${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Access to and Interest in mHealth: National Web-based Cross-sectional Survey Wed 26 Jul 2023 19:04:14 AEST ]]> Ngu-ng-gi-la-nha (to exchange) knowledge. how is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's empowerment being upheld and reported in smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy: a systematic review individual and community empowerment in smoking cessation during pregnancy studies with Aboriginal women. Three interventions were found in published and grey literature. Elements of individual empowerment were embedded in all interventions. Interventions considered barriers for Aboriginal women to quit smoking and areas for capacity building. Interventions used health education resources. There was limited reporting of community empowerment domains. Aboriginal ethics and capacity building was the only criterium addressed by all studies. Interventions are incorporating individual empowerment, but seldom report community empowerment. The development of reporting guidelines or extensions of current guidelines would be beneficial to set a consistently high standard reporting across Aboriginal health interventions, similar to the work conducted to develop the extension of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses-Equity (PRISMA-E) for health equity in systematic review reporting. Reporting empowerment domains would reflect the government priority of empowerment to improve Aboriginal health, as well as enhancing knowledge translation into practice.]]> Wed 13 Mar 2024 09:40:12 AEDT ]]> The Use of mHealth Apps for the Assessment and Management of Diabetes-Related Foot Health Outcomes: Systematic Review. Wed 13 Mar 2024 07:51:29 AEDT ]]> The food and nutrient intake and physical activity of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous rural children Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:12:38 AEST ]]> A Culturally Responsive Trauma-Informed Public Health Emergency Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in Australia, Developed during COVID-19 Wed 01 May 2024 16:01:02 AEST ]]> Smoking and quitting characteristics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women of reproductive age: findings from the Which Way? study 60 minutes after waking), and were categorised as low smoking dependency compared with those aged 35 years and over. One-third of women (153 [35.7%]) had ever used NRT and/or SSM. A greater proportion of older women (35–49-year-olds) had sustained a quit attempt for years (62/149 [45.6%]) and reported trying NRT and/or SSM (78/149 [52.4%]) than women in younger age groups. Quitting suddenly rather than gradually was significantly associated with sustained abstinence (prevalence ratio, 1.27 [95% CI, 1.10–1.48]). Among women who had never used NRT or SSM, most (219/275 [79.6%]) reported reasons for this in the category of attitudes and beliefs. NRT and SSM use was also more likely among women who were confident talking to their doctor about quitting (odds ratio, 2.50 [95% CI, 1.23–5.10]) and those who received most of their information from a health professional (odds ratio, 1.71 [95% CI, 1.11–2.63]). Conclusion: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women want to quit smoking and are making attempts to quit. Quitting suddenly, rather than reducing cigarette consumption, is associated with increased sustained abstinence. Health providers can enable access and uptake of NRT and/or SSM and should recognise that NRT and/or SSM use may change over time. Consistent messaging, frequent offers of smoking cessation support, and access to a range of smoking cessation supports should be provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to enable them to be smoke-free.]]> Tue 18 Jul 2023 11:15:16 AEST ]]> Factors influencing contraceptive use or non-use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a systematic review and narrative synthesis n = 11), with the remaining studies being mixed methods (n = 3) or quantitative (n = 3). The majority focused on either a localised geographic area or specific Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community (n = 11). One study specifically focused on factors influencing contraceptive use, albeit among postpartum women. The remaining studies discussed factors influencing contraceptive use within the context of risky behaviour, sexual transmitted infections, or contraceptive practices more generally. Factors unique to individual communities included community attitudes (e.g. importance of not being too young to have a baby), specific cultural norms (e.g. subincising the penis as part of transition to manhood), and access to culturally appropriate health services. Other factors, including contraceptive characteristics (e.g. discomfort of condoms) and reproductive coercion (e.g. partner wants a baby), were similar to those found in the broader population of Australia and internationally. Most studies were lacking in quality, warranting more methodologically sound studies in the future to further assess the factors contributing to contraceptive use or non-use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Conclusions: Identifying community specific facilitators, as well as understanding the more broadly applicable factors contributing to contraceptive use or non-use, is essential if wanting to offer appropriate contraceptive services within an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community.]]> Tue 14 Nov 2023 14:41:56 AEDT ]]> The stories behind the Torres Strait Islander migration myth: the journey of the sap/bethey Tue 10 Sep 2024 07:46:30 AEST ]]> The effectiveness and impact of driver licensing programs on licensing and employment rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia: a systematic review Tue 03 Aug 2021 18:19:17 AEST ]]> Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: its economic cost from an agency perspective Tue 01 Oct 2019 12:35:52 AEST ]]> Systematic literature review to identify methods for treating and preventing bacterial skin infections in Indigenous children Thu 17 Mar 2022 14:38:11 AEDT ]]> Identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status by general practice registrars: confidence and associations Thu 04 Nov 2021 10:38:33 AEDT ]]> Reflective practice: ancient wisdom and practice - Australian Indigenous reflections in teacher education through shared storying Thu 03 May 2018 14:10:54 AEST ]]> Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples at higher risk of invasive meningococcal disease in NSW Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:49:24 AEDT ]]> Understanding the nexus between equity and indigenous higher education policy agendas in Australia Mon 24 Jun 2024 12:44:05 AEST ]]> Art law and policy in Australia and the appropriation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art styles Mon 23 Jan 2023 08:45:28 AEDT ]]> Acute otitis media symptoms and symptom scales in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children Mon 03 Jul 2023 14:28:41 AEST ]]> “I’m a survivor”: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer survivors’ perspectives of cancer survivorship Fri 19 Jan 2024 12:38:22 AEDT ]]> Decisions to consent for autopsy after stillbirth: Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander women's experiences Fri 06 May 2022 12:40:34 AEST ]]>