in a large nationally representative sample of New Zealanders
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Objectives, locations and partner selections of foreign invested enterprises in China
Number of Objects: 1
Objectivity, Reliability, and Validity of the Basketball Throw Test as a Health-related Measure of Upper-Body Muscular Strength in a Sample of Algerian Primary School Children
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The oboe reed making DVD.
Number of Objects: 3
Obscenity and fabrication in equity and widening participation methodologies
Number of Objects: 1
Observation of a yellow-footed Antechinus Antechinus flavipes foraging on needle-leaved mistletoe Amyema cambagei flowers: are Antechinus pollinators of mistletoe?
Number of Objects: 1
Observation of diffuse scattering in scanning helium microscopy
Number of Objects: 1
An observation of predation and prey caching of Ctenophorus parviceps (Squamata: Agamidae) and Lerista miopus (squamata: Scincidae) in Western Australia
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Observation of raptor-avoidance behaviour by a Dusky Woodswallow Artamus cyanopterus
Number of Objects: 1
Observation of Residual Stress and Fatigue Behavior of Structurally Integrated Thermally Sprayed Nickel Coatings
Number of Objects: 1
Observation of the extent of smoking in a mental health inpatient facility with a smoke-free policy
Number of Objects: 1
Observation versus late reintroduction of letrozole as adjuvant endocrine therapy for hormone receptorpositive breast cancer (ANZ0501 LATER): an open-label randomised, controlled trial
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An observation-based model for corrosion of concrete sewers under aggressive conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Observational review and analysis of concussion: a method for conducting a standardised video analysis of concussion in rugby league
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An observational study of Australian private practice physiotherapy consultations to explore the prescription of self-management strategies
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Observational study of mental health in asthmatic women during the prenatal and postnatal periods
Number of Objects: 1
An observational study of psychotropic drug use and initiation in older patients resident in their own home or in care
Number of Objects: 1
An observational study of the discrediting of COX-2 NSAIDs in Australia: Vioxx or class effect?
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An observational study of the impact of an antenatal asthma management service on asthma control during pregnancy
Number of Objects: 1
An observational study of the impact of professional walking aid prescription on gait parameters for individuals with suspected balance impairments
Number of Objects: 1
An observational study to explore the feasibility of assessing bereaved relatives’ experiences before and after a quality improvement project to improve care of dying medical inpatients
Number of Objects: 1
Observations about the corrosion of reinforcement in marine environments
Number of Objects: 2
Observations about the performance of reinforcement in marine environments
Number of Objects: 1
Observations and analysis of a 63-year-old reinforced concrete promenade railing exposed to the North Sea
Number of Objects: 1
Observations and modelling of flow parameters: reflected insights into the flow mechanisms of horizontal granular dense phase pneumatic conveying
Number of Objects: 1
Observations and modelling of the wave mode evolution of an impulse-driven 3 mHz ULF wave
Number of Objects: 2
Observations of atmospheric corrosion in an aggressive marine environment
Number of Objects: 1
Observations of dense phase pneumatic conveying using an inertial measurement unit
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Observations of geomagnetically induced currents in the Australian power network
Number of Objects: 1
Observations of interference competition between the introduced black rat and native marsupial gliders in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Observations of magnetospheric substorms during the passage of a corotating interaction region
Number of Objects: 2
Observations of Pi2 pulsations by the Wallops HF radar in association with substorm expansion
Number of Objects: 1
Observations on the crystal structures of lueshite
Number of Objects: 1
Observations on the roost characteristics of the east-coast free-tailed bat mormopterus norfolkensis in two different regions of New South Wales
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Observe, Research, Create Case Studies in Natural History Illustration PhD Projects
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Observed airblast variability and model error from repeatable explosive field trials
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An observed relationship between vestibular function and auditory thresholds in aircraft-maintenance workers
Number of Objects: 1
Observer gain optimization for minimization of minimal robust positively invariant set and invariant set-based fault detection
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Observer presence influences the behaviour of the Semaphore crab, Heloecious cordiformis
Number of Objects: 2
Observer rating of memory in children: a review
Number of Objects: 1
Observer-based control for singular nonhomogeneous Markov jump systems with packet losses
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Observer-based control of Matrix Converters with the supply side power factor and harmonic compensation
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Observer-based Fault Tolerant Control for a Class of Lure Nonlinear Systems
Number of Objects: 1
Observer-Based Power Factor Control for Matrix Converters in Dynamic Applications
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Observers and invariant sets for lure-type nonlinear systems using LPV-embedding
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Observing and modelling the high water level from satellite radar altimetry during tropical cyclones
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Observing evidence accumulation during multi-alternative decisions
Number of Objects: 2
Observing the open-closed boundary using cusp-latitude magnetometers
Number of Objects: 2
Observing the small gestures: human rights vectors in the Vietnamese trade law environment
Number of Objects: 1
Observing the Uncanny Valley: Gender Differences in Perceptions of Avatar Uncanniness
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Obstacle Course: Women’s Entry into Skilled Positions in the Newcastle Steel Industry, 1980-2000
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Obstacle Impacts on Methane-Air Flame Propagation Properties in Straight Pipes
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Obstacles facing young Muslim jobseekers in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Obstacles to participation in randomised cancer clinical trials: a systematic review of the literature
Number of Objects: 1
Obstacles to sustainable construction in developing countries
Number of Objects: 1
Obstetric outcomes for women with female genital mutilation at an Australian hospital, 2006-2012: a descriptive study
Number of Objects: 1
Obtaining 2-D high-resolution cone tip resistance fields
Number of Objects: 2