${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Implementation of healthy eating and physical activity practices in Australian early childhood education and care services: A cross-sectional study Wed 28 Feb 2024 15:26:46 AEDT ]]> Translation of two healthy eating and active living support programs for parents of 2–6-year-old children: Outcomes of the ‘time for healthy habits’ parallel partially randomised preference trial Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:52:45 AEDT ]]> Nutrition across the curriculum: A scoping review exploring the integration of nutrition education within primary schools Wed 20 Jul 2022 13:44:22 AEST ]]> Consumers' practical understanding of healthy food choices: a fake food experiment Wed 14 Dec 2016 15:28:30 AEDT ]]> A cluster randomised trial of a telephone-based intervention for parents to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in their 3- to 5-year-old children: study protocol Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:39:16 AEST ]]> Benefits of policy support of a healthy eating initiative in schools (letter) Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:37:09 AEST ]]> Creating childcare environments supportive of child obesity prevention Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:35:12 AEST ]]> Nutrition and Enjoyable Activity for Teen Girls (NEAT Girls) group randomized controlled trial: evaluation of a school-based obesity prevention program for adolescent girls from low-income communities Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:20:11 AEST ]]> Multi-strategic intervention to enhance implementation of healthy canteen policy: a randomised controlled trial Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:00:54 AEST ]]> A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of an implementation intervention to increase healthy eating and physical activity-promoting policies, and practices in centre-based childcare services: study protocol Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:48:24 AEST ]]> Young adult males' motivators and perceived barriers towards eating healthily and being active: a qualitative study Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:14:29 AEST ]]> Effectiveness of an intervention to facilitate the implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in childcare services: a randomised controlled trial Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:03:48 AEST ]]> Validity of a measure to assess healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in Australian childcare services Wed 11 Apr 2018 09:15:14 AEST ]]> Nutrition across the primary school curriculum: development and evaluation of an integrative nutrition and portion size education program Wed 06 Mar 2024 15:12:50 AEDT ]]> Integrating nutrition into the mathematics curriculum in Australian primary schools: protocol for a randomised controlled trial Wed 04 Aug 2021 15:14:30 AEST ]]> Exploring the design and utility of an integrated web-based chatbot for young adults to support healthy eating: a qualitative study Tue 23 Jan 2024 12:39:20 AEDT ]]> Dietary intake and physical activity levels of children attending Australian childcare services Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:31:12 AEST ]]> Strategies to improve the implementation of healthy eating, physical activity and obesity prevention policies, practices or programmes within childcare services (protocol) Thu 30 Apr 2020 11:19:04 AEST ]]> Process evaluation of the 'No Money No Time' healthy eating website promoted using social marketing principles. A case study Thu 28 Jul 2022 15:11:48 AEST ]]> Evaluating an integrated nutrition and mathematics curriculum: Primary school teachers' and students' experiences Thu 27 Jul 2023 10:07:40 AEST ]]> The association between Australian childcare centre healthy eating practices and children's healthy eating behaviours: a cross-sectional study within lunchbox centres p < 0.01). Centre provision of intentional healthy eating learning experiences (estimate −0.56; p = 0.01) and the use of feeding practices that support children’s healthy eating (estimate −2.02; p = 0.04) were significantly associated with reduced child intake of saturated fat. Interventions to improve child nutrition in centres should focus on a range of healthy eating practices, including the availability of foods packed within lunchboxes.]]> Thu 25 Jan 2024 13:23:29 AEDT ]]> Assessing the scalability of evidence-based healthy eating and physical activity interventions in early childhood education and care: A cross-sectional study of end-user perspectives Thu 15 Feb 2024 14:52:31 AEDT ]]> Implementation and scale-up of physical activity and behavioural nutrition interventions: an evaluation roadmap 60) that guide design and evaluation of implementation and scale-up processes. Therefore, we sought to recommend conceptual frameworks that can be used to design, inform, and evaluate implementation of physical activity (PA) and nutrition interventions at different stages of the program life cycle. We also sought to recommend a minimum data set of implementation outcome and determinant variables (indicators) as well as measures and tools deemed most relevant for PA and nutrition researchers. Methods: We adopted a five-round modified Delphi methodology. For rounds 1, 2, and 3 we administered online surveys to PA and nutrition implementation scientists to generate a rank order list of most commonly used; i) implementation and scale-up frameworks, ii) implementation indicators, and iii) implementation and scale-up measures and tools. Measures and tools were excluded after round 2 as input from participants was very limited. For rounds 4 and 5, we conducted two in-person meetings with an expert group to create a shortlist of implementation and scale-up frameworks, identify a minimum data set of indicators and to discuss application and relevance of frameworks and indicators to the field of PA and nutrition. Results: The two most commonly referenced implementation frameworks were the Framework for Effective Implementation and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. We provide the 25 most highly ranked implementation indicators reported by those who participated in rounds 1–3 of the survey. From these, the expert group created a recommended minimum data set of implementation determinants (n = 10) and implementation outcomes (n = 5) and reconciled differences in commonly used terms and definitions. Conclusions: Researchers are confronted with myriad options when conducting implementation and scale-up evaluations. Thus, we identified and prioritized a list of frameworks and a minimum data set of indicators that have potential to improve the quality and consistency of evaluating implementation and scale-up of PA and nutrition interventions. Advancing our science is predicated upon increased efforts to develop a common ‘language’ and adaptable measures and tools.]]> Thu 12 Nov 2020 18:13:51 AEDT ]]> Development of fermented oyster-mushroom sausage Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:13:35 AEDT ]]> Reducing obesity in early childhood: results from Romp & Chomp, an Australian community-wide intervention program Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:09:59 AEDT ]]> Community capacity building Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:09:09 AEDT ]]> Factors associated with early childhood education and care service implementation of healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in Australia: a cross-sectional study p = <0.01), indicating that for every one point increase in implementation score, ECEC services were 38% more likely to be fully implementing the policies and practices. The findings highlight the opportunities for improving implementation of obesity prevention interventions in this setting by developing interventions that address such factors.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:50:38 AEDT ]]> An implementation intervention to encourage healthy eating in centre-based child-care services: impact of the Good for Kids Good for Life programme Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:12:55 AEDT ]]> Efficacy of interventions that use apps to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a systematic review n = 19; 70%). Twenty-three studies targeted adults (17 showed significant health improvements) and four studies targeted children (two demonstrated significant health improvements). Twenty-one studies targeted physical activity (14 showed significant health improvements), 13 studies targeted diet (seven showed significant health improvements) and five studies targeted sedentary behaviour (two showed significant health improvements). More studies (n = 12; 63%) of those reporting significant effects detected between-group improvements in the health behaviour or related health outcomes, whilst fewer studies (n = 8; 42%) reported significant within-group improvements. A larger proportion of multi-component interventions (8 out of 13; 62%) showed significant between-group improvements compared to stand-alone app interventions (5 out of 14; 36%). Eleven studies reported app usage statistics, and three of them demonstrated that higher app usage was associated with improved health outcomes. Conclusions: This review provided modest evidence that app-based interventions to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviours can be effective. Multi-component interventions appear to be more effective than stand-alone app interventions, however, this remains to be confirmed in controlled trials. Future research is needed on the optimal number and combination of app features, behaviour change techniques, and level of participant contact needed to maximise user engagement and intervention efficacy.]]> Mon 19 Aug 2024 15:50:06 AEST ]]> Feasibility of a Web-Based Implementation Intervention to Improve Child Dietary Intake in Early Childhood Education and Care: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Fri 23 Aug 2024 12:20:28 AEST ]]> Assessing the scalability of healthy eating interventions within the early childhood education and care setting: Secondary analysis of a Cochrane systematic review Fri 19 Jan 2024 10:18:45 AEDT ]]> Survey of Australian Dietitians Contemporary Practice and Dietetic Interventions in Overweight and Obesity: An Update of Current Practice 50% of their time working with individuals with overweight/obesity, usually in private practice (47%). Two thirds of respondents had accessed best practice guidelines, but only 12% had completely read best practice guidelines. General healthy eating was the most frequent dietary approach used (77%). Seventy-five percent (n = 56) of dietitians reported that dietary interventions were selected based on client preference. Almost half of dietitians rated their knowledge and level of skill in management of obesity as good. Approximately 60% (n = 41) dietitians reported their skill gap was related to providing behavioural therapy/counselling. Results of the current survey indicate that use of best practice guidelines is low. However, dietitians surveyed reported that they had a good understanding of obesity management and choose a client centred approach to management, which is in line with current recommendations. Professional development activities, particularly regarding behavioural counselling are of particular interest to dietitians working with individuals with obesity.]]> Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:46:36 AEDT ]]> A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of a healthy canteen policy in Australian primary schools: study protocol. 50%) of products listed on the menu. Outcome data will be collected via a comprehensive menu audit, conducted by dietitians blind to group allocation. Intervention effectiveness will be assessed using logistic regression models adjusting for baseline values. Discussion: The proposed trial will represent a novel contribution to the literature, being the first randomised trial internationally to examine the effectiveness of an intervention to facilitate implementation of a healthy canteen policy.]]> Fri 16 Aug 2024 13:08:29 AEST ]]> Does an active play standard change childcare physical activity and healthy eating policies? A natural policy experiment Fri 15 Sep 2023 18:22:08 AEST ]]> Improving healthy eating and physical activity in children attending early childhood education and care services Fri 05 Jul 2024 16:44:13 AEST ]]>