${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Coronary haemodynamics in unrestrained conscious baboons Wed 28 Oct 2020 09:39:58 AEDT ]]> The country homestead in the lower Hunter Valley Wed 26 May 2021 16:06:32 AEST ]]> The role of central catecholamines in the control of blood pressure through baroreceptor reflex and nasopharyngeal reflex in the rabbit Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:25:37 AEST ]]> Calibration of the ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter in situ Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:25:15 AEST ]]> Factors regulating coronary blood flow in the normal and diseased heart 2) appears to be the major determinant of CBF and the factors determining MVo2 (mainly developed tension and contractile state) are, therefore, major determinants of CBF. The direct effects of autonomic excitation on CBF appear relatively minor, however; the vagus, sympathetic nerves and adrenal medullary hormones profoundly alter CBF indirectly through changes in MVo2. In the eschaemic heart with atheromatous occlusion of large vessels there is a reduced capacity for autoregulation, and nutrient flow is more dependent on pressure gradient. Hypertension and valvular disorders are often associated with raised MVo2 but associated abnormalities in pressure gradient and resistance to flow often hinder the supply of CBF needed to meet high demands.]]> Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:24:23 AEST ]]> A comparison between thermodilution, electromagnetic and Doppler methods for cardiac output measurement in the rabbit Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:50 AEST ]]> The management of respiratory failure in poliomyelitis Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:44 AEST ]]> The role of cardiac vagal afferents and arterial baroreceptors in the circulatory adjustments to hemorrhage in the cat Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:44 AEST ]]> Circulatory responses to interruption of and stimulation of cardiac vagal afferents Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:43 AEST ]]> Coronary haemodynamic effect of nifedipine (Bay a 1040) and glyceryl trinitrate in unanaesthetized dogs Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:43 AEST ]]> Neurogenic control of the coronary circulation Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:23:43 AEST ]]> The peripheral vascular response to severe exercise in untethered dogs before and after complete heart block Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:58:10 AEST ]]> Proper efficient points for maximizations with respect to cones Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:14:12 AEST ]]> Weak tangent cones and optimization in a Banach space Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:35:23 AEST ]]> On numerical range and its application to Banach algebra. Tue 20 Aug 2024 13:36:53 AEST ]]> Berlioz and Virgil: The Relationship Between Les Troyens and the Aeneid Tue 20 Aug 2024 12:54:49 AEST ]]> The Geology of the Kimbriki area Tue 17 Sep 2024 16:05:42 AEST ]]> Shipping services in Australia's export trade and the effects of changing ship technology Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:23:41 AEST ]]> The geology of the Rouchel Brook - Davis Creek District, N.S.W. Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:23:40 AEST ]]> G. F. Stout's theory of universals in its historical context Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:23:39 AEST ]]> Price fixing agreements: a study of the economic, legal and administrative objectives of control of horizontal pricing agreements with an evaluation of the politics and control of such agreements in Australia Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:16:43 AEST ]]> The geology of the Rouchel Basin, N.S.W. Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:16:40 AEST ]]> Relations between continuous-time and discrete-time quadratic minimization Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:02:45 AEST ]]> Lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in organisms of Lake Macquarie Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:02:43 AEST ]]> The outports of New South Wales: a paradigm of regionalism Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:02:42 AEST ]]> The thermal stabilisation of austenite in steel Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:55:40 AEST ]]> Optimal signal processing with constraints Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:55:40 AEST ]]> A history of the Fiji Times, 1869-1875 Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:48:40 AEST ]]> A history of the Murrumbidgee irrigation area Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:48:39 AEST ]]> The development of the rural landscape and economy of the Darling Downs, Queensland, 1885 - 1915 Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:41:44 AEST ]]> The beneficiation and chlorination of bauxite by gas-solid reaction Thu 22 Sep 2016 10:35:06 AEST ]]> Coalmining and manufacturing in Newcastle, 1797-1900 Thu 08 Jun 2017 09:31:12 AEST ]]> The geology of the Rouchel Brook - Back Creek District, N.S.W. Thu 06 Oct 2022 14:54:42 AEDT ]]> Modification of body temperature regulation in surgical patients Thu 03 Sep 2020 09:11:29 AEST ]]> Effects of hyperventilation on the circulatory response of the rabbit to arterial hypoxia Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:18:43 AEDT ]]> The effects of chloralose urethane and sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia on the local and autonomic components of the circulatory response to arterial hypoxia. Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:18:26 AEDT ]]> Circulatory effects of chloralose urethane and sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:18:25 AEDT ]]> Central integration of the autonomic cardiorespiratory response to nasopharyngeal stimulation in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:18:25 AEDT ]]> Coronary blood flow regulation in health and disease Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:17:34 AEDT ]]> Impedance cardiography: clinical limitations and accuracy Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:17:13 AEDT ]]> The relative roles of the aortic and carotid sinus nerves in the rabbit in the control of respiration and circulation during arterial hypoxia and hypercapnia Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:55 AEDT ]]> The effects of haemorrhage in the unanaesthetized rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:55 AEDT ]]> Some mechanisms of reflex control of the circulation by the sympatho-adrenal system Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:54 AEDT ]]> Nasopharyngeal reflexes: integrative analysis of evoked respiratory and cardiovascular effects Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:54 AEDT ]]> Role of the autonomic nervous system in the renal vasoconstriction response to hemorrhage in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:53 AEDT ]]> Circulatory effects mediated through cardiac vagal afferents Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:52 AEDT ]]> Central nervous integration of the circulatory and respiratory responses to arterial hypoxemia in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:51 AEDT ]]> A comparison of blood viscosity measured in vitro and in a vascular bed Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:36 AEDT ]]> Sensory loss in poliomyelitis Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:20 AEDT ]]> Haemodynamic effects of arrhythmias : effects of alterations in ventricular rate on cardiac output and peripheral flow distribution Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:19 AEDT ]]> Evaluation of the Doppler flowmeter for measurement of blood flow in small vessels of unanaesthetized animals Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:19 AEDT ]]> Baroreflex control of coronary conductance in normotensive and renal hypertensive dogs with complete heart block Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:16:19 AEDT ]]> Adrenalectomy in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:50 AEDT ]]> The control of the circulation in skeletal muscle during arterial hypoxia in the rabbit 35 mm Hg) in the rabbit, muscle blood flow did not change, although cardiac output increased. During moderate hypoxia (Po₂ 30 - 35 mm Hg) there was initial vasoconstriction in muscle, followed by a return to control values paralleling the changes in cardiac output. In severe arterial hypoxia (Po₂ < 30 mm Hg) the initial vasoconstriction was less marked, and during the 'steady state' there was a large vasodilatation and increase in muscle blood flow, at a time when the cardiac output was not elevated. 3. The early vasoconstriction in arterial hypoxia is mediated mainly through sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves as a result of strong arterial chemoreceptor stimulation. 4. Increased secretion of adrenaline is an important factor in restoring muscle blood flow to control values during moderate arterial hypoxia, and in elevating the muscle blood flow above these values in severe hypoxia. The peripheral dilator (β-)effects of adrenaline oppose the peripheral constrictor (α-) effects resulting from increased activation of sympathetic constrictor nerves during arterial hypoxia.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:49 AEDT ]]> Local and reflex factors affecting the distribution of the peripheral blood flow during arterial hypoxia in the rabbit b) and Lₐ. After habituation for 7 days to 29°C and 12:12-h dark-light cycles, 48 h of baseline data were acquired from six control and four experimental rats. The mean Tb for the group oscillated from a nocturnal peak of 38.4 ± 0.18°C (SD) to a diurnal nadir of 36.7 ± 0.15°C. Then the experimental group was switched to 10% O₂ in N₂. The immediate Tb response, phase I, was a disappearance of circadian rhythm and a fall in Tb to 36.3 ± 0.52°C. In phase II, Tb increased to a peak of 38.7 ± 0.64°C. In phase III, Tb gradually decreased. At reoxygenation at the end of the hypoxic period, phase IV, Tb increased 1.1 ± 0.25°C. Before hypoxia, Lₐ decreased 70% from its nocturnal peak to its diurnal nadir and was entrained with Tb. With hypoxia Lₐ decreased in phase I to essential quiescence by phase II. Lₐ had returned, but only to a low level in phase III, and was devoid of any circadian rhythm. Lₐ resumed its circadian rhythm on reoxygenation. We conclude that 63 h of sustained hypoxia 1) completely disrupts the circadian rhythms of both Tb and Lₐ throughout the hypoxic exposure, 2) the hypoxia-induced changes in Tb and Lₐ are independent of each other and of the circadian clock, and 3) the Tb response to hypoxia at thermoneutrality has several phases and includes both hypothermic and hyperthermic components.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:49 AEDT ]]> Local thermodilution method for measuring blood flow in the portal and renal veins of the unanaesthetized rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:49 AEDT ]]> Autonomic cardiovascular effects of nasal inhalation of cigarette smoke in the rabbit diff< 0001). The circulatory changes thus appear to conserve body oxygen stores during the induced apnoea, an effect dependent on the integration of evoked vagal and sympathetic autonomic activity.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:49 AEDT ]]> Evaluation of blood resistivity in vivo for impedance cardiography in man, dog and rabbit z) has been controversial. This could be, in part, due to the use in the Kubicek formula of the bench-determined blood resistivity (p)-haematocrit (Hct) relationship, which does not take into account factors such as complex blood-velocity movements. In the present study in vivo, p was calculated in dog, rabbit and man from the rearranged Kubicek formula, p = (SV. Zo2)/(L2. dZ/dt max T); the stroke volumes used in the calculation being derived at different Hcts in the different species from the independent techniques of electromagnetic flowmeter, direct Fick, and direct Fick and thermodilution, respectively. The in vivo p-Hct relationship is linear, inverse and nearly constant over the range of Hcts tested (dog 26–62%, man 31–48%, rabbit 37%). No significant difference exists between meanin vivo p values determined for the three species at corresponding haematocrits despite different thoracic anatomy and circulatory dynamics. Thus, the best estimate of mean p in vivo within the normal Hct range is 135Ωcm, the use of which will result in a SVz accuracy of better than ± 10%.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:49 AEDT ]]> Circulatory control in hypoxia by the sympathetic nerves and adrenal medulla Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:48 AEDT ]]> Role of trigeminal, olfactory, carotid sinus and aortic nerves in the respiratory and circulatory response to nasal inhalation of cigarette smoke and other irritants in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:48 AEDT ]]> Effects of haemorrhage on the distribution of the peripheral blood flow in the rabbit Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:41 AEDT ]]> Distribution of peripheral blood flow in primary tissue hypoxia induced by inhalation of carbon monoxide Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:15:41 AEDT ]]> Granuloma venerum (granuloma inguinale) in Zambia Sat 06 Jul 2024 16:14:57 AEST ]]> Bilharzial cirrhosis of the liver S. mansoni and S. haematobium. At about the same time Japanese workers reported their experience, both clinical and experimental, with S. japonicum infections and showed clearly that oriental schistosomiasis (as S. japonicum infections came to be named) produced hepatosplenic involvement indistinguishable from that of Egyptian splenomegaly. (S. japonicum, a human intestinal type, is exclusive to the East and therefore will be excluded from the present discussion. It produces lesions similar to those of S. mansoni). The morbid anatomy, histopathology and pathogenesis of bilharzial hepatic fibrosis have been under discussion since Symmers first noted the association of 'pipe-stem cirrhosis with a concomitance of bilharzial ova.' The 3 cases presented in this paper are examples of schistosomal 'pipe-stem' cirrhosis encountered at autopsy in King Edward VIII Hospital. No previous cases have been described from this area.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 14:04:27 AEST ]]> Pattern of lymphomas in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 14:04:05 AEST ]]> Bilharzial pipe-stem portal fibrosis in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:58:39 AEST ]]> Rhinoscleroma in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:57:30 AEST ]]> Ovarian neoplasms in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:47:03 AEST ]]> The incidence of bilharzia in Lusaka schools S. haematobium and S. mansoni are endemic diseases in Zambia. Although no accurate overall survey has as yet been attempted, the pattern tends to suggest one of focal endemic distribution.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:45:58 AEST ]]> Carcinoma of the male breast in Zambia female follows the general trend of lowered incidence of carcinoma of the breast for Africa, the male shows an unexpected increased incidence. Some of the possible aetiological factors have been superficially examined but no facts have been established yet to account for the relatively high male incidence.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:45:06 AEST ]]> Granuloma venereum Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:38:24 AEST ]]> Kala-azar in Zambia: first report of two cases Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:36:05 AEST ]]> An investigation into the causes of massive splenomegaly at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:30:47 AEST ]]> The incidence of bilharzia in the Durban area Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:17:28 AEST ]]> Jaundice in adult Zambians: a clinico-pathological correlation Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:05:25 AEST ]]> North American blastomycosis in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:41:49 AEST ]]> Anomalous left coronary artery Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:38:41 AEST ]]> The pathogenesis of bilharzial hydroureter Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:33:00 AEST ]]> A case of hartmannellid amebic meningoencephalitis in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 12:11:02 AEST ]]> Some medical aspects of bilharzia Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:49:56 AEST ]]> Hodgkin's disease in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:49:29 AEST ]]> Disseminated cryptococcosis C. neoformans, a yeast-like fungus is being recognised more frequently than hitherto. The clinical diagnosis of Cryptococcosis is difficult. Symptoms of meningo-encephalitis are the commonest presenting feature of disseminated Cryptococcosis due to the predeliction of the fungus for the C.S.F. (Moss 1960). The disease is frequently diagnosed by the discovery of the organism in the C.S.F. Although neurological symptoms are common their presentation may be bizzare. The signs may be of meningeal irritation, a space occupying lesion, encephalitis, hemiplegia or coma, (Aberfeld and Gladstone I 967). The case presented below is interesting as a clinico-pathological correlation. The wide spread systemic dissemination of the organism in relation to the paucity of presenting signs and symptoms is alarming.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:37:11 AEST ]]> Schistosomiasis and carcinoma of the bladder in Zambia Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:35:16 AEST ]]> Reaction characteristics from the transient response of reactors Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:31:57 AEST ]]> A review of autopsies at the university teaching hospital, Lusaka Mon 23 Sep 2019 11:17:35 AEST ]]> The pathology of ureteric bilharziasis S. haematobium. Subsequently workers from epidemic areas outside Egypt, more particularly Kirkaldy-Willis from East Africa, Gelfand, and Honey and Gelfand from Southern Rhodesia, reported findings similar to those in Egypt.]]> Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:27:43 AEST ]]> Chronic endometritis: a clinical and histopathological study Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:22:51 AEST ]]> Malignant transformation of a non-osteogenic fibroma of bone Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:09:36 AEST ]]> A comparison of techniques for the recovery of schistosome eggs in autopsy material Mon 18 Mar 2019 11:44:59 AEDT ]]> The clinico-pathological manifestations of intestinal bilharziasis in Durban, South Africa S. mansoni produces less severe intestinal pathology than that reported from Egypt. In the rest of Africa the disease is still milder. MANSON-BAHR [13] reported that symptomatology in East Africa due to S. mansoni infection was variable but noted that, in general, the infected indigenous population was symptom-free. Although WYDELL [19] demonst rat ed severe intestinal pathology in the later stages of S . mansoni infection in an isolated African population group on Ukerewe Island in Lake Victoria, and although t he incidence of S . mansoni in this group was high, he noted that intestinal symptoms in active infections were uncommon. Further south, GELFAND [8] from S. Rhodesia report ed that intestinal bilharziasis is almost asymptomatic and he stressed the benign nature of the intestinal lesions. Little work has been done on the clinico-pathological aspects of intestinal bilharziasis in South Africa. TURNER [18] reported that symptoms due to intestinal bilharziasis were variable and were easily mist aken for chronic diarrhoea or t dysentery. HOLLAND [9] considered bilharzial dysentery to be a rare illness. KING [11] reported on the similarities in clinical presentation of amoebiasis and bilharzial dysentery. SCHNEIDER [11] reported that , when present, symptoms were mild in the Transvaal African.]]> Mon 18 Mar 2019 11:37:09 AEDT ]]> The histopathology of early hepatic schistosomiasis Fri 30 Nov 2018 12:33:33 AEDT ]]> Alkali ash reactions and deposit formation in pulverised coal fired boilers Fri 30 Aug 2024 17:01:43 AEST ]]> Thoracic resistivity for stroke volume calculation in impedance cardiography τ) has been calculated in dogs from the rearranged Kubicek formula: pτ = (SV · Z02)/(L2 dZ/dtmax·T), where SV was measured by the electromagnetic flowmeter (EM). Hematocrit (Hct) in the dog was varied by hemorrhage and infusion. In contrast to the direct and exponential bench p-Hct relationship, pτ varies inversely with Hct, but by no more than +6.3 Ω · cm (at Hct 26%) and -11.8 Ω · cm (at Hct 66%) about a mean pτ of 135 ± 1.0 Ω · cm (at Hct 40%). Impedance SV calculated using pτ over a wide range of SV bears a linear relationship to EM values with a 95% prediction limit for a single SV estimate of ±0.84 about a mean value of 26.9 ml. The findings suggest that pτ is virtually constant during a variety of physiological disturbances.]]> Fri 27 Sep 2019 16:12:28 AEST ]]> The effects of altering ventricular rate on blood flow distribution in conscious dogs Fri 27 Sep 2019 16:03:24 AEST ]]> Coronary dynamics in unrestrained conscious baboons Fri 27 Sep 2019 15:57:40 AEST ]]> Central nervous system control of cardiorespiratory nasopharyngeal reflexes in the rabbit Fri 27 Sep 2019 15:45:17 AEST ]]> An Evaluation of the Alconfrontation Approach in the Treatment of Male Alcoholics Fri 23 Mar 2018 15:43:41 AEDT ]]> Ecology and the pathology of bilharzia Schistosomes, mansoni and haematobium, in which the manifestations of bilharzial disease are but slight by comparison with the distribution of the parasites. The third well-known form of bilharzia, due to Schistosoma japonicum, is in a slightly different position for here there cannot be much doubt as to the disease-producing potential of some strains of this particular parasite.]]> Fri 15 Feb 2019 16:33:39 AEDT ]]> Concept analysis and character study in the Opera Historica of the Venerable Bede with particular reference to his account of early papal policy in Britain Fri 07 May 2021 16:50:46 AEST ]]> The in-plane deformation and failure of brickwork Fri 07 May 2021 16:22:37 AEST ]]>