${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Genetic variation in the bitter receptors responsible for epicatechin detection are associated with BMI in an elderly cohort TAS2R4 (rs2233998 and rs2234001) and TAS2R5 (rs2227264) were associated with body mass index (BMI). Genotyping (Taqman qPCR assays) was performed on DNA extracted from blood samples (n = 563) from an elderly cohort. Homozygosity for the minor allele of all polymorphisms was significantly associated with a lower BMI in males. The TAS2R4-rs2233998 CC genotype, the TAS2R4-rs2234001 CC genotype and the TAS2R5-rs2227264 TT genotype were associated with lower BMI (2.1, 2.1 and 2.2 units; p = 0.002, 0.003 and 0.001, respectively). Epicatechin intake was not associated with BMI and genotype was not associated with epicatechin intake. This suggests that the association between TAS2R genotype and elevated BMI risk occurs through altered extra-oral responses and not directly via altered epicatechin intake.]]> Wed 26 Oct 2022 10:43:50 AEDT ]]> Molecular nutrition and genomics: nutrition and the ascent of mankind Wed 24 Jul 2013 22:21:56 AEST ]]> Intense sweeteners, taste receptors and the gut microbiome: a metabolic health perspective Wed 19 Jan 2022 15:19:31 AEDT ]]> Interactions between bitter taste, diet and dysbiosis: consequences for appetite and obesity Wed 19 Jan 2022 15:16:53 AEDT ]]> Early lifecycle UV-exposure calibrates adult vitamin D metabolism: evidence for a developmentally originated vitamin D homeostat that may alter related adult phenotypes R2 = .0140; P = .0082; β = .1075), but not vitamin D₂ levels. It also correlated positively with female adult height (R2 = .170; P = .0103; β = .1291) and negatively with the occurrence of female osteoporosis (P = .0495). All data were adjusted for age and gender as appropriate (unadjusted data also provided). From a contemporary perspective, vitamin D levels varied significantly according to season of blood sampling as might be predicted (P = .0009). Conclusions: Increased solar irradiance/UV exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy calibrates adult vitamin D metabolism, which is an important hormone in maintaining calcium balance. This may explain how very early lifecycle UV exposure can influence skeletal development (adult height) and modify risk for the skeletal degenerative disorder osteoporosis. The data demonstrate humans are tuned to the world (exposome) in ways we have not yet fully considered, and which are entrained at the earliest phase of the lifecycle.]]> Wed 19 Aug 2020 11:35:44 AEST ]]> Micronutrients and bioactive compounds in oral inflammatory diseases Wed 15 Dec 2021 14:39:24 AEDT ]]> Reduced plasma homocysteine levels in elderly Australians following mandatory folic acid fortification - A comparison of two cross-sectional cohorts Wed 11 Apr 2018 17:10:58 AEST ]]> Erythrocyte omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels are associated with biomarkers of inflammation in older Australians 10 mg/L, or who were taking anti-inflammatory medications or n-3PUFA supplements, 126 participants (age 77.6 ± 7.3 years; females, 46%) were included in the analysis. After multivariate adjustments, O3I was inversely associated with CRP (β = −0.209, p < 0.05) and monocyte cell counts (β = −0.205, p < 0.05), and total n-3PUFA was inversely related to WBC (β = −0.238, p < 0.05), neutrophils (β = −0.212, p < 0.05) and monocytes (β = −0.246, p < 0.05). However no association between fibrinogen and O3I or total n-3PUFA was detected. Conclusions: This study demonstrated a negative association between O3I and biomarkers of inflammation in an older population. The findings support a potential role for n-3PUFA supplementation in the management of inflammatory diseases.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:52:13 AEST ]]> Association between erythrocyte omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid levels and fatty liver index in older people is sex dependent Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:03:15 AEST ]]> Folate status, folate-related genes and serum miR-21 expression: implications for miR-21 as a biomarker Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:40:57 AEST ]]> Methylation diet and methyl group genetics in risk for adenomatous polyp occurrence Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:22:59 AEST ]]> Vitamin D receptor genotype modulates the correlation between vitamin D and circulating levels of let-7a/b and vitamin D intake in an elderly cohort VDR) polymorphisms, BsmI and ApaI. Methods: Two hundred participants completed food frequency and supplement questionnaires, and were assayed for circulating let-7b expression by qPCR. Polymorphisms were detected using restriction fragment length polymorphism-PCR. Results: let-7b expression negatively correlated with vitamin D intake (rs = -0.20, p = 0.005). The magnitude and direction of correlation were maintained in the presence of the BsmI restriction site (rs = -0.27, p = 0.0005). However, in the absence of BsmI restriction site, the direction of the correlation was reversed (rs = +0.319, p = 0.0497). These correlations were significantly different (z-score = 2.64, p = 0.0085). The correlation between vitamin D intake and let-7a was only significant in those without the ApaI restriction site. Conclusions: The correlation between vitamin D intake and let-7a/b expression in this cohort varies with VDR genotype. This study highlights the importance of considering underlying genotypic variance in miRNA expression studies and in nutritional epigenetics generally.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:17:40 AEST ]]> Vitamin D, folate, and potential early lifecycle environmental origin of significant adult phenotypes. Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:52:16 AEST ]]> InsuTAG: a novel physiologically relevant predictor for insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:53:38 AEST ]]> Bitter taste genetics-the relationship to tasting, liking, consumption and health Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:55:18 AEST ]]> Sex-dependent association between omega-3 index and body weight status in older Australians p=0.06), WC (r = −0.118, p < 0.01) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR; r = −0.149, p < 0.001). Stratification of data by sex (females, n = 349; males, n = 271) indicated that these associations were sex-specific. Females displayed an inverse association between the omega-3 index and BMI (r = −0.146, p < 0.01) and WC (r = −0.125, p < 0.05). In contrast, no significant association between the omega-3 index and anthropometric measures was detected in males. After correcting for the potentially confounding effects of age, household income, fish oil supplement status, daily dietary energy intake and total physical activity times, the omega-3 index was inversely associated with BMI and WC in females but not males. Conclusions: Omega-3 status was associated with weight status, particularly in older women but not in men. These results suggest the need for sex-based intervention trials to examine the role of dietary intake and/or supplementation of LCn-3PUFA in weight management of older adults.]]> Wed 09 Mar 2022 16:02:27 AEDT ]]> Sex-dependent association between erythrocyte n-3 PUFA and type 2 diabetes in older overweight people trend=0·015). A similar but non-significant trend was seen in overweight men. After adjusting for BMI, no associations were found between n-3I and fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, insulin or HOMA-IR. In conclusion, higher erythrocyte n-3 PUFA status may be protective against the development of T2D in overweight women. Further research is warranted to determine whether dietary interventions that improve n-3 PUFA status can improve measures of IR, and to further elucidate sex-dependent differences.]]> Wed 09 Mar 2022 15:58:29 AEDT ]]> Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms relate to risk of adenomatous polyps in a sex-specific manner Wed 06 Apr 2022 14:04:50 AEST ]]> UV-associated decline in systemic folate: implications for human nutrigenetics, health, and evolutionary processes Wed 06 Apr 2022 14:02:17 AEST ]]> VDR gene methylation as a molecular adaption to light exposure: historic, recent and genetic influences Wed 04 Sep 2019 10:04:44 AEST ]]> Salt taste genotype, dietary habits and biomarkers of health: no associations in an elderly cohort n = 536) was conducted to explore relationships between the salt taste-related SNP TRPV1-rs8065080 (assessed by Taqman genotyping assay), dietary habits and biomarkers of health. Data were analysed with standard least squares regression modelling and Tukey's HSD post hoc tests. No association was found between the TRPV1-rs8065080 genotype, sodium intake or multiple diet quality indices (assessed by food frequency questionnaire). Sodium-related markers of health including blood pressure and markers of kidney function (urinary creatinine and albumin/creatinine ratio) and general health markers, such as Body Mass Index (BMI), were also not related to TRPV1-rs8065080 genotype. To date, this study is the most comprehensive investigation conducted to determine if the TRPV1-rs8065080 genotype relates to sodium intake and health markers influenced by sodium intake. Although no significant relationships were found, these findings are an important contribution to the limited body of knowledge surround this SNP. In addition to further research across other ages and cultures, the TRPV1-rs8065080 genotype may interact with other ion channels, and so further studies are required to determine if polymorphic variations influence sodium intake, diet and health.]]> Wed 02 Mar 2022 14:24:15 AEDT ]]> A Cross-Sectional Study of Bitter-Taste Receptor Genotypes, Oral Health, and Markers of Oral Inflammation Wed 01 May 2024 15:54:23 AEST ]]> Relationship between B-vitamin biomarkers and dietary intake with apolipoprotein E є4 in Alzheimer's disease 11.0 µmol/L (p = 0.012), cysteine levels were <255 µmol/L (p = 0.033) and serum folate was <22.0 nmol/L (p = 0.003; in males only). In females, dietary intake of total folate <336 µg/day (p=0.001), natural folate <270 µg/day (p = 0.011), and vitamin B2 < 1.12 mg/day (p = 0.028) was associated with an increased AD risk. These results support Hcy, Cys, and SF as useful biomarkers for AD, irrespective of APOE4 genotype and as such should be considered as part of screening and managing risk of AD.]]> Wed 01 Feb 2023 09:58:55 AEDT ]]> Is folic acid the ultimate functional food component for disease prevention? Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:55:27 AEST ]]> Maternal folate and DNA methylation in offspring Tue 15 Nov 2022 14:54:52 AEDT ]]> Folate and microRNA: bidirectional interactions Tue 10 Sep 2024 12:47:29 AEST ]]> Flour fortification and the prevention of neural tube defects (NTDs) Tue 04 Oct 2022 15:09:23 AEDT ]]> Sour Taste SNP KCNJ2-rs236514 and Differences in Nutrient Intakes and Metabolic Health Markers in the Elderly Thu 27 Oct 2022 13:56:22 AEDT ]]> G80A reduced folate carrier SNP modulates cellular uptake of folate and affords protection against thrombosis via a non homocysteine related mechanism Thu 25 Jul 2013 09:10:22 AEST ]]> Association between sour taste SNP <i>KCNJ2</i>-rs236514, diet quality and mild cognitive impairment in an elderly cohort KCNJ2 gene involved in the transduction of sour taste have been linked to variations in sour taste and non-gustatory functions. However, relationships between sour taste genetics, mild cognitive impairment, and diet quality are yet to be elucidated. This study investigated the associations between the presence of the KCNJ2-rs236514 variant (A) allele, diet quality indices, and mild cognitive impairment evaluated by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), in a secondary cross-sectional analysis of data from the Retirement Health & Lifestyle Study. Data from 524 elderly Australians (≥65y) were analyzed, using standard least squares regression and nominal logistic regression modeling, with demographic adjustments applied. Results showed that the presence of the KCNJ2-A allele is associated with increased proportions of participants scoring in the range indicative of mild or more severe cognitive impairment (MMSE score of ≤26) in the total cohort, and males. These associations remained statistically significant after adjusting for age, sex, and diet quality indices. The absence of association between the KCNJ2-A allele and cognitive impairment in women may be related to their higher diet quality scores in all indices. The potential link between sour taste genotype and cognitive impairment scores may be due to both oral and extra-oral functions of sour taste receptors. Further studies are required on the role and relationship of neurotransmitters, sour taste genotypes and sour taste receptors in the brain, and dietary implications, to identify potential risk groups or avenues for therapeutic or prophylactic interventions.]]> Thu 08 Sep 2022 14:04:41 AEST ]]> Association between omega-3 index and blood lipids in older Australians Thu 04 Nov 2021 10:38:19 AEDT ]]> Vitamin D: beyond metabolism Sat 24 Mar 2018 10:21:27 AEDT ]]> The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T mutation induces cell-specific changes in genomic DNA methylation and uracil misincorporation: a possible molecular basis for the site-specific cancer risk modification Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:37:50 AEDT ]]> Folate nutritional genetics and risk for hypertension in an elderly population sample T-MTHFR, 1298A>C-MTHFR, 80G>A-RFC, 2756A>G-MS, 66A>G- MSR, 19bpDHFR and 1561C>T-GCPII), only 677C>T-MTHFR was a significant risk for hypertension: OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.07–3.32 (χ² p = 0.038). Additionally, hypertensive subjects had a significantly lower intake of dietary folate than normotensive individuals (p = 0.0221), although this did not markedly alter blood metabolite levels. Several significant linear associations between dietary folate and related blood metabolites were found in normotensive subjects (p<0.001 for Hcy, red cell and serum folate) and were as predicted on an a priori basis – generally weaker associations existed in hypertensive subjects (p<0.05 for serum folate). This was true for data examined collectively or by genotype. Multiple regression analysis for diastolic or systolic blood pressure showed significant interaction for gender and folate intake (p = 0.014 and 0.019, respectively). In both cases this interaction occurred only in females, with higher folate intake associated with decreased blood pressure. Regressing diastolic blood pressure and 677C>T-MTHFR genotype showed significance (males; p = 0.032) and borderline significance (all subjects). Conclusion: Dietary folate and 677C>T-MTHFR genotype may modify blood pressure.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:37:49 AEDT ]]> Folic acid fortification: a double-edged sword Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:33:50 AEDT ]]> Effect of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism on chemosensitivity of colon and breast cancer cells to 5-fluorouracil and methotrexate Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:33:11 AEDT ]]> Folic acid - vitamin and panacea or genetic time bomb? Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:28:06 AEDT ]]> Photoperiod at conception predicts C677T-MTHFR genotype: a novel gene-environment interaction Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:12:24 AEDT ]]> Hydrogen sulphide-related thiol metabolism and nutrigenetics in relation to hypertension in an elderly population Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:04:22 AEDT ]]> The role of vitamins and minerals in modulating the expression of microRNA Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:03:05 AEDT ]]> Vitamin C-related nutrient-nutrient and nutrient-gene interactions that modify folate status Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:01:49 AEDT ]]> Contemporary issues surrounding folic acid fortification initiatives Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:56:55 AEDT ]]> TAS2R38 bitter taste genetics, dietary vitamin C, and both natural and synthetic dietary folic acid predict folate status, a key micronutrient in the pathoaetiology of adenomatous polyps Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:56:14 AEDT ]]> Folic acid: beyond metabolism Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:10 AEDT ]]> Autism, seasonality and the environmental perturbation of epigenome related vitamin levels Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:50:20 AEDT ]]> Preliminary evidence for genetic selection of 677T→MTHFR by natural annual cycle of folate abundance Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:48:07 AEDT ]]> Physicochemical effect of pH and antioxidants on mono- and triglutamate forms of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, and evaluation of vitamin stability in human gastric juice: implications for folate bioavailability Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:48:04 AEDT ]]> Folic acid: An essential nutrient with added health benefits Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:42:42 AEDT ]]> Folic acid: vitamin and panacea or genetic time bomb? Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:42:37 AEDT ]]> Genetic variation in glutamate carboxypeptidase II and interaction with dietary natural vitamin C may predict risk for adenomatous polyp occurrence Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:26:00 AEDT ]]> Solar cycle predicts folate-sensitive neonatal genotypes at discrete phases of the first trimester of pregnancy: a novel folate-related human embryo loss hypothesis Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:17:33 AEDT ]]> Gene-nutrient interaction between folate and dihydrofolate reductase in risk for adenomatous polyp occurrence: a preliminary report Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:33 AEDT ]]> Frequency of folate-related polymorphisms varies by skin pigmentation MTRR, MTR, MTHFR, CBS, SHMT1, MTHFD1, RFC1, BHMT, TYMS) and the Fitzpatrick skin phototype of populations was assessed via collation of genotypic data from ALFRED (Allele Frequency Database) and 1000 Genomes databases. Results: A significant association between variant frequency and Fitzpatrick phototype was observed for 16 of 17 examined variants (P<.0029 Bonferroni corrected significance threshold in all cases). Conclusions: These findings demonstrate novel relationships between skin color and folate-related genes, with trends suggesting folate genotypes are selected to maintain homeostasis in the folate system under differing UVR conditions.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 11:48:42 AEST ]]> Independent and interactive influences of environmental UVR, vitamin D levels, and folate variant MTHFD1-RS2236225 on homocysteine levels n = 619). Red blood cell folate, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and plasma Hcy levels were determined, and genotyping for 21 folate and vitamin D-related variants was performed. Erythemal dose rate accumulated over six-weeks (6W-EDR) and four-months (4M-EDR) prior to clinics were calculated as a measure of environmental UVR. Multivariate analyses found interactions between 6W-EDR and 25(OH)D levels (pinteraction = 0.002), and 4M-EDR and MTHFD1-rs2236225 (pinteraction = 0.006) in predicting Hcy levels. The association between 6W-EDR and Hcy levels was found only in subjects within lower 25(OH)D quartiles (<33.26 ng/mL), with the association between 4M-EDR and Hcy occurring only in subjects carrying the MTHFD1-rs2236225 variant. 4M-EDR, 6W-EDR, and MTHFD1-rs2236225 were also independent predictors of Hcy. Findings highlight nutrient-environment and gene-environment interactions that could influence the risk of Hcy-related outcomes.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 11:34:35 AEST ]]> Environmental UVR levels and skin pigmentation gene variants associated with folate and homocysteine levels in an elderly cohort MC1R-rs1805007, IRF4-rs12203592 and HERC2- rs12913832) on folate (red blood cell (RBC) and serum) and homocysteine levels were examined in an elderly Australian cohort (n = 599). Genotypes were assessed by RT/RFLP-PCR, and UVR exposures were assessed as the accumulated erythemal dose rate accumulated over 4 months (4M- EDR). Multivariate analysis found significant negative associations between 4M-EDR and RBC folate (p, < 0.001, ß = -0.19), serum folate (p = 0.045, ß = -0.08) and homocysteine levels (p < 0.001, ß = -0.28). Significant associations between MC1R-rs1805007 and serum folate levels (p = 0.020), and IRF4-rs12203592 and homocysteine levels (p = 0.026) occurred but did not remain significant following corrections with confounders. No interactions between 4M-EDR and pigmentation variants in predicting folate/homocysteine levels were found. UVR levels and skin pigmentation-related variants are potential determinants of folate and homocysteine status, although, associations are mixed and complex, with further studies warranted.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 11:13:36 AEST ]]> Distribution of variants in multiple vitamin D-related loci (DHCR7/NADSYN1, GC, CYP2R1, CYP11A1, CYP24A1, VDR, RXRα and RXRγ) vary between European, East-Asian and Sub-Saharan African-ancestry populations (DHCR7/NADSYN1, GC, CYP2R1, CYP11A1, CYP27A1, CYP24A1, VDR, RXRα and RXRγ) was collated from 60 sample sets (2633 subjects) with European, East Asian and Sub-Saharan African origin via the NCBI 1000 Genomes Browser and ALFRED (Allele Frequency Database), with the aim to examine for patterns in the distribution of vitamin D-associated variants across these geographic areas. Results: The frequency of all examined genetic variants differed between populations of European, East Asian and Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Changes in the distribution of variants in CYP2R1, CYP11A1, CYP24A1, RXRα and RXRγ genes between these populations are novel findings which have not been previously reported. The distribution of several variants reflected changes in the UVB environment of the population's ancestry. However, multiple variants displayed population-specific patterns in frequency that appears not to relate to UVB changes. Conclusions: The reported population differences in vitamin D-related variants provides insight into the extent by which activity of the vitamin D system can differ between cohorts due to genetic variance, with potential consequences for future dietary recommendations and disease outcomes.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 10:45:36 AEST ]]> Relationship between methylation status of Vitamin D-related genes, Vitamin D levels, and methyl-donor biochemistry CYP2R1, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1) and the Vitamin D receptor gene (VDR). This analysis was conducted in the context of dietary Vitamin D, and background methyl donor related biochemistry, with adjustment for several dietary and lifestyle variables. Percentage methylation at CpG sites was assessed in peripheral blood cells using methylation sensitive and dependent enzymes and qPCR. Standard analytical techniques were used to determine plasma 25(OH)D and homocysteine, and serum folate and B12, with the relationship to methylation status assessed using multi-variable regression analysis. CYP2R1 and VDR methylation were found to be independent predictors of plasma 25(OH)D, when adjusted for Vitamin D intake and other lifestyle variables. CYP24A1 was related to plasma 25(OH)D directly, but not in the context of Vitamin D intake. Methyl-group donor biochemistry was associated with the methylation status of some genes, but did not alter the relationship between methylation and plasma 25(OH)D. Modulation of methylation status of CYP2R1, CYP24A1 and VDR in response to plasma 25(OH)D may be part of feedback loops involved in maintaining Vitamin D homeostasis, and may explain a portion of the variance in plasma 25(OH)D levels in response to intake and sun exposure. Methyl-group donor biochemistry, while a potential independent modulator, did not alter this effect.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 10:02:52 AEST ]]> Converging evolutionary, environmental and clinical ideas on folate metabolism MTHFR-C677T, MTHFR-A1298C, cSHMT-C1420T TYMS 28bp 2R>3R, TYMS 3'UTR ins/del and DHFR 19bp deletion. Data extracted were analysed by the latitude of the study locations, as a surrogate measure of population UV exposure. Results: Frequency of the MTHFR-C677T and MTHFR-A1298C polymorphisms was positively associated with latitude, while a negative association was observed between latitude and frequency of the cSHMT-C1420T and TYMS 28bp 2R>3R variants. Conclusions: These findings provide novel evidence suggestive of folate genotypes being selected to maintain homeostasis between folate-dependent de novo thymidylate synthesis and methylation pathways in environments of differing UV levels. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study to report significant associations between latitude and the occurrence of MTHFR-A1298C, TYMS 28bp 2R>3R and cSHMT-C1420T polymorphisms. On-going studies are required to further explore the biological significance of these findings.]]> Mon 26 Apr 2021 09:49:26 AEST ]]> The Vitamin D-folate hypothesis as an evolutionary model for skin pigmentation: an update and integration of current ideas Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:19:59 AEST ]]> Interactions between taste receptors and the gastrointestinal microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease Mon 15 Aug 2022 10:03:25 AEST ]]> A potential sex dimorphism in the relationship between bitter taste and alcohol consumption Mon 12 Aug 2024 11:29:24 AEST ]]> Photobiology of vitamins Fri 30 Aug 2019 12:35:33 AEST ]]> Modulation of microRNA by vitamin D in cancer studies Fri 22 Jul 2022 13:54:23 AEST ]]> Salt-taste polymorphism TRPV1-rs8065080 is associated with increased likelihood of depression in an elderly cohort Fri 19 Jan 2024 10:25:16 AEDT ]]> Vitamin-related phenotypic adaptation to exposomal factors: The folate-vitamin D-exposome triad Fri 14 Oct 2022 09:11:45 AEDT ]]> Vitamin D and folate: A reciprocal environmental association based on seasonality and genetic disposition  3R-TS. RCF was measured by chemiluminescent immunoassay and vitamin D2 and D3 by HPLC. Results: RCF and photosynthesized vitamin D3, but not RCF and dietary vitamin D2, exhibit a significant reciprocal association in spring and summer. Three folate genes (C677T-MTHFR, C1420T-SHMT, and 2R > 3R-TS) strengthen this effect in spring, and another (T401C-MTHFD) in summer. Effects are seasonal, and do not occur over the whole year. Conclusions: Findings are consistent with what might be required for the “folate-vitamin D-UV hypothesis of skin pigmentation” model. It suggests genetic influence in provision of one-carbon units by 5,10-methylene-H4folate, may be an important factor in what appears to be a clear seasonal relationship between vitamin D3 and folate status.]]> Fri 11 Aug 2023 09:43:44 AEST ]]> Folate and inflammation - links between folate and features of inflammatory conditions Fri 07 Aug 2020 12:28:15 AEST ]]> Bitter and sweet taste perception: relationships to self-reported oral hygiene habits and oral health status in a survey of Australian adults Fri 05 Aug 2022 12:38:22 AEST ]]> Elevated folic acid results in contrasting cancer cell line growth with implications for mandatory folic acid fortification in vitro model. Methods: Caco-2 (colorectal cancer) and MCF7 (breast cancer) cell lines were cultured at 6 different PteGlu concentrations (0, 0.1, 1, 50, 250, and 500µg/ml) for 6 days. Cell growth was determined using thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide assay. The genotype of dihydrofolate reductase 19bp deletion/insertion (DHFR 19-del) was also scored in cell lines using a restriction fragment length polymorphism technique to examine whether genetic variations may factor in cell proliferation. Results: PteGlu exhibited differential growth promoting properties between cell lines. Caco-2 cells did not show a significant growth difference at low concentrations compared to control, however, at higher concentrations, the growth showed a contrasting trend in the early experimental period, while MCF7 showed enhanced cell growth at all concentrations. The DHFR 19-del genotype differed in the two cell lines. Conclusions: Altered response to PteGlu by Caco-2 and MCF7 may reflect a tissue specific disease aetiology or genotype specific differential enzyme activity, for example by DHFR, to critical levels of PteGlu. As folic acid fortification is a blanket intervention, and DHFR and other enzyme activities vary between individuals, PteGlu intake may have an as yet undefined effect on health. These findings may be relevant when considering mandatory folic acid fortification for disease prevention.]]> Fri 03 Dec 2021 10:34:46 AEDT ]]>