Definition matters: assessment of tolerance to the effects of alcohol in a prospective cohort study of emerging adults
Number of Objects: 1
The definition of a haemodynamic significant duct in randomized controlled trials: a systematic literature review
Number of Objects: 1
A Definition of Creative-Based Music Games
Number of Objects: 1
The definition of polytrauma revisited: An international consensus process and proposal of the new 'Berlin definition'
Number of Objects: 1
The definition of polytrauma: the need for international consensus
Number of Objects: 2
The definition of polytrauma: variable interrater versus intrarater agreement: a prospective international study among trauma surgeons
Number of Objects: 1
Definition of the Anthropocene: a view from the underworld
Number of Objects: 2
Definitive evidence for the nonmitochondrial production of superoxide anion by human spermatozoa
Number of Objects: 2
Deflagration of premixed methane-air in a large scale detonation tube
Number of Objects: 1
Deformable image registration for cervical cancer brachytherapy dose accumulation: organ at risk dose-volume histogram parameter reproducibility and anatomic position stability
Number of Objects: 2
Deformation analysis in soft ground improvement
Number of Objects: 1
Deformation and fabric in compacted clay soils
Number of Objects: 1
Deformation behaviour of clay under repeated one-dimensional unloading-reloading
Number of Objects: 1
Deformation Mechanisms in Orogenic Gold Systems During Aseismic Periods: Microstructural Evidence from the Central Victorian Gold Deposits, Southeast Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Deformation of polycrystalline D2O ice: its sensitivity to temperature and strain-rate as an analogue for terrestrial ice
Number of Objects: 1
Deformation performance of cement-fly ash-gravel pile-supported embankments over silty clay of medium compressibility: a case study
Number of Objects: 2
Deformation, metamorphism and migmatite genesis in the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex, Eastern Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Defying the odds: enterprising social work practice in a rural employment project
Number of Objects: 1
Degenerative joint disease of the spine
Number of Objects: 2
Degradation mechanism of amoxicillin using clay supported nanoscale zero-valent iron
Number of Objects: 1
Degradation of antibiotics, organic matters and ammonia during secondary wastewater treatment using boron-doped diamond electro-oxidation combined with ceramic ultrafiltration
Number of Objects: 1
Degradation of APCcdc²⁰ and APCcdh¹ substrates during the second meiotic division in mouse eggs
Number of Objects: 2
Degradation of atrazine and bromacil in two forestry waste products
Number of Objects: 1
Degradation of azo dye with activated peroxygens: when zero-valent iron meets chloride
Number of Objects: 2
Degradation of four pesticides in five urban landscape soils: human and environmental health risk assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Degradation of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using ultrasonication: Effect of reactor materials
Number of Objects: 1
Degraded broadcast diamond channels with noncausal state information at the source
Number of Objects: 2
The degredation and absorption of gaseous nitric oxide (NO) and colour development in modified atmosphere (MA) packed red meat
Number of Objects: 2
Degree diameter problem on honeycomb networks
Number of Objects: 2
Degree diameter problem on triangular networks
Number of Objects: 1
Degree of adaptability of the somatosensory cortex to change: Prospects for integration of bone-mounted dental prostheses
Number of Objects: 1
Degree of adiposity and obesity severity is associated with cutaneous microvascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes
Number of Objects: 1
Degree of Burial On the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Sand and Seawater
Number of Objects: 1
The degree of impropriety (noncircularity) of complex random vectors
Number of Objects: 1
Degree of saturation effect on the grout-soil interface shear strength of soil nailing
Number of Objects: 2
Degree sequences and poset structure of order 9 graphs
Number of Objects: 2
Degree-one Mahler functions: asymptotics, applications and speculations
Number of Objects: 1
Degrees and degree sequence of k-edge d-critical graphs
Number of Objects: 1
Degrees of “being first”: toward a nuanced understanding of first-generation entrants to higher education
Number of Objects: 1
Degrowth in tourism: advocacy for thriving not diminishment
Number of Objects: 1
The Dehn function of Stallings' group
Number of Objects: 1
Dehumanisation, politicisation and growth: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of refugee and asylum seeker detention
Number of Objects: 1
Dehydrohalogenation of ethyl halides
Number of Objects: 2
Dehydroxylation of serpentine minerals: implications for mineral carbonation
Number of Objects: 2
Deintensification of antihyperglycaemics in older patients with type 2 diabetes
Number of Objects: 1
Delay alignment control for 5G multi connectivity
Number of Objects: 1
Delay and loss due to uplink packet scheduling in LTE network
Number of Objects: 2
Delay aware resource allocation scheme for a cognitive LTE based radio network
Number of Objects: 2
The delay between symptom onset and seeking professional treatment for anxiety and depressive disorders in a rural Australian sample
Number of Objects: 2
Delay Compensation in Variable-Speed Drives Based on State Feedback Control
Number of Objects: 1
Delay from treatment start to full effect of immunotherapies for multiple sclerosis
Number of Objects: 1
Delay modeling and estimation of a wireless based network control system
Number of Objects: 1
Delay models for static and adaptive persistent resource allocations in wireless systems
Number of Objects: 1
Delay of late-venous phase cortical vein filling in acute ischemic stroke patients: associations with collateral status
Number of Objects: 2
A delay sensitive LTE uplink packet scheduler for M2M traffic
Number of Objects: 1
Delay skew packet flow control in wireless systems with dual connectivity
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed Bleeding After Endoscopic Resection of Colorectal Polyps: Identifying High-Risk Patients
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed Diagnosis of Brachiocephalic Pseudoaneurysm and Carotid Artery Dissection Following Invasive Coronary Angiography
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed fatherhood
Number of Objects: 2
Delayed filling of the superficial middle cerebral vein in acute large artery occlusion
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed flow is a risk to patient safety: a mixed method analysis of emergency department patient flow
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed initiation of antenatal care and associated factors in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed pollination and low availability of assimilates are major factors causing maize kernel abortion
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed prescribing of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections by GP registrars: a qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed return to estrus following treatment with the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist, Lucrin® Depot, in the tammar wallaby
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed versus immediate cord clamping in preterm infants
Number of Objects: 1
Delayed versus primary closure to minimize risk of surgical-site infection for complicated appendicitis: A secondary analysis of a randomized trial using counterfactual prediction modeling
Number of Objects: 1
Delaying factors for maternal health service utilization in eastern Ethiopia: a qualitative exploratory study
Number of Objects: 1
Delaying voiding, limiting fluids, urinary symptoms, and work productivity: a survey of female nurses and midwives
Number of Objects: 1
Deletion mutations in an Australian series of HNPCC patients
Number of Objects: 1
Deletion of Cd151 reduces mammary tumorigenesis in the MMTV/PyMT mouse model
Number of Objects: 1
Deletion of Cd151 results in a strain-dependent glomerular disease due to severe alterations of the glomerular basement membrane
Number of Objects: 1
Deleuze and the calculus
Number of Objects: 1
Deleuze as a philosopher of education: affective knowledge/effective learning
Number of Objects: 1
Deleuze pure and applied: becoming-ethical: traversing towards ecoliteracy
Number of Objects: 3
Deleuze's new image of thought, or Dewey revisited
Number of Objects: 2
Deleuze, education and becoming
Number of Objects: 2
Deleuze, ethical education, and the unconscious
Number of Objects: 1
Deliberate cooperation in service-oriented environments: dynamic transactional workflows for web services
Number of Objects: 1
Deliberate insectivory by the fruit bat Pteropus poliocephalus by aerial hunting
Number of Objects: 1
Deliberate self harm: systematic review of efficacy of psychosocial and pharmacological treatments in preventing repetition
Number of Objects: 1
Deliberative mapping: a novel analytic-deliberative methodology to support contested science-policy decisions
Number of Objects: 1
Delineating human resource management practice in domestic and foreign-owned multinational enterprises in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Delineating the psychiatric and behavioral phenotype of recurrent 2q13 deletions and duplications
Number of Objects: 1
Delirium and older people in acute care
Number of Objects: 2
Delirium and older people: what are the constraints to best practice in acute care?
Number of Objects: 1
Delirium Screening and Pharmacotherapy in the ICU: The Patients Are Not the Only Ones Confused
Number of Objects: 1
Deliverable transgenics & gene therapy possibilities for the testes
Number of Objects: 1
Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: its economic cost from an agency perspective
Number of Objects: 2
Delivering blended learning to transnational students: students’ perceptions and needs-satisfaction
Number of Objects: 1
Delivering hydrophilic peptide inhibitors of heat shock protein 70 into cancer cells
Number of Objects: 1
Delivering International Criminal Justice through Domestic Law? The Case of Flight MH17
Number of Objects: 1
Delivering introductory physiotherapy clinical placements incorporating simulated learning experiences in rural settings
Number of Objects: 1
Delivering smoking cessation support to disadvantaged groups: a qualitative study of the potential of community welfare organizations
Number of Objects: 2
Delivering value for money in the procurement of public sector major infrastructure: a new first-order decision making model
Number of Objects: 2
The delivery of preventive care to clients of community health services
Number of Objects: 1
Delivery of telehealth nutrition and physical activity interventions to adults living in rural areas: a scoping review
Number of Objects: 1