E-&mHealth interventions targeting nutrition, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and/or obesity among children: A scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Number of Objects: 1
E-books and the principle of technological neutrality: should public lending right schemes apply to e-lending?
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
E-cigarette use and cigarette smoking initiation among Australian women who have never smoked
Number of Objects: 1
E-cigarette use in pregnancy in Australia: A cross-sectional survey of public antenatal clinic attendees
Number of Objects: 1
E-Cigarette Vapour Alters High-Fat Diet-Induced Systemic Inflammatory Responses but Has No Effect on High-Fat Diet-Induced Changes in Gut Microbiota
Number of Objects: 1
The E-decisional community: an integrated knowledge sharing platform
Number of Objects: 2
The e-decisional community: an integrated knowledge sharing platform
Number of Objects: 2
E-ducation and the new future
Number of Objects: 1
E-governance as digital ecosystem: a new way to think about citizen engagement and the internet?.
Number of Objects: 1
E-Government and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence From Chinese Cities
Number of Objects: 1
E-government and the production of standardized identity
Number of Objects: 1
E-government in Singapore: critical success factors
Number of Objects: 1
The e-health literacy demands of Australia's My Health Record: a heuristic evaluation of usability
Number of Objects: 2
E-learning and the remaking of Pacific studies: an evolutionary tale
Number of Objects: 1
An e-learning approach to quantity surveying measurement
Number of Objects: 1
E-learning materials for quantity surveying measurement
Number of Objects: 1
E-learning quantity surveying measurement for net-generation students
Number of Objects: 1
E-learning technologies and remote students
Number of Objects: 2
E-lending and a public lending right: is it really a time for an update?
Number of Objects: 1
E-mental health in child psychiatry during COVID-19: an initial attitudinal study
Number of Objects: 1
An e-retailing assessment of perceived website-service innovativeness: implications for website quality evaluations, trust, loyalty and word of mouth
Number of Objects: 1
E-surveillance: don't neglect sentinels in developing countries (letter)
Number of Objects: 1
E-technology social support programs for autistic children: can they work?
Number of Objects: 1
E-trust: the influence of perceived interactivity on e-retailing users
Number of Objects: 2
The E3 ubiquitin ligase midline 1 promotes allergen and rhinovirus-induced asthma by inhibiting protein phosphatase 2A activity
Number of Objects: 2
Eagerness for experience: Dewey and Deleuze on the problematic of thinking and learning
Number of Objects: 1
Early access to a cardio-oncology clinic in an Australian context: a qualitative exploration of patient experiences
Number of Objects: 1
Early acetaminophen-protein adducts predict hepatotoxicity following overdose (ATOM-5)
Number of Objects: 1
Early adolescent alcohol use: are sipping and drinking distinct?
Number of Objects: 2
Early career GPs, mental health training and clinical complexity: a cross-sectional analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Early career midwives' job satisfaction, career goals and intention to leave midwifery: A scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
Early career teacher professional learning
Number of Objects: 3
Early career teachers' changes to practice, confidence and understandings in cooperative learning: a case study doctoral project update
Number of Objects: 1
Early changes of endometrial neoplasia revealed by loss of mismatch repair gene protein expression in a patient diagnosed with Lynch syndrome (letter)
Number of Objects: 1
Early childhood creativity: challenging educators in their role to intentionally develop creative thinking in children
Number of Objects: 1
Early Childhood Education and Care in Zambia: ECE Provision and Teacher Education
Number of Objects: 1
Early childhood education and health working in partnership: the critical role early childhood educators can play in childhood obesity prevention
Number of Objects: 1
Early childhood memories of individuals convicted of sexual offences
Number of Objects: 1
Early childhood national educational frameworks and teachers' beliefs about creativity: a comparative study of Australia and Iran
Number of Objects: 1
Early childhood nutrition and growth in an Indigenous Australian population
Number of Objects: 1
Early clinical predictors of remission of peanut allergy in children
Number of Objects: 1
The early codex book: recovering its cosmopolitan consequences
Number of Objects: 2
An early college initiative in an urban, high-poverty high school: first-year effects on student achievement and non-academic indicators
Number of Objects: 2
Early corrosion of mild steel in seawater
Number of Objects: 1
Early detection methods for silicosis in Australia and internationally: A review of the literature
Number of Objects: 1
Early detection of microstructural white matter changes associated with arterial pulsatility
Number of Objects: 1
Early detection of treatment induced cardiac toxicity - can we do better?
Number of Objects: 1
Early Detection of Under-Performing Students Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Number of Objects: 1
Early diagnosis of dementia and diagnostic disclosure in primary care in Australia: a qualitative study into the barriers and enablers
Number of Objects: 1
Early diagnosis of primary/idiopathic adhesive capsulitis: can imaging contribute?
Number of Objects: 2
Early education and 'the child' as sites of politics: a comparative study of Hungary and Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Early effects of amyloid-β on structural and vascular brain changes in mid-life cognitively unimpaired individuals
Number of Objects: 1
Early endoscopy or CT in caustic injuries: a re-evaluation of clinical practice
Number of Objects: 1
Early gene expression programs accompanying trans-differentiation of epidermal cells of Vicia faba cotyledons into transfer cells
Number of Objects: 1
The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia: design, results and future prospects
Number of Objects: 1
Early history of glycine receptor biology in mammalian spinal cord circuits
Number of Objects: 1
Early identification of acute kidney injury in Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming using renal biomarkers
Number of Objects: 1
Early identification of acute kidney injury in Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming using renal biomarkers: raw data
Number of Objects: 2
Early identification of hearing loss in Australia: well begun is not all done!
Number of Objects: 1
Early implementation of BIM into a cold-formed steel design/ fabricator and an architectural/planning consultancy
Number of Objects: 3
Early infections and the risk of irritable bowel syndrome: a case-control study
Number of Objects: 1
Early landscape evolution - a field and modelling assessment for a post-mining landform
Number of Objects: 1
Early life factors initiate a 'vicious circle' of affective and gastrointestinal symptoms: a longitudinal study
Number of Objects: 1
Early life host-bacteria relations and development: long-term individual differences in neuroimmune function following neonatal endotoxin challenge
Number of Objects: 2
Early life infection alters adult BALB/c hippocampal gene expression in a sex specific manner
Number of Objects: 1
Early life loss and trauma: eating disorder onset in a middle-aged male - a case study
Number of Objects: 1
Early life peripheral lipopolysaccharide challenge reprograms catecholaminergic neurons
Number of Objects: 1
Early life programming of pain: focus on neuroimmune to endocrine communication
Number of Objects: 1
Early life stress and post-weaning high fat diet alter tyrosine hydroxylase regulation and AT1 receptor expression in the adrenal gland in a sex dependent manner
Number of Objects: 2
Early lifecycle UV-exposure calibrates adult vitamin D metabolism: evidence for a developmentally originated vitamin D homeostat that may alter related adult phenotypes
Number of Objects: 1
Early markers of cystic fibrosis structural lung disease: follow-up of the ACFBAL cohort
Number of Objects: 1
Early microvascular changes in the preterm neonate: a comparative study of the human and guinea pig.
Number of Objects: 1
Early mobilization after stroke: changes in clinical opinion despite an unchanging evidence base
Number of Objects: 2
Early Modern Women's Research Network digital archive
Number of Objects: 1
Early modern women's writing and the rhetoric of modesty
Number of Objects: 1
Early nodulin 93 protein gene: essential for induction of somatic embryogenesis in oil palm
Number of Objects: 1
Early non-disabling relapses are important predictors of disability accumulation in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Number of Objects: 1
Early onset neonatal serogroup B meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia
Number of Objects: 1
Early optimism?: First-year law students' expectations and aspirations
Number of Objects: 1
The early origins of obesity and insulin resistance: timing, programming and mechanisms
Number of Objects: 3
Early participant reported symptoms as predictors of adherence to anastrozole in the International Breast Cancer Intervention Studies II
Number of Objects: 2
Early plaeozoic subduction in the southeastern Lachlan Fold Belt, Batemans Bay, New South Wales
Number of Objects: 1
Early post-settlement mortality of the scallop Pecten fumatus and the role of algal mats as a refuge from predation
Number of Objects: 1
Early posthepatoportoenterostomy predictors of native liver survival in biliary atresia
Number of Objects: 1
Early predictors of need for remediation in the Australian general practice training program: a retrospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 2
Early predictors of summative assessment performance in general practice post-graduate training: A retrospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Early pregnancy associated changes in systemic lipid profiles of mares revealed by high resolution mass spectrometry
Number of Objects: 1
Early psychosis services for rural and remote communities: where are they?
Number of Objects: 2
Early psychosis services for rural, remote and coastal communities in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Early quantitative profiling of differential retinal protein expression in lens-induced myopia in Guinea pig using fluorescence difference two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Number of Objects: 2
Early screening in patients with head and neck cancer identified high levels of pain and distress
Number of Objects: 2
Early seamen’s missions in the British world
Number of Objects: 1
Early Sensory and Temperament Features in Infants Born to Mothers With Asthma: A Cross-Sectional Study
Number of Objects: 1
Early serous ovarian carcinogenesis: understanding the genetic and lifestyle factors
Number of Objects: 1
Early stopping of clinical trials (Commentary)
Number of Objects: 1