Can regular long-term breakfast cereals consumption benefits lower cardiovascular diseases and diabetes risk? A longitudinal population-based study
Number of Objects: 1
Can relaxation interventions reduce anxiety in patients receiving radiotherapy?: outcomes and study validity
Number of Objects: 2
Can reservoir bottom sediments be used in the estimation of long-term catchment sediment budgets?
Number of Objects: 1
Can residential architecture constitute a part of a human-enriched environment and contribute to recovery, prevention and stress reduction?
Number of Objects: 1
Can resveratrol supplementation mitigate hormonal migraine?
Number of Objects: 1
Can risk rating increase the ability of voluntary deductibles to reduce moral hazard?
Number of Objects: 1
Can routine histopathology distinguish between vulvar cutaneous candidosis and dermatophytosis?
Number of Objects: 1
Can selected functional movement screen assessments be used to identify movement deficiencies that could affect multidirectional speed and jump performance?
Number of Objects: 1
Can selenium levels act as a marker of colorectal cancer risk?
Number of Objects: 2
Can simply answering research questions change behaviour? systematic review and meta analyses of brief alcohol intervention trials
Number of Objects: 1
Can simply answering research questions change behaviour?: systematic review and meta analyses of brief alcohol intervention trials
Number of Objects: 1
Can simulation replace part of clinical time?: two parallel randomised controlled trials
Number of Objects: 1
Can small-scale turbulence approach a quasi-universal state?
Number of Objects: 1
Can smartphone apps increase physical activity? Systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Can smoking initiation contexts predict how adult Aboriginal smokers assess their smoking risks? A cross-sectional study using the 'Smoking Risk Assessment Target'
Number of Objects: 1
Can SNOMED CT as implemented in New South Wales, Australia be used for road trauma injury surveillance in emergency departments?
Number of Objects: 2
Can spermatozoa respond to changes in their redox status with the selective activation of gene transcription? (editorial)
Number of Objects: 2
Can standards drop? social inclusion agenda and academic standards.
Number of Objects: 1
Can supervised exercise prevent treatment toxicity in patients with prostate cancer initiating androgen-deprivation therapy: a randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
Can the direct medical cost of chronic disease be transferred across different countries? Using cost-of-illness studies on type 2 diabetes, epilepsy and schizophrenia as examples
Number of Objects: 1
Can the functional impact of childhood visual impairment be assessed? A preliminary trial of VIS-Ability
Number of Objects: 1
Can the gap in Aboriginal outcomes be explained by DOHaD.
Number of Objects: 1
Can the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) be used to understand risk factors for falls in older Australian women?
Number of Objects: 1
Can the mouse model successfully predict mixed metal(loid)s bioavailability in humans from contaminated soils?
Number of Objects: 1
Can the principles of entropy, with a focus on climate change, be explored through art?
Number of Objects: 1
Can the relationship between doctors and drug companies ever be a healthy one?
Number of Objects: 1
Can the socially responsible consumer be mainstream?
Number of Objects: 1
Can the target set for reducing childhood overweight and obesity be met? A system dynamics modelling study in New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Can turbulence be maintained in a low Re channel flow?: A CFD analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Can two dots form a gestalt? Measuring emergent features with the capacity coefficient
Number of Objects: 1
Can utilizing business intelligence with electronic dental record data improve business decisions for dental organizations: a scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
Can we apply class analysis to Indonesian youth?.
Number of Objects: 1
Can we educate and train Aboriginal leaders within our tertiary education systems?
Number of Objects: 1
Can we enhance the clinical efficacy of cognitive and psychological approaches to treat substance use disorders through understanding their neurobiological mechanisms?
Number of Objects: 1
Can we predict intermediate syndrome? A review
Number of Objects: 1
Can we predict plan quality for external beam partial breast irradiation: results of a multicenter feasibility study (Trans Tasman Radiation Oncology Group Study 06.02)
Number of Objects: 2
Can we treat empirical regularities as state variables in the ICAPM? evidence from Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Can we use 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride-atained brain slices for other purposes? The application of western blotting
Number of Objects: 1
Can we use the approaches of ecological inference to learn about the potential for dependence bias in dual-system estimation? An application to cancer registration data
Number of Objects: 2
Can we usefully stratify patients according to suicide risk?
Number of Objects: 2
Can you design the perfect condom? Engaging young people to inform safe sexual health practice and innovation
Number of Objects: 1
Can you elaborate on that? Addressing participants' need for cognition in computer-tailored health behavior interventions
Number of Objects: 1
Can, and should history give ethical guidance? Swedish and Finnish grade 9 students on moral judgment-making in history
Number of Objects: 1
CAN3D: Fast 3D medical image segmentation via compact context aggregation
Number of Objects: 1
Canada's oil sands: the mark of a new 'oil age' or a potential threat to Arctic security?
Number of Objects: 2
Canada's physical activity guide: examining print-based material for motivating physical activity in the workplace
Number of Objects: 1
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) as Routine Practice in Community-Based Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Chart Review.
Number of Objects: 1
Cancelation efficiency: why the effect of comparison direction strengthens with choice set size
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer and the psycho-oncologist: psychosocial well-being of cancer survivors
Number of Objects: 2
Cancer biomarker discovery: the entropic hallmark
Number of Objects: 2
Cancer incidence and cancer death in relation to tobacco smoking in a population-based Australian cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer incidence and mortality in aircraft maintenance workers
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer incidence and mortality in people aged less than 75 years: changes in Australia over the period 1987-2007
Number of Objects: 2
Cancer patient preferences for the provision of information regarding emotional concerns in relation to medical procedures: a discrete choice experiment
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer patients spend more time at home and more often die at home with advance care planning conversations in primary health care: a retrospective observational cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer patients' concerns regarding access to cancer care: perceived impact of waiting times along the diagnosis and treatment journey
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer patients' willingness to answer survey questions about life expectancy
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer Prevention with Resistant Starch in Lynch Syndrome Patients in the CAPP2-Randomized Placebo Controlled Trial: Planned 10-Year Follow-up
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer proteomics and the elusive diagnostic biomarkers
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer risk in patients with diverticular disease: A nationwide cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer Risks for PMS2-Associated Lynch Syndrome.
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer specialists' palliative care referral practices and perceptions: results of a national survey
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer stem cells are underestimated by standard experimental methods in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Number of Objects: 2
The cancer support person's unmet needs survey: psychometric properties
Number of Objects: 3
Cancer survivors' psychosocial outcomes: a population-based investigation of anxiety, depression and unmet needs at six to twelve months post-diagnosis
Number of Objects: 2
Cancer survivorship: research priorities at the national and international fields
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer Therapies and Cardiomyocyte Viability: Which Drugs are Directly Cardiotoxic?
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer therapies inducing DNA damage
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer Treatment Survey (CaTS): development and validation of a new instrument to measure patients' preparation for chemotherapy and radiotherapy
Number of Objects: 1
The Cancer, Lifestyle and Evaluation of Risk Study (CLEAR): rationale and design of an unmatched "case-spouse control" study of over 10,000 participants in New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer-related hospitalisations and "unknown' stage prostate cancer: a population-based record linkage study
Number of Objects: 1
Cancer-related trauma, stigma and growth: the 'lived' experience of head and neck cancer
Number of Objects: 1
Candidate gene association studies in stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Candidate locus analysis of the TERT-CLPTM1L cancer risk region on chromosome 5p15 identifies multiple independent variants associated with endometrial cancer risk
Number of Objects: 1
Candidate-gene analysis of white matter hyperintensities on neuroimaging
Number of Objects: 1
A "candidate-interactome" aggregate analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabidiol - Help and hype in targeting mucosal diseases
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabidiol drug interaction considerations for prescribers and pharmacists
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabidiol for treating drug-resistant epilepsy in children: the New South Wales experience
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabinoid replacement therapy (CRT): Nabiximols (Sativex) as a novel treatment for cannabis withdrawal
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabinoid signaling mechanisms in the central nervous system
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis and amphetamine use among school-going adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-country analysis of prevalence and associated factors
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis and benzodiazepines as determinants of methadone trough plasma concentration variability in maintenance treatment: a transnational study
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis and mental health: management in primary care
Number of Objects: 2
Cannabis contaminants: sources, distribution, human toxicity and pharmacologic effects.
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis sativa: Interdisciplinary Strategies and Avenues for Medical and Commercial Progression Outside of CBD and THC
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis use in patients 3 months after ceasing nabiximols for the treatment of cannabis dependence: results from a placebo-controlled randomised trial
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis, cannabinoids and schizophrenia: integration of the evidence
Number of Objects: 1
Cannabis, from plant to pill
Number of Objects: 1
Canonical and noncanonical inflammasomes in intestinal epithelial cells
Number of Objects: 1
Canonical babbling and early consonant development related to hearing in children with otitis media with effusion with or without cleft palate
Number of Objects: 1
Canonical coordinates for transform coding of noisy sources
Number of Objects: 2
Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling regulates postnatal mouse epididymal development but does not affect epithelial cell differentiation
Number of Objects: 1
Canopy effect caused by vapour transfer in covered freezing soils
Number of Objects: 1