${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Understanding specific ion effects and the Hofmeister series Wed 23 Aug 2023 17:30:44 AEST ]]> Development and application of a large flood regionalisation model for Australia Wed 18 Apr 2018 15:11:40 AEST ]]> Concentrations of arsenic in water and fish in a tropical open lagoon, Southwest-Nigeria: health risk assessment 2) were obtained for Tympanotonus fuscatus, suggesting the potential for non-carcinogenic health outcomes in adults after a prolonged period of consumption. This calls for continuous monitoring and enforcement of regulations to ensure safety of fishery resources from Lagos Lagoon.]]> Wed 17 Nov 2021 16:30:33 AEDT ]]> Traditional water knowledge: challenges and opportunities to build resilience to urban floods Wed 13 Mar 2024 19:07:11 AEDT ]]> Organizational innovativeness for service delivery in water utilities Wed 13 Mar 2024 14:03:56 AEDT ]]> Household water, sanitation and hygiene and their effects on child health in Nepal Wed 13 Mar 2024 13:48:32 AEDT ]]> Modelling the pumping characteristics of power station ash in a dense phase hydraulic conveying system Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:40:26 AEST ]]> Watercourses and discourses: coalmining in the Upper Hunter Valley, New South Wales Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:06:59 AEST ]]> Modifying the adsorption characteristics of water on Ru{0001} with preadsorbed oxygen Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:19:48 AEST ]]> The impact of water and sanitation on childhood mortality in Nigeria: evidence from demographic and health surveys, 2003-2013 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:05:31 AEST ]]> Illicit drugs: environmental occurrence, fate and toxicity Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:39:15 AEST ]]> The origin of surfactant amphiphilicity and self-assembly in protic ionic liquids Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:35:53 AEST ]]> Elements of a flexible approach for conceptual hydrological modeling: 1. motivation and theoretical development Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:35:37 AEST ]]> Oxygen mass transfer in solid-laden liquids Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:21:30 AEST ]]> Detecting human sourced contamination in surface water catchments using fluroescent whitening compounds and simple flurometers Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:41:03 AEST ]]> Planning urban water system responses to megadrought Wed 10 May 2023 12:31:06 AEST ]]> Validation of virtual water phantom software for pre-treatment verification of single-isocenter multiple-target stereotactic radiosurgery Wed 03 May 2023 12:03:21 AEST ]]> Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database Tue 13 Sep 2022 15:35:43 AEST ]]> Energy dissipation in the inner surf zone: new insights from LiDAR-based roller geometry measurements Tue 11 Oct 2022 09:02:22 AEDT ]]> Drinking water quality in regional Hunter New England, New South Wales, Australia, 2001-2015 Thu 28 Jul 2022 10:37:23 AEST ]]> Early corrosion of mild steel in seawater Thu 25 Jul 2013 09:09:56 AEST ]]> Heterocoagulation of chalcopyrite and pyrite minerals in flotation separation Thu 25 Jul 2013 09:09:49 AEST ]]> Implementing water sensitive urban design: the context of changing urban stormwater technologies in Australia Thu 22 Sep 2016 11:02:41 AEST ]]> Probing the chemical reactivity of the B<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> -I (1 0 1) Surface: Interaction with H<inf>2</inf>O and H<inf>2</inf>S Thu 21 Sep 2023 09:40:56 AEST ]]> New perspectives for design in the urbanized delta: Living with water in Newcastle's threshold between land and water Thu 21 Jul 2022 12:01:22 AEST ]]> Letter: Hydroelastic interactions between water waves and floating freshwater ice Thu 15 Sep 2022 10:17:33 AEST ]]> Blue Space for oboe and interactive audio-visual system Thu 05 Sep 2024 14:35:40 AEST ]]> Bioremediation of mercury: not properly exploited in contaminated soils! (review) Thu 05 Oct 2023 16:40:22 AEDT ]]> Concrete Tuesday Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:45:06 AEDT ]]> A low energy pathway to CuCl₂: a theoretical investigation 2. In this paper, we show, using density functional theory calculations, that the presence of adsorbed water on a ClCu(1 0 0) modified surface leads to a low energy pathway to a direct CuCl2 formation.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:39 AEDT ]]> Constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils: discussion of fundamental principles Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:04:38 AEDT ]]> Monthly recharge modelling for the Gnangara Mound Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:01:04 AEDT ]]> Rock fall case study: Hawkesbury Sandstone Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:59:06 AEDT ]]> Spatially resolved photocurrent measurements of organic solar cells: tracking water ingress at edges and pinholes Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:52:40 AEDT ]]> Water available for recycling after the placement of dense phase flyash slurries Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:48:48 AEDT ]]> Chemical composition and reactivity of water on hexagonal Pt-group metal surfaces 0.25 ML) only intact water is observed. Under UHV conditions these higher coverages can only be reached on the 4d metals, the 5d metals are, therefore, not passivated.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:47:44 AEDT ]]> Chemical composition and reactivity of water on clean and oxygen-covered Pd{1 1 1} Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:46:26 AEDT ]]> Investigating raindrop effects on transport of sediment and non-sorbed chemicals from soil to surface runoff Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:42:51 AEDT ]]> Influence of surfactant on gas bubble stability Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:42:46 AEDT ]]> Runoff initiation, soil detachment and connectivity are enhanced as a consequence of vineyards plantations −1, 1 h) at plot scale (0.25 m2) to characterize the runoff initiation and sediment detachment. In recent vine plantations (<1 year since plantation; R) compared to old ones (>50 years; O). Slope gradient, rock fragment cover, soil surface roughness, bulk density, soil organic matter content, soil water content and plant cover were determined. Plantation of new vineyards largely impacted runoff rates and soil erosion risk at plot scale in the short term. Tp, Tr and Tro were much shorter in R plots. Tr-Tp and Tro-Tr periods were used as connectivity indexes of water flow, and decreased to 77.5 and 33.2% in R plots compared to O plots. Runoff coefficients increased significantly from O (42.94%) to R plots (71.92%) and soil losses were approximately one order of magnitude lower (1.8 and 12.6 Mg ha−1 h−1 for O and R plots respectively). Soil surface roughness and bulk density are two key factors that determine the increase in connectivity of flows and sediments in recently planted vineyards. Our results confirm that plantation of new vineyards strongly contributes to runoff initiation and sediment detachment, and those findings confirms that soil erosion control strategies should be applied immediately after or during the plantation of vines.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:39:00 AEDT ]]> Density functional theory periodic slab calculations of adsorption and dissociation of H<sub>2</sub>O on the Cu<sub>2</sub>O(110):CuO surface 2O has many prominent industrial and environmental applications. This study represents detailed density-functional theory calculations investigating the adsorption of a water molecule on a Cu2O(110):CuO surface; one of the two most stable Cu2O surfaces under practical catalytic conditions of temperatures and pressures. We report herein structural geometries and binding energies for all plausible molecular and dissociative interaction of HO with the surface. The water molecule is found to interact weakly with the Cu2O(110):CuO surface, forming several vertical and flat orientations where the latter was found to offer the most preferred site with a binding energy at 0.389 eV. Dissociation of a water molecule on this surface is found to incur a modest endothermcity of 0.71 eV. PACS Nos.: 73.22.−f, 61.46.Df, 61.46.−w.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:38:25 AEDT ]]> Influence of MIC on corrosion of oil field water injection pipelines Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:31:28 AEDT ]]> Interaction of arsenic with biochar in soil and water: a critical review Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:30:40 AEDT ]]> Systemic barriers to wastewater reuse in Australia: some jurisdictional examples Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:29:22 AEDT ]]> Activation Volumes for the Hydration Reactions of Carbon Dioxide Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:50 AEDT ]]> Influence of water on the interfacial nanostructure and wetting of [Rmim][NTf2] ionic liquids at mica surfaces Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:12:52 AEDT ]]> How water dissolves in protic ionic liquids Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:11:10 AEDT ]]> An experimental investigation of the catalytic activity of natural calcium-rich minerals and a novel dual-supported CaO-Ca12Al14O33/Al2O3 Catalyst for Biotar Steam Reforming Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:45:48 AEDT ]]> Preconditions, processes and structures: Interorganisational collaboration in the provision of post-disaster water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services Mon 24 Oct 2022 09:59:33 AEDT ]]> An update on phloem transport: a simple bulk flow under complex regulation Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:54:37 AEST ]]> Seasonal hybrid-CE method for estimating the annual flood distribution Mon 20 Jul 2015 17:55:20 AEST ]]> Robust optimisation of urban water resource systems in the face of known and unknown unknowns Mon 20 Jul 2015 17:55:15 AEST ]]> Force balance components in a mildly curved channel with and without bank vegetation Mon 20 Jul 2015 17:48:26 AEST ]]> Renting over troubled waters: an urban political ecology of rental housing Fri 18 Sep 2020 18:08:54 AEST ]]> From mine to mind and mobiles - Lithium contamination and its risk management Fri 17 Jun 2022 17:10:04 AEST ]]> Interactions between halide anions and interfacial water molecules in relation to the Jones-Ray effect Fri 16 Aug 2024 06:07:58 AEST ]]> Duration of cooling with water for thermal burns as a first aid intervention: A systematic review Fri 13 Jan 2023 12:16:38 AEDT ]]> Current and future perspectives of a microalgae based circular bioeconomy to manage industrial wastewater– A Systematic Review Fri 08 Mar 2024 10:57:44 AEDT ]]>