${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Natalizumab Versus Fingolimod in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Subgroup Analysis From Three International Cohorts 38 years (1.34; 1.04–1.73); those with disease duration > 7 years (1.33; 1.01–1.74); those with EDSS score < 6 (1.21; 1.01–1.46) and ≥ 6 (1.93; 1.11–3.34); and patients with no new MRI lesion (1.73; 1.19–2.51). Conclusions: Overall, in women, younger patients, those with shorter disease durations, and patients with pre-treatment relapses, natalizumab was associated with a lower frequency of multiple sclerosis relapses than fingolimod. It was also associated with an increased chance of recovery from disability among most patients, particularly women and those with no recent MRI activity.]]> Wed 31 May 2023 15:59:42 AEST ]]> A pro-inflammatory diet in people with multiple sclerosis is associated with an increased rate of relapse and increased FLAIR lesion volume on MRI in early multiple sclerosis: A prospective cohort study Wed 29 May 2024 15:12:23 AEST ]]> Characterization of the human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody response in demyelination Wed 28 Aug 2024 09:55:39 AEST ]]> The MSReactor computerized cognitive battery correlates with the processing speed test in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Wed 27 Jul 2022 14:43:55 AEST ]]> Automatic and robust segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions with convolutional neural networks Wed 26 Oct 2022 15:22:01 AEDT ]]> Risk of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study p <0.001), longer disease duration (HR=1.01, p=0.038), a higher Expanded Disability Status Scale score (HR=1.30, p<0.001), more rapid disability trajectory (HR=2.82, p<0.001) and greater number of relapses in the previous year (HR=1.07, p=0.010) were independently associated with an increased risk of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Improving disability (HR=0.62, p=0.039) and disease-modifying therapy exposure (HR=0.71, p=0.007) were associated with a lower risk. Recent cerebral magnetic resonance imaging activity, evidence of spinal cord lesions and oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid were not associated with the risk of conversion. Conclusion:Risk of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis increases with age, duration of illness and worsening disability and decreases with improving disability. Therapy may delay the onset of secondary progression.]]> Wed 24 May 2023 12:22:34 AEST ]]> Advanced magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques for neurometabolic profiling of multiple sclerosis Wed 24 Jun 2020 18:21:42 AEST ]]> Comparison of BICAMS and ARCS for assessment of cognition in multiple sclerosis and predictive value of employment status r = 0.3–0.5; P ≤ 0.05). Total ARCS predicts cognitive impairment with good sensitivity and specificity relative to the BICAMS tests (AUC = 0.8; P = 0.00045). Total ARCS detects higher levels of impairment than BICAMS in MS patients (44% versus 21%). The memory domain of the ARCS and the BVMT-R were the best predictors of employment status (OR = 1.12 and 1.14, P  < 0.05). Conclusion: BICAMS and ARCS have comparable sensitivity for cognitive impairment in MS. Memory assessment from either tests is the best predictor of employment status; however, the BICAMS is a better predictor of work productivity.]]> Wed 23 Nov 2022 15:41:25 AEDT ]]> Concentrations of plasma-borne extracellular particles differ between multiple sclerosis disease courses and compared to healthy controls n = 13) erythrocyte-derived (CD235a) extracellular particles were increased, while platelet-derived (CD41b), leukocyte-derived (CD45), and CD4+T cell-derived (CD4) extracellular particles were decreased compared to both healthy controls (n = 27) (p<0.05) and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients (n = 9) (p < 0.05). Endothelium-derived extracellular particles (CD146) were increased in stable relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients (n = 17) compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05). Extracellular particles from several different cells of origin correlated with each other and clinical parameters (e.g. disease duration, number of relapses, EDSS), though clinical correlations did not withstand corrections for multiple comparisons. Conclusions: Concentrations of erythrocyte-, leukocyte-, and platelet-derived extracellular particles were altered in relapsing multiple sclerosis patients and endothelium-derived extracellular particles were increased in stable relapsing-remitting patients compared to healthy controls. Extracellular particles may provide insights into altered the crosstalk between peripheral blood cells in multiple sclerosis, which may lead to the discovery of novel therapeutic targets.]]> Wed 23 Feb 2022 11:05:08 AEDT ]]> A plain language summary on the effectiveness of cladribine tablets compared with other oral treatments for multiple sclerosis: results from the MSBase registry Wed 22 May 2024 15:28:13 AEST ]]> Investigation of erythrocyte and erythrocyte-derived extracellular vesicle content and function in multiple sclerosis Wed 22 Jun 2022 19:13:42 AEST ]]> Patient-determined disease steps is not interchangeable with the Expanded Disease Status Scale in mild to moderate multiple sclerosis Wed 21 Feb 2024 15:48:45 AEDT ]]> A pro-inflammatory diet is associated with long-term depression and anxiety levels but not fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis Wed 20 Mar 2024 13:18:34 AEDT ]]> Multiple Sclerosis Severity Score (MSSS) improves the accuracy of individualized prediction in MS Wed 13 Sep 2023 10:00:03 AEST ]]> Theatre, autopathography and the medicalised self: imaging health from the shadows of illness Wed 13 Mar 2024 14:21:36 AEDT ]]> Central vein sign for multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis 2 = 0.0%; p=0.5). Conclusion: Although the CVS is a clinically relevant and viable sign, further work is needed to integrate this into the existing diagnostic criteria. As manual determination is a time-consuming process, the development of automated methods will be beneficial. With improvements in computational imaging techniques, the CVS will have an important role in the diagnosis and differentiation of MS.]]> Wed 11 Aug 2021 12:11:46 AEST ]]> Real-world effectiveness of cladribine for Australian patients with multiple sclerosis: an MSBase registry substudy Wed 10 Aug 2022 11:31:35 AEST ]]> Reduced cognitive function contributes to economic burden of multiple sclerosis Wed 07 Feb 2024 15:06:36 AEDT ]]> CEST 2022 - Differences in APT-weighted signal in T1 weighted isointense lesions, black holes and normal-appearing white matter in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis 75% (AUC = 0.79, SE = 0.014). Discrimination between ISO lesions and cNAWM was accomplished with an accuracy of >69% (AUC = 0.74, SE = 0.018), while discrimination between BH lesions and cNAWM was achieved at an accuracy of >80% (AUC = 0.87, SE = 0.021). Conclusions: Our results highlight the potential of APTw imaging for use as a non-invasive technique that is able to provide essential molecular information to clinicians and researchers so that the stages of inflammation and degeneration in MS lesions can be better characterized.]]> Wed 07 Feb 2024 14:34:19 AEDT ]]> Accurate multiple sclerosis detection and prediction using advanced image processing and deep learning Wed 06 Mar 2024 15:23:57 AEDT ]]> A prolonged antibiotic protocol to treat persistent Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection improves the extracranial venous circulation in multiple sclerosis Chlamydophila pneumoniae (Cpn). The objective of the current study is to determine the effect of a combined antibiotic protocol (CAP) on the venous flow in MS patients as measured by a quantitative duplex ultrasound examination (QDUS). Method: A non-randomised before-after cohort study was conducted to investigate differences in blood flow volumes pre and 6-months post antibiotic treatment for Cpn infection. Flow volume data were measured by QDUS across affected and unaffected sides from multiple veins segments, including internal jugular vein (IJV) segments J2 and J3, and vertebral vein (VV), as well as global arterial blood flow (GABF). Results: 91 patients were included in the study. 64 (70%) were found to have positive Cpn serology. There was a statistically significant post-treatment difference seen for the affected side of Cpn infected patients (mean difference = 56 mL/min, p = 0.02). There was a non-significant increase seen for the affected side of uninfected patients (mean difference = 23 mL/min, p = 0.2). The difference in these effects (34 mL/min) was not statistically significant (p = 0.3). The mean flow rate decreased in the unaffected side for both infected (-27 mL/min, p = 0.5) and uninfected patients (-69 mL/min, p = 0.01). There was a statistically significant post-treatment increase in GABF for the infected patients (mean difference = 90 mL/min, p = 0.02) and a difference of 76 mL/min for non-infected patients (p = 0.01). Conclusion: A CAP appears to improve the extra-cranial circulation in patients diagnosed with MS. This effect is statistically significant in patients with positive Cpn serology, although patients with negative Cpn serology also show some benefit, betraying a lack of specificity of this effect.]]> Wed 05 Feb 2020 14:51:07 AEDT ]]> Comparing ocrelizumab to interferon/glatiramer acetate in people with multiple sclerosis over age 60 Wed 04 Sep 2024 11:43:50 AEST ]]> The effectiveness of natalizumab vs fingolimod - A comparison of international registry studies Wed 04 Aug 2021 11:40:28 AEST ]]> The immune cell transcriptome is modulated by vitamin D3 supplementation in people with a first demyelinating event participating in a randomized placebo-controlled trial Wed 03 Jul 2024 15:33:32 AEST ]]> Longitudinal machine learning modeling of MS patient trajectories improves predictions of disability progression Wed 02 Nov 2022 15:59:08 AEDT ]]> Estimation of annual probabilities of changing disability levels in Australians with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis n = 330), annual transition probabilities were obtained between no/mild (Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) levels 0-3.5), moderate (EDSS 4-6.0) and severe (EDSS 6.5-9.5) disability. Results: From no/mild disability, 6.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 4.7-8.4) and 0.1% (0.0-0.2) progressed to moderate and severe disability annually, respectively. From moderate disability, 6.9% (1.0-11.4) improved (to no/mild state) and 2.6% (1.1-4.5) worsened. From severe disability, 0.0% improved to moderate and no/mild disability. Male sex, age at onset, longer disease duration, not using immunotherapies greater than 3 months and a history of relapse were related to higher probabilities of worsening. Conclusion: We have estimated probabilities of changing disability levels in Australians with RRMS. Probabilities differed between various subgroups, but due to small sample sizes, results should be interpreted with caution. Our findings will be helpful in predicting long-term disease outcomes and in health economic evaluations of MS.]]> Wed 01 Feb 2023 15:34:54 AEDT ]]> Improvements in quality of life over 2 years with cladribine tablets in people with relapsing multiple sclerosis: The CLARIFY-MS study Tue 30 Jan 2024 13:55:44 AEDT ]]> Early non-disabling relapses are important predictors of disability accumulation in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Tue 29 Aug 2023 15:42:42 AEST ]]> Dilatation of the bridging cerebral veins in multiple sclerosis correlates with fatigue and suggests an increase in pressure Tue 29 Aug 2023 11:01:27 AEST ]]> The MOG antibody non-P42 epitope is predictive of a relapsing course in MOG antibody-Associated disease Tue 28 May 2024 14:56:42 AEST ]]> The effect of emerging nutraceutical interventions for clinical and biological outcomes in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review Tue 26 Jul 2022 10:28:34 AEST ]]> Multiple Sclerosis Relapses Following Cessation of Fingolimod Tue 21 Nov 2023 12:02:22 AEDT ]]> Neurometabolic changes in multiple sclerosis: Fingolimod versus beta interferon or glatiramer acetate therapy .05). Compared to HCs, both RRMS cohorts showed volume changes in white matter (−13%), gray matter (−16%), and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) (+17-23%), as well as reduced NAA (−17%, p =.001, hippocampus), (−7%, p =.001, PCG), and (−9%, p =.001, PFC). MRI/S metrics in three regions were moderately correlated with cognition and fatigue functions. Conclusion: While both treatment arms showed overall similar volumetric and neurometabolic profiles, longitudinal studies are warranted to clarify neurometabolic changes and associations with treatment efficacy.]]> Tue 21 Nov 2023 12:02:21 AEDT ]]> DNA Methylation Signatures of Multiple Sclerosis Occur Independently of Known Genetic Risk and Are Primarily Attributed to B Cells and Monocytes Tue 20 Feb 2024 20:24:50 AEDT ]]> MR myelin imaging in multiple sclerosis: A scoping review Tue 20 Feb 2024 16:06:06 AEDT ]]> Higher dietary quality is prospectively associated with lower MRI FLAIR lesion volume, but not with hazard of relapse, change in disability or black hole volume in people with Multiple Sclerosis Tue 20 Feb 2024 14:35:09 AEDT ]]> Impact of methodological choices in comparative effectiveness studies: application in natalizumab versus fingolimod comparison among patients with multiple sclerosis Tue 19 Sep 2023 08:56:47 AEST ]]> Interferon beta treatment is a potent and targeted epigenetic modifier in multiple sclerosis Tue 17 Oct 2023 15:55:43 AEDT ]]> Evidence of coronavirus (CoV) pathogenesis and emerging pathogen SARS-CoV-2 in the nervous system: a review on neurological impairments and manifestations Tue 15 Nov 2022 14:40:53 AEDT ]]> Disability outcomes of early cerebellar and brainstem symptoms in multiple sclerosis Tue 13 Jun 2023 15:49:48 AEST ]]> Comparative effectiveness in multiple sclerosis: A methodological comparison Tue 12 Sep 2023 14:37:58 AEST ]]> Do people with multiple sclerosis receive appropriate support from the National Disability Insurance Scheme matching their level of disability? A description of disease 'burden and societal cost in people with multiple sclerosis in Australia' (BAC-MS) Tue 11 Oct 2022 16:19:33 AEDT ]]> 2D in-vivo L-COSY spectroscopy identifies neurometabolite alterations in treated multiple sclerosis Tue 09 Jun 2020 11:40:47 AEST ]]> DNA methylation changes in CD4+ T cells isolated from multiple sclerosis patients on dimethyl fumarate Tue 06 Sep 2022 15:14:33 AEST ]]> Not all roads lead to the immune system: the genetic basis of multiple sclerosis severity Thu 28 Sep 2023 15:04:45 AEST ]]> Capturing SNP Association across the NK Receptor and HLA Gene Regions in Multiple Sclerosis by Targeted Penalised Regression Models Thu 27 Oct 2022 15:58:23 AEDT ]]> Effectiveness of multiple disease-modifying therapies in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: causal inference to emulate a multiarm randomised trial Thu 25 Jan 2024 13:04:15 AEDT ]]> The incidence of transverse sinus stenosis in multiple sclerosis: further evidence of pulse wave encephalopathy 65% by area and 16/50 a low grade stenosis of between 40-65% by area compared to 1/50 low grade stenoses in this segment in the controls. The commonest cause of the stenosis was a giant arachnoid granulation. The optic nerve sheaths were larger in MS than controls (p=0.0006). Comparing MS patients with transverse sinus stenosis to those without, the pituitary height was 16% smaller and BMI 25% larger (p=0.02 and 0.003 respectively) Conclusion: In patients with MS, the reduction in venous sinus compliance is associated with venous outflow stenoses in the transverse sinuses which increases the upstream venous pressure and dilates the sagittal sinuses. This finding suggests a continuum exists between MS and idiopathic intracranial hypertension.]]> Thu 24 Mar 2022 11:30:10 AEDT ]]> Comparison Between Dimethyl Fumarate, Fingolimod, and Ocrelizumab After Natalizumab Cessation Thu 19 Oct 2023 14:15:33 AEDT ]]> Genetic and molecular differences of multiple sclerosis subgroups. Is there a failure in viral and aberrant immune cell clearance driving disease course? Thu 18 Apr 2024 10:52:05 AEST ]]> Chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis have reduced craniospinal compliance and dilated pressurized bridging cortical veins Thu 14 Mar 2024 14:45:39 AEDT ]]> Long-term dietary acid load is associated with depression in multiple sclerosis, but less evidence was found with fatigue and anxiety Thu 06 Jul 2023 15:51:19 AEST ]]> Disease Reactivation After Cessation of Disease-Modifying Therapy in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Thu 05 Oct 2023 14:07:20 AEDT ]]> Relaxation and related therapies for people with multiple sclerosis (MS): A systematic review g). Results: Twenty-eight studies met inclusion criteria. Twenty-three of these were randomised controlled trials, with 1246 total participants. This review reports on this data, with non-randomised study data reported in supplemental material. Post -intervention relaxation was associated with medium to large effect-size improvement for depression, anxiety, stress and fatigue. The effects of relaxation were superior to wait-list or no treatment control conditions; however, comparisons with established psychological or physical therapies were mixed. Individual studies reported sustained effects (≤ 6 months) with relaxation for stress, pain and quality of life. Most studies were rated as having a high/serious risk of bias. Conclusion: There is emerging evidence that relaxation therapies can improve outcomes for persons with multiple sclerosis. Given the high risk of bias found for included studies, stronger conclusions cannot be drawn.]]> Thu 05 Oct 2023 14:01:30 AEDT ]]> The Metabolic Cost of Exercising with a Robotic Exoskeleton: A Comparison of Healthy and Neurologically Impaired People Thu 01 Sep 2022 08:38:24 AEST ]]> Determinants of therapeutic lag in multiple sclerosis Mon 29 May 2023 12:46:42 AEST ]]> Epigenetic differences at the HTR2A locus in progressive multiple sclerosis patients + T cells of relapsing–remitting (RR) MS patients compared to healthy controls and identified differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in HLA-DRB1 and RNF39. This study aimed to investigate the DNA methylation profiles of the CD4+ T cells of progressive MS patients. DNA methylation was measured in two separate case/control cohorts using the Illumina 450K/EPIC arrays and data was analysed with the Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline (ChAMP). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were assessed using the Illumina Human OmniExpress24 arrays and analysed using PLINK. Expression was assessed using the Illumina HT12 array and analysed in R using a combination of Limma and Illuminaio. We identified three DMRs at HTR2A, SLC17A9 and HDAC4 that were consistent across both cohorts. The DMR at HTR2A is located within the bounds of a haplotype block; however, the DMR remained significant after accounting for SNPs in the region. No expression changes were detected in any DMRs. HTR2A is differentially methylated in progressive MS independent of genotype. This differential methylation is not evident in RRMS, making it a potential biomarker of progressive disease.]]> Mon 29 Jan 2024 17:52:47 AEDT ]]> Association of Initial Disease-Modifying Therapy with Later Conversion to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Mon 27 Feb 2023 15:22:15 AEDT ]]> Comparison of fingolimod, dimethyl fumarate and teriflunomide for multiple sclerosis Mon 27 Feb 2023 15:18:00 AEDT ]]> Rituximab vs Ocrelizumab in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Mon 25 Sep 2023 08:53:21 AEST ]]> Association of inflammation and disability accrual in patients with progressive-onset multiple sclerosis Mon 24 Aug 2020 10:45:35 AEST ]]> Spiral MRSI and tissue segmentation of normal-appearing white matter and white matter lesions in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients Mon 22 Aug 2022 14:29:24 AEST ]]> Evaluation of Cell-Specific Epigenetic Age Acceleration in People With Multiple Sclerosis Mon 20 Nov 2023 10:14:36 AEDT ]]> Biochemical Correlations with Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Detected by MR 2D Localized Correlated Spectroscopy P ≤ .05). Only GPC showed positive correlation with all fatigue domains (r = .537, P ≤ .05). On the other hand, Glx-upper, NAA-2, GSH+Hca, and fucose-3 showed negative correlations with all fatigue domains (r = –.345 to –.580, P ≤ .05). While tyrosine showed positive correlation with MFIS (r = .499, P ≤ .05), cognitive fatigue was negatively correlated with total GSH (r = –.530, P ≤ .05). No correlations were found between lesion load or brain volumes with fatigue score. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that fatigue in MS is strongly correlated with an imbalance in neurometabolites but not structural brain measurements.]]> Mon 19 Sep 2022 09:29:20 AEST ]]> Long-term trajectories of employment status, workhours and disability support pension status, after a first episode of CNS demyelination Mon 18 Sep 2023 14:29:20 AEST ]]> Automatic prediction of the conversion of clinically isolated syndrome to multiple sclerosis using deep learning Mon 17 Aug 2020 12:34:46 AEST ]]> Incidence of pregnancy and disease-modifying therapy exposure trends in women with multiple sclerosis: a contemporary cohort study p = 0.010); but no differences in spontaneous abortions, term or preterm births. Conclusions: We report low pregnancy incidence rates, with increasing number of pregnancies conceived on DMT over the past 12-years. The median duration of DMT exposure in pregnancy was relatively short at one month.]]> Mon 15 Aug 2022 10:27:59 AEST ]]> Association between cognitive trajectories and disability progression in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis Mon 14 Nov 2022 12:12:01 AEDT ]]> Response to treatment in NMOSD: the Australasian experience Mon 14 Nov 2022 11:22:52 AEDT ]]> Comparative Effectiveness of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant vs Fingolimod, Natalizumab, and Ocrelizumab in Highly Active Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Mon 14 Aug 2023 15:59:28 AEST ]]> Quantified hemodynamic parameters of the venous system in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review Mon 12 Feb 2024 14:43:11 AEDT ]]> Longitudinal epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 2012-2022 Mon 12 Feb 2024 13:11:52 AEDT ]]> Predictors of treatment switching in the Big Multiple Sclerosis Data Network Mon 11 Mar 2024 15:00:30 AEDT ]]> Multi-modal neuroimaging signatures predict cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis: A 5-year longitudinal study. 90 % accuracy in this cohort (AUC=0.92, SE=0.86 - 0.94). Conclusion: Multi-modal MRI signatures can predict cognitive decline in a cohort of pwMS over 5 years with high accuracy. Future studies will benefit from the inclusion of even more MR modalities e.g., functional MRI, quantitative susceptibility mapping, magnetisation transfer imaging, as well as other potential predictors e.g., genetic and environmental factors. With further validation, this signature could be used in future trials with high-risk patients to personalise the management of cognitive decline in pwMS, even in the absence of relapses.]]> Mon 11 Mar 2024 14:19:33 AEDT ]]> The COVID-19 pandemic and the use of MS disease-modifying therapies Mon 08 Aug 2022 11:20:12 AEST ]]> Anti-inflammatory disease-modifying treatment and disability progression in primary progressive multiple sclerosis: a cohort study n = 195; untreated n = 338). Median on-study pairwise-censored follow-up was 3.4 years (quartiles 1.2–5.5). No difference in the hazard of experiencing 3-month confirmed EDSS progression events was observed between the groups [hazard ratio (HR), 1.0; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.6–1.7, P = 0.87]. We did not find significant differences in the hazards of confirmed EDSS improvement (HR, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.6–1.6, P = 0.91) or reaching a confirmed EDSS step ≥7 (HR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.7–1.6, P = 0.69). Conclusion: Our pooled analysis of disease-modifying agents suggests that these therapies have no substantial effect on short- to medium-term disability outcomes in PPMS.]]> Mon 05 Sep 2022 14:44:21 AEST ]]> Dairy and gluten in disease activity in multiple sclerosis Mon 05 Feb 2024 09:20:42 AEDT ]]> Prediction of on-treatment disability worsening in RRMS with the MAGNIMS score Fri 25 Nov 2022 11:33:34 AEDT ]]> Possible Markers of Venous Sinus Pressure Elevation in Multiple Sclerosis: Correlations with Gender and Disease Progression Fri 24 Mar 2023 13:51:57 AEDT ]]> Safety of exercise training in multiple sclerosis: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis Fri 22 Mar 2024 15:28:58 AEDT ]]> The dilated veins surrounding the cord in multiple sclerosis suggest elevated pressure and obstruction of the glymphatic system Fri 22 Mar 2024 14:38:41 AEDT ]]> The dilated cortical veins found in multiple sclerosis can explain the reduction in glymphatic flow Fri 22 Mar 2024 14:32:28 AEDT ]]> Association of Pregnancy with the Onset of Clinically Isolated Syndrome Fri 22 Jul 2022 17:11:28 AEST ]]> Comparing switch to ocrelizumab, cladribine or natalizumab after fingolimod treatment cessation in multiple sclerosis Fri 19 Jan 2024 14:25:45 AEDT ]]> A longitudinal analysis of brain volume changes in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease .1). Conclusion: We found evidence of loss of GM and TBV over time in pwMOGAD, similar to pwMS, although the WM and lesion volumes were unchanged.]]> Fri 19 Jan 2024 10:18:15 AEDT ]]> Relapse Patterns in NMOSD: Evidence for Earlier Occurrence of Optic Neuritis and Possible Seasonal Variation Fri 19 Aug 2022 14:58:38 AEST ]]> Modelling of the dilated sagittal sinuses found in multiple sclerosis suggests increased wall stiffness may be a contributing factor Fri 17 Nov 2023 12:07:55 AEDT ]]> Differential diagnosis of suspected multiple sclerosis: an updated consensus approach Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:47:33 AEDT ]]> Improvement of the thalamocortical white matter network in people with stable treated relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis over time Fri 17 May 2024 15:51:26 AEST ]]> Disability accrual in primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis Fri 15 Sep 2023 09:36:29 AEST ]]> The emerging role of artificial intelligence in multiple sclerosis imaging Fri 14 Oct 2022 08:50:55 AEDT ]]> A multi-centre longitudinal study analysing multiple sclerosis disease-modifying therapy prescribing patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic Fri 13 Sep 2024 14:32:02 AEST ]]> Erythrocyte microRNAs show biomarker potential and implicate multiple sclerosis susceptibility genes Fri 11 Nov 2022 09:31:14 AEDT ]]> Psychometric properties of measures of upper limb activity performance in adults with and without spasticity undergoing neurorehabilitation-a systematic review Fri 10 Jun 2022 15:14:28 AEST ]]> Associations between diet quality and depression, anxiety, and fatigue in multiple sclerosis Fri 08 Sep 2023 11:55:55 AEST ]]> Onboarding of siponimod in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis patients in Australia: Novel, real-world evidence from the MSGo digital support programme Fri 08 Mar 2024 11:52:11 AEDT ]]> Developing a clinical-environmental-genotypic prognostic index for relapsing-onset multiple sclerosis and clinically isolated syndrome Fri 05 May 2023 15:58:23 AEST ]]> Neural diffusion tensor imaging metrics correlate with clinical measures in people with relapsing-remitting MS Fri 05 May 2023 11:46:07 AEST ]]> MRI Patterns Distinguish AQP4 Antibody Positive Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder From Multiple Sclerosis Fri 02 Jun 2023 17:06:47 AEST ]]> Variability of the response to immunotherapy among subgroups of patients with multiple sclerosis Fri 01 Sep 2023 13:35:50 AEST ]]>