"I can be a mum or a professional, but not both": What women say about their experiences of juggling paid employment with motherhood
Number of Objects: 1
I can hardly wait till Monday: women teachers talk about what works for them and their boys
Number of Objects: 1
"I can't bring my imagination to school. It gets me in trouble": learning how to think and fit inside the box in kindergarten
Number of Objects: 1
I can't look: disgust as a factor in the zoo experience
Number of Objects: 2
I can, I love to and I will do: the career choice intentions of individuals who have been incarcerated for drug trafficking offences, Thailand
Number of Objects: 1
I developed an interest in photography
Number of Objects: 1
I did my part! How can I further minimize emerging adult learners’ burnout in an online learning environment?
Number of Objects: 1
"I don't think anybody really knows": constructing reflexive ignorance in climate change adaptation
Number of Objects: 1
"I don't think we've quite got there yet": the experience of allyship for mental health consumer researchers
Number of Objects: 1
"I felt some prejudice in the back of my head": nursing students' perspectives on learning about mental health from "Experts by Experience"
Number of Objects: 1
I give discounts, I share information, I interact with viewers: a predictive analysis on factors enhancing college students' purchase intention in a live-streaming shopping environment
Number of Objects: 1
"I have lost in every facet of my life": the hidden burden of severe asthma
Number of Objects: 1
I know it's important but I'd rather teach something else!': an investigation into generalist teacher's perceptions of physical education in the primary school curriculum
Number of Objects: 1
I like it both ways: Keri Glastonbury reviews Dark Bright Doors by Jill Jones (book review)
Number of Objects: 1
I prefer pi: a brief history and anthology of articles in the American Mathematical Monthly
Number of Objects: 1
"I want to be just like you": Barbie Magazine and the production of the female desiring subject
Number of Objects: 2
"I was yelled at, intimidated and treated unfairly": nursing students' experiences of being bullied in clinical and academic settings
Number of Objects: 2
I will survive: strategies for improving lawyers' workplace satisfaction
Number of Objects: 2
"I wish to become the leader of women and give them equal rights in society": how young Australians and Asians understand feminism and the women's movement
Number of Objects: 1
"I'm A Magical Helping Guy", Using Systemic Functional Linguistics to Examine Identity in a Virtual Table-Top Role-Playing Game After Brain Injury
Number of Objects: 1
I'm Buffy and you're history: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and contemporary feminism
Number of Objects: 1
"I'm standing next to him, I'm supporting him" - Supporting a loved one with brain cancer to donate their brain: A qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
The I-CAN tool and managing information and communication technology (ICT) innovation in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
i-Rebound after stroke-eat for health: mediterranean dietary intervention co-design using an integrated knowledge translation approach and the TIDieR checklist
Number of Objects: 1
IAHS decade on predictions in ungauged basins (PUB), 2003-2012: shaping an exciting future for the hydrological sciences
Number of Objects: 2
The IARC Perspective on Alcohol Reduction or Cessation and Cancer Risk
Number of Objects: 1
Ibrutinib-related atrial fibrillation: a single center Australian experience
Number of Objects: 1
An ice core derived 1013-year catchment-scale annual rainfall reconstruction in subtropical eastern Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Ice nucleation of water droplet containing solid particles under weak ultrasonic vibration
Number of Objects: 1
Ice slurry ingestion during cycling improves olympic distance triathlon performance in the heat
Number of Objects: 1
Ice-cold in Alex: Philo's treatment of the divine lover in Hellenistic pedagogy
Number of Objects: 2
iceFEM: a FreeFem package for wave induced ice-shelf vibrations
Number of Objects: 1
iCities report: localising the SDGs - towards transformative actions and base planning in Singleton (NSW)
Number of Objects: 1
An iconic inselberg: patterns of herpetofaunal biodiversity in Uluṟu Kata-Tjuṯa National Park
Number of Objects: 2
Iconic photojournalism and absent images: democratization and memories of terror
Number of Objects: 1
Iconoclasm and counter-iconoclasm as a critical frame for sculpture
Number of Objects: 1
Icons of fear: terrorism, torture, and the media.
Number of Objects: 1
Icons of war and terror: media images in an age of international risk
Number of Objects: 2
ICT & innovation: a case of integration in a regional construction firm
Number of Objects: 1
ICT and learning: engineering knowledge for the D generation
Number of Objects: 1
ICT and music education: a study examining the digital literacy of secondary school music teachers
Number of Objects: 1
An ICT eHealth mobile web application for young indigenous fathers - StayinOnTrack
Number of Objects: 2
ICT-assisted multi-campus teaching: principles and practice to impact equity of experience for students
Number of Objects: 1
ICT-mediated project team collaboration and issues of trust: an Actor Network Theory perspective
Number of Objects: 2
ICU Patients’ Perception of Sleep and Modifiable versus Non-Modifiable Factors That Affect It: A Prospective Observational Study
Number of Objects: 1
ID unknown? You must be from UNAUSTRALIA: Exploring the significance of the mobile phone to Australian identity
Number of Objects: 2
IDA-PBC controller for DC-DC power electronic converters with nonlinear load enhanced with additive disturbance estimation
Number of Objects: 1
Ideal cardiovascular health and cognitive test performance: Testing a modified index of Life's Simple 7 among older Chinese adults
Number of Objects: 1
Ideal Cricoid Pressure Is Biomechanically Impossible During Laryngoscopy
Number of Objects: 1
The ideal structure of the C*-algebras of infinite graphs
Number of Objects: 1
Ideal switched-model dynamic stability conditions for semi-quasi-Z-source inverters
Number of Objects: 2
An idealised experimental model of ocean surface wave transmission by an ice floe
Number of Objects: 1
Idenities Australiennes
Number of Objects: 1
Identifiability of EIV dynamic systems with non-stationary data
Number of Objects: 2
Identifiability of errors in variables dynamic systems
Number of Objects: 3
Identification and analysis of industry cycles
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and characterisation of a novel splice variant of mouse and rat cytochrome b5/cytochrome b5 reductase
Number of Objects: 2
Identification and characterization of a novel Mt-retrotransposon highly represented in the female mouse germline
Number of Objects: 2
Identification and characterization of two novel JARID1C mutations: suggestion of an emerging genotype-phenotype correlation
Number of Objects: 2
Identification and development of embedded computational fluid dynamic models for densely packed passive bypass pneumatic conveying systems
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and development of strategies for increasing engineering enrolments: final report of the ARC Linkage Project
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and evaluation of risk of generalizability biases in pilot versus efficacy/effectiveness trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and interrogation of highly informative single nucleotide polymorphism sets defined by bacterial multilocus sequence typing databases
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and optimization of mechanism-based fluoroallylamine inhibitors of lysyl oxidase-like 2/3
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and quantitation of volatile organic compounds from oxidation of linseed oil
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and validation of asthma phenotypes in Chinese population using cluster analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Identification and validation of functional gastrointestinal disorder subtypes using latent class analysis: a population-based study
Number of Objects: 2
Identification and validation of small molecule modulators of the NusB-NusE interaction
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and visualisation of microplastics / nanoplastics by Raman imaging (iii): algorithm to cross-check multi-images
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and visualisation of microplastics by Raman mapping
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and visualisation of microplastics via PCA to decode Raman spectrum matrix towards imaging
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and visualisation of microplastics/ nanoplastics by Raman imaging (ii): smaller than the diffraction limit of laser?
Number of Objects: 1
Identification and visualisation of microplastics/nanoplastics by Raman imaging (i): down to 100 nm
Number of Objects: 1
Identification in popular music: a netnographic exploration of online fan communities
Number of Objects: 1
An identification method for Errors-in-Variables systems using incomplete data
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of a 5-protein biomarker molecular signature for predicting Alzheimer's disease
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of a change in climate state using regional flood data
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of a key role for permeability glycoprotein in enhancing the cellular defense mechanisms of fertilized oocytes
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of a new operon involved in desulfurization of dibenzothiophenes using a metagenomic study and cloning and functional analysis of the genes
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of a novel ciprofloxacin tolerance gene, aciT, which contributes to filamentation in acinetobacter baumannii
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of a novel LysR family transcriptional regulator controlling acquisition of sulfur sources in Acinetobacter baumannii
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status by general practice registrars: confidence and associations
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of aminopyrimidine regioisomers via line broadening effects in ¹H and ¹³C NMR spectroscopy
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of ARMA models using intermittent and quantized output observations
Number of Objects: 4
Identification of asthma phenotypes based on extrapulmonary treatable traits
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer patients in the primary health care setting
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of bacterial types in various atmospheric corrosion sites using standard test kits
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of biomarkers and genetic approaches toward chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of biomarkers and novel targets for prostate cancer from extracellular vesicles
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of Box-Jenkins models using structured ARX models and nuclear norm relaxation
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of breast cancer subtypes using multiple gene expression microarray datasets
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of cancer risk and associated behaviour: implications for social marketing campaigns for cancer prevention
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of candidate transcriptional regulators of epidermal transfer cell development in Vicia faba Cotyledons
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of conservation priority zones using spatially explicit valued ecosystem services: a case from the Indian Sundarbans
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of continuous-time errors-in-variables models
Number of Objects: 2
Identification of continuous-time linear time-varying systems with abrupt changes in parameters
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of continuous-time state-space models from non-uniform fast-sampled data
Number of Objects: 1