New formulations for the setup assembly line balancing and scheduling problem
Number of Objects: 1
A new framework for privacy-preserving biometric-based remote user authentication
Number of Objects: 1
New framings and practices of critical research
Number of Objects: 1
New frontiers of feminist education: challenging the presumptions of epistemological and rationalist patriarchy in the context of emancipatory pedagogy
Number of Objects: 1
New frontiers of health education: exploring the impact of specialization as it relates to medical and health education and its implications for advancing community health
Number of Objects: 2
New frontiers, old problems: the war on terror and the notion of anticipating the enemy
Number of Objects: 1
New functional Lennard-Jones parameters for heterogeneous molecules
Number of Objects: 1
A new funding model for a chronic-care focused healthcare system in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
A new fuzzy cognitive map structure based on the weighted power mean
Number of Objects: 2
The new gendered labour of synchronisation: temporal labour in the new world of work
Number of Objects: 1
New generalized inverse Weibull distribution for lifetime modeling
Number of Objects: 2
New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution
Number of Objects: 1
New graduate doctors' preparedness for practice: a multistakeholder, multicentre narrative study
Number of Objects: 1
New graduate nurses' experiences in their first year of practice
Number of Objects: 1
New graduate registered nurses' exposure to negative workplace behaviour in the acute care setting: an integrative review
Number of Objects: 1
A new greedy heuristic for 3DHP protein struture prediction with side chain
Number of Objects: 1
New growth references for assessment of stature and skeletal maturation in Australians
Number of Objects: 1
A new high-pressure triaxial apparatus for inducing and tracking hydro-mechanical degradation of clayey rocks
Number of Objects: 1
A new hip-pocket frog from mid-eastern Australia (Anura: Myobatrachidae: Assa)
Number of Objects: 1
A new horizon in secondary neutral mass spectrometry: post-ionization using a VUV free electron laser
Number of Objects: 2
New horizons in arginine metabolism, ageing and chronic disease states
Number of Objects: 1
New horizons in human sperm selection for assisted reproduction
Number of Objects: 1
New hybrid simulation model for urban construction waste management: An empirical study
Number of Objects: 1
New hybrid-based approach for improving the accuracy of coastal aquifer vulnerability assessment maps
Number of Objects: 1
New hypothetical continents: experimenting with u/dystopia
Number of Objects: 1
New improvements on connectivity of cages
Number of Objects: 2
A new index coding scheme exploiting interlinked cycles
Number of Objects: 2
A New Innovation Concept on End-user’s Contextual and Behavioural Perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
New insight into cavitation mechanisms in high-capacity tensiometers based on high-speed photography
Number of Objects: 1
New insight into ion dynamics in nanoporous carbon materials: an application of the step potential electrochemical spectroscopy (SPECS) technique and electrochemical dilatometry
Number of Objects: 1
New Insights for Soft Skills Development in Vietnamese Business Schools: Defining Essential Soft Skills for Maximizing Graduates' Career Success
Number of Objects: 1
New insights from probabilistic modelling of corrosion in structural reliability analysis
Number of Objects: 1
New insights in environmental education: on harmonising technology and nature
Number of Objects: 2
New insights in neutrophilic asthma
Number of Objects: 1
New insights into consumer loyalty of website-services: the quadratic effect of flow
Number of Objects: 1
New insights into roles of cell wall invertase in early seed development revealed by comprehensive spatial and temporal expression patterns of GhCWIN1 in cotton
Number of Objects: 2
New insights into sperm physiology and pathology
Number of Objects: 1
New Insights into Testosterone Biosynthesis: Novel Observations from HSD17B3 Deficient Mice
Number of Objects: 1
New insights into the generation of Th2 immunity and potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of asthma
Number of Objects: 1
New insights into the immune response to pneumococci
Number of Objects: 1
New insights into the molecular basis of human sperm-egg interaction
Number of Objects: 1
New Insights Into the Relationship Between Drought and Mental Health Emerging From the Australian Rural Mental Health Study
Number of Objects: 1
New institutional approaches to sustainability in Coastal NSW
Number of Objects: 2
New integer linear programming approaches for course timetabling
Number of Objects: 1
A new interpretation of the corrosion loss processes for weathering steels in marine atmospheres
Number of Objects: 1
New irrationality measures for q-logarithms
Number of Objects: 2
A new island-scale tropical cyclone outlook for southwest Pacific nations and territories
Number of Objects: 1
A new iterated greedy algorithm for no-idle permutation flowshop scheduling with the total tardiness criterion
Number of Objects: 1
A new laboratory apparatus for studying dynamic compaction grouting into granular soils
Number of Objects: 2
New labour, new conservatism?
Number of Objects: 1
A new large step-tapered hollow pile and its bearing capacity
Number of Objects: 1
New largest known graphs of diameter 6
Number of Objects: 1
The new liability of origin in global decoupling
Number of Objects: 1
New ligand topologies for complexation/artificial nuclease mimics
Number of Objects: 1
A New Look and Convergence Rate of Federated Multitask Learning With Laplacian Regularization
Number of Objects: 1
A new look at design thinking: research in progress
Number of Objects: 1
New look leaders or a new look at leadership: re-conceptualising the principalship for the future of Australian education
Number of Objects: 1
New look leaders or a new look at leadership?
Number of Objects: 1
A new low-cost hydroxyapatite for efficient immobilization of lead
Number of Objects: 3
A new lower bound for ||(3/2)<sup>k</sup>||
Number of Objects: 2
The new Luther? Marx and the Reformation as revolution
Number of Objects: 1
The new machine age for English teachers: The pedagogical possibilities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence
Number of Objects: 1
A new matching image preprocessing for image data fusion
Number of Objects: 2
New materials for organic photovoltaics
Number of Objects: 1
A new mechanism of canopy effect in unsaturated freezing soils
Number of Objects: 1
New media entrepreneurship: building credibility online
Number of Objects: 1
New media: culture and image
Number of Objects: 1
A new Memetic Algorithm for ordering datasets: applications in microarray analysis
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for assessing coarse particle flotation performance Part I − On the deconvolution of the flotation response
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for finite element modelling of prefabricated vertical drains
Number of Objects: 2
A new method for measuring stand sapwood area in forests
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for mining disjunctive emerging patterns in high-dimensional datasets using hypergraphs
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for optimizing a linear function over the efficient set of a multiobjective integer program
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for power system load modeling using a nonlinear system identification estimator
Number of Objects: 2
A new method for robust damping and tracking control of scanning probe microscope positioning stages
Number of Objects: 1
A new method for studying the evolution of particle breakage
Number of Objects: 2
A new method for ultra-fast concentration of hydrophobic particles
Number of Objects: 1
A New Method to Combine Coastal Sea Surface Height Estimates from Multiple Retrackers by Using the Dijkstra Algorithm
Number of Objects: 1
New methods for multi-commodity flows
Number of Objects: 1
A new minimization principle for the Poisson equation leading to a flexible finite element approach
Number of Objects: 3
A new MITC finite element method for the Reissner–Mindlin plate problem based on a biorthogonal system
Number of Objects: 1
A new mixed-mode fracture criterion of anisotropic rock
Number of Objects: 1
A new model for PCBM phase segregation in P3HT:PCBM blends
Number of Objects: 1
A new model of decision processing in instrumental learning tasks
Number of Objects: 1
A new model of sovereignty in the contemporary era of integrated global commerce: what anthropology contributes to the shortcomings of legal scholarship
Number of Objects: 2
A new modelling approach for unsaturated soils using independent stress variables
Number of Objects: 1
New models to support parents to pack healthy lunchboxes: Parents acceptability, feasibility, appropriateness, and adoption of the SWAP IT m-Health program
Number of Objects: 1
New moderate bandgap polymers containing alkoxysubstituted-benzo[c][1,2,5] thiadiazole and thiophene-based units
Number of Objects: 1
New multi-commodity flow formulations for the pooling problem
Number of Objects: 2
A new multivariate spline based on mixed partial derivatives and its finite element approximation
Number of Objects: 1
New narratives, new selves: complicating addiction in online alcohol and other drug resources
Number of Objects: 1
The new old atheists
Number of Objects: 1
New organization forms - the career of a concept
Number of Objects: 1
New organizational forms: towards a generative dialogue
Number of Objects: 1
A new paradigm for mental-health quality and safety: are we ready?
Number of Objects: 1
A new paradigm for regulation of protein phosphatase 2A function via Src and Fyn kinase–mediated tyrosine phosphorylation
Number of Objects: 1
A new paradigm of bubble-particle detachment interaction: how and where do the bubble and the particle detach?
Number of Objects: 1
A new paradigm: bringing a historical and sociopolitical trauma lens to the training for welfare practitioners working with Aboriginal families
Number of Objects: 1
A new parameter for product configuration in software product lines
Number of Objects: 2