${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Understanding the architecture and capacity of cognitive systems Wed 27 May 2020 15:41:15 AEST ]]> Prospects for a new new brutalism béton brut. Intriguingly, much of this perception can be traced back to the definitive writings on the subject by architectural academic Reyner Banham. In 1955, he penned the article ‘The New Brutalism’ for the prominent British journal The Architectural Review, recognising an approach to architecture promulgated by Alison and Peter Smithson, who valued direct- ness, ordinariness and social equity. At first lauding and eventually somewhat denigrating their practice, Banham not only offered an explanation of new brutalism but he effectively constructed a pre-history for it—brutalism—both etymological and stylistic. It is one that the Smithsons consider largely fictitious. Banham’s article offers a strange prophecy for brutalism’s ends. Curiously, it opens by questioning the role of observers in con- structing (and distorting) history. Banham identifies two forms of ‘ism’: one ‘consciously adopted by a group of artists’ themselves and one applied to practitioners by critics and historians who locate some commonality among them, perhaps irrespective of the practitioners’ own knowledge or agreement.[1] Such are the coun- terposed roles of the Smithsons and Banham himself.Ask today what brutalism means and many will say ‘concrete’. Or perhaps ‘raw’, maybe ‘honest’. One might cite its derivation from the French term béton brut. Intriguingly, much of this perception can be traced back to the definitive writings on the subject by architectural academic Reyner Banham. In 1955, he penned the article ‘The New Brutalism’ for the prominent British journal The Architectural Review, recognising an approach to architecture promulgated by Alison and Peter Smithson, who valued direct- ness, ordinariness and social equity. At first lauding and eventually somewhat denigrating their practice, Banham not only offered an explanation of new brutalism but he effectively constructed a pre-history for it—brutalism—both etymological and stylistic. It is one that the Smithsons consider largely fictitious. Banham’s article offers a strange prophecy for brutalism’s ends. Curiously, it opens by questioning the role of observers in con- structing (and distorting) history. Banham identifies two forms of ‘ism’: one ‘consciously adopted by a group of artists’ themselves and one applied to practitioners by critics and historians who locate some commonality among them, perhaps irrespective of the practitioners’ own knowledge or agreement.[1] Such are the coun- terposed roles of the Smithsons and Banham himself.]]> Wed 24 Aug 2022 12:00:07 AEST ]]> How to be a good witness: The architecture curator Wed 21 Aug 2024 12:18:54 AEST ]]> Domesticity and Leisure: Radical Architectures Wed 19 Jun 2024 10:43:01 AEST ]]> The Süleymaniye Mosque: a computational fractal analysis of visual complexity and layering in Sinan's masterwork Wed 14 Aug 2024 14:49:36 AEST ]]> Architects' cognitive behaviour in parametric design Wed 12 Apr 2017 14:05:05 AEST ]]> Structuring spaces: oral poetics and architecture in early medieval England (book review) Wed 11 Apr 2018 18:57:38 AEST ]]> Manhattan and the merging of modernism Wed 11 Apr 2018 18:21:31 AEST ]]> Labour matters: the politics of materials and making in architecture Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:04:02 AEST ]]> Postcolonial fabulations: 'Mandala' and 'Manusha' in Correa's work Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:34:16 AEST ]]> Disfigured ground: architectures of Dada and surrealism Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:08:10 AEST ]]> (re) findings: discovery and memory in the architecture and legacy of surrealism found object as a strategy to dismantle the homogenising forces of modernist architecture. Within this is a re-discovery of the historical trace and its power as a polemical tool in the construction of images and their dissemination. This paper investigates the role of the objet trouvé within the activities of the avant-garde, with an emphasis on the theoretical discourse that was attached to surrealism in the 1970s. The objet trouvé—literally “found object”—became a fascination for both Dada and surrealism in the 1920s. Both movements used the discovery of objects (and the associated psychological displacement) to challenge bourgeois conventions of the art object and contemporary expectations of lived experience. In the 1970s there was, for the first time, a dedicated discourse on avant-garde practice which set out to diagnose the specific practices of the historical avant-garde and the philosophical motivations underpinning them. If modernism was characterised by the autonomy of the artistic object in this discourse, avant-garde practices in this period were defined by the conflation of art and life in artistic production and the rejection of aesthetic categories more generally. In this sense, the avant-garde can be seen as a distinct trajectory from modernism: a fact that has been made explicit in the theoretical positions of both Hilde Heynen (1999) and Andreas Huyssen (1986), amongst others.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:54:20 AEST ]]> Landscape and the little man: Aalto, the institution and the individual Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:17:14 AEST ]]> The super-browser: a new paradigm for web applications Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:58:39 AEST ]]> The houses that cried Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:49:30 AEST ]]> Anthropological quests in architecture: pursuing the human subject Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:25:39 AEST ]]> Deconstructing the children's art pavilion Wed 11 Apr 2018 11:44:54 AEST ]]> An empirical foundation for design patterns in parametric design Wed 11 Apr 2018 10:18:57 AEST ]]> Architecture, urbanism and health in a post-pandemic virtual world Wed 07 Sep 2022 11:42:02 AEST ]]> Pose estimation neural networks in the context of the RoboCup Humanoid League Wed 06 Mar 2024 14:39:16 AEDT ]]> Differentiating the whites: using fractal analysis to investigate the visual properties of the architecture of John Hejduk and Peter Eisenman Tue 27 Mar 2018 15:57:22 AEDT ]]> Architecture and the Neo-Avant-Garde: some theories of history in architectural criticism Tue 26 Feb 2019 12:16:52 AEDT ]]> Examining the Position of Wright’s Fallingwater in the Context of His Larger Body of Work: An Analysis Using Fractal Dimensions Tue 24 Oct 2023 11:38:38 AEDT ]]> Fractal geometry in architecture Tue 23 Aug 2022 14:52:16 AEST ]]> The architecture of colonial jurisdiction: the annexation of Queensland's offshore islands Tue 18 Jun 2024 12:40:08 AEST ]]> Outmodernisms: industrialization and the forgotten histories of the avant garde Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:53:11 AEST ]]> Audience slaves: architecture and medium in El Lissitzky's Pressa Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:07:41 AEST ]]> Architecture as change-agent? Looking for innovation in contemporary forensic psychiatric hospital design Thu 21 Jul 2022 12:01:24 AEST ]]> International High-speed Rail Stations - 'Airports' in City Centers Thu 13 Apr 2023 09:52:41 AEST ]]> Space and sound: harmonies of modernism and music in Richard Neutra's Clark House Thu 12 Apr 2018 09:56:24 AEST ]]> Fractal dimensions in architecture: measuring the characteristic complexity of buildings Thu 11 Aug 2022 14:21:31 AEST ]]> Ignored or Repressed: Reconstructing the missing interior in 'Learning from Las Vegas' Sun 26 Jul 2015 17:25:11 AEST ]]> The fractal dimension of architecture Sat 24 Mar 2018 10:16:21 AEDT ]]> Achieving secure role-based access control on encrypted data in cloud storage Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:45:05 AEDT ]]> Intro: Implications of the digital in the anatomy of the surface Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:42 AEDT ]]> The architecture and surfaces of Reza Negarestani’s’ Cyclonopedia Reza Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia: complicity with anonymous materials. The philosophical notions of ‘fabulation’ and ‘creative fabulation’ are used as a conceptual framework to explore and characterise these readings. The paper suggests that the text’s creative readings of Middle Eastern architectures and landscapes are integral to a particular narrative within the Cyclonopedia text. The philosophical notions explored in this paper are primarily drawn from the writings of philosopher Gilles Deleuze, including the collaborative works he produced with psychoanalyst Félix Guattari. Deleuze and Guattari specifically refer to the notions of ‘fabulation’ or myth-making and ‘creative fabulation’ within their text, What is Philosophy?, in which they also refer to philosopher Henri Bergson’s original conception of fabulation. Thus the present paper will reference Bergson, concentrating on his text, The Two Sources of Morality.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:31 AEDT ]]> A combined plan graph and massing grammar approach to Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie architecture Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:28 AEDT ]]> Parables in an activist practice Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:43:07 AEDT ]]> Villalpando’s sacred architecture in the light of Isaac Newton’s commentary Ezechielem Explanationes et Apparatus Vrbis Templi Hierosolymitani, and deals with the first 26 chapters of Ezekiel and was mainly written by Prado. However, Prado died before the publication of this volume and Villalpando was left to complete the project alone. Volumes II and III were subsequently published in 1604. Volume II, De Postrema Ezechielis Prophetae Visione, contains Villalpando’s famous reconstruction of the Temple along with his justification for it. Volume III, Apparatus Vrbis ac Templi Hiersolymitani, consists of explanatory notes for the first two volumes. The overall project is a massive body of extraordinary and detailed scholarship. Villalpando was a highly skilled architect and draftsman and his reconstruction of the Temple is illustrated by a portfolio of exceptionally detailed architectural drawings. The project was an expensive one and it was only made possible through the financial support of Philip II of Spain. Villalpando studied mathematics under the royal architect, Juan de Herrera, who at that time was involved with the construction of the Escorial. Herrera had an extensive library of books on the occult; these books indicated a strong interest in Hermetism, which is also supported by Herrera’s treatise Sobre la figura cúbica (1935) on the Hermetic philosopher Ramón Lull. Fundamentally, Renaissance Hermetism promulgated a belief in an astrologically ordered cosmology where a geo-centric universe was divided into three worlds: the world of man, the celestial world of the planets and the fixed stars, and the super-celestial world of God (Taylor 1972: 63–64). The Christian Hermetism that was practiced in the Renaissance was a combination of Christianity and prisca theologia (ancient Knowledge). Ancient mystical mathematics of music, geometry and arithmetic became prominent in Renaissance Hermetism. This atmosphere of Hermetic learning pervaded the Spanish Court, affecting even Philip II himself, and Villalpando’s In Ezechielem Explanationes was a product of this atmosphere.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:42:57 AEDT ]]> On site, place and specificity Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:42:51 AEDT ]]> Systems and enablers: modeling the impact of contemporary computational methods and technologies on the design process Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:24:14 AEDT ]]> Part of the landscape: three spotlights on Menkens' masterpiece Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:23:44 AEDT ]]> Assessing creativity: revisiting the literature Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:20:15 AEDT ]]> Isaac Newton's Temple of Solomon and his reconstruction of sacred architecture Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:10:18 AEDT ]]> Preserving the cultural heritage of iconic Newcastle hotels Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:20 AEDT ]]> Fabulating landscapes: Utzon and McCahon Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:20 AEDT ]]> Learning from Aalto: fabulations of Utzon and Venturi Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:20 AEDT ]]> The origins of architecture: an English sixteenth to eighteenth century perspective Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:04:04 AEDT ]]> Isaac Newton and the Architectural Models of Solomon's Temple Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:01:31 AEDT ]]> Avian monstrosities: hatching and dispatching the machined interior True Stories, the utopian motivation for his journey is clear. Lucian writes: "[o]nce upon a time […] I went a-voyaging. The motive and purpose of my journey lay in my intellectual activity and desire for adventure […]. On this account I put aboard a good store of provisions, stowed water enough […] and put my boat […] in trim for a long and difficult voyage." This passage evokes both the mythopoetic conventions of classic utopian fiction and of the early Twentieth Century modernist utopia. In this latter tradition, images of transport and escape were used to support the argument for a new technological rationalism. It is not accidental then, that the first pages of Le Corbusier’s City of Tomorrow where interleaved with images of passenger ships, aircrafts in flight or other technological advances in transport.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:00:40 AEDT ]]> Intersections between architecture and mathematics Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:00:25 AEDT ]]> What to look for in a mayor; or classical reception in the Coalopolis Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:59:03 AEDT ]]> Parametric design strategies for the generation of creative designs Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:56:38 AEDT ]]> Bloody fingerprints: Tschumi and the avant-garde Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:19 AEDT ]]> Magical mirrors: reflections on the industrial subject in Mechanization Takes Command Mechanization Takes Command, investigating further its architectural motivations and legacy. The writing of Mechanization Takes Command coincided with a turning point in Giedion’s thinking which began to question the role of technology within society as well as the moral implications this had for human experience (and the body). In rejecting a number of founding principles of modernism (and CIAM), the paper will demonstrate how the work intersects with broader concerns of the historical avant-garde, as well as dramatising the subject of architectural history in an original and methodical way. This exposition of a new historical subject, glimpsed through the ‘magical mirror’ of history, is of ongoing significance (and concern) to the concrete histories of modernism in architecture. As will be argued, Giedion presents this subject in crisis—divided and invaded by the path of mechanisation in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The paper makes a case that, through this realisation, Mechanization Takes Command has an affiliation with the primary concerns of the historical avantgarde, and can be tied to the theories that supported them.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:50:26 AEDT ]]> Interior design and architecture: critical and primary sources - public interaction Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:40:50 AEDT ]]> Creating Japanese discursive space: the politics and mythology of tradition and modernity in metabolist proposals Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:38:50 AEDT ]]> Literary narratives Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:37:24 AEDT ]]> Masonry in Australia-meeting the challenges of the 21st century Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:37:23 AEDT ]]> University entry score: is it a consideration for spatial performance in architecture design students? Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:37:17 AEDT ]]> Mathematics in, of and for architecture: a framework of types Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:36:01 AEDT ]]> Relationships between architecture and mathematics Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:36:00 AEDT ]]> Digit mat(t)ers: process of normalization in architectural design Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:35:07 AEDT ]]> Thrills, views, and shelter at Majorca: landscape symbols of prospect, refuge and hazard in Utzon's Can Lis house Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:34:27 AEDT ]]> A syntactical comparative analysis of the spatial properties of prairie style and Victorian domestic architecture Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:31:08 AEDT ]]> Marketing importance and marketing performance measurement of architecture firms in Singapore: an exploratory study Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:31:04 AEDT ]]> The squaring of Circular Quay September sun, Sydney Cove, a restless vision of light and water suggesting a place of shimmering significance. A vast supernatural; sun explodes like a comet over Circular Quay with the misty Rocks and Harbour Bridge on one side and the arching shells of the Opera House on the other, a dreamy Kirribilli in the background. The iridescent tide is so huge, blue 'and sparkling, it filled all Sydney with the open sea'. Captain James Cook missed 'one of the finest, most beautiful, vast and safe bays the sun has ever shone on'. Sir Joseph Banks argued for Botany Bay, with its unique flora and fauna but without (as it turned out) adequate freah water - for the convicts, it might have been the moon. Luckily, in the very next inlet, through a dramatic opening in the cliffs, Captain Arthur Phillip's longboat and cutters found green promontories, calm waters, golden sands, tall eucalypts and angophoras, sandstone outcrops and Gadigal women fishing in nowie (canoes).]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:29:27 AEDT ]]> Perception beyond materiality; or, a transcendental glimpse of architectural space Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:28:57 AEDT ]]> Architectural principles in the age of the car and the bike Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:28:44 AEDT ]]> Remembering in red: architectural followings Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:31 AEDT ]]> Implications of the digital in the anatomy of the surface Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:28 AEDT ]]> Architecture of Iberian canopy tree species in relation to wood density, shade tolerance and climate Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:16:24 AEDT ]]> Time matters: transition and transformation in architecture Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:16 AEDT ]]> A model of heteroassociative memory: deciphering surprising features and locations Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:03 AEDT ]]> Isaac Newton and the Temple of Solomon: an analysis of the description and drawings and a reconstructed model Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:11:20 AEDT ]]> Asylum for a design activist Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:09:53 AEDT ]]> Exquisite drawing machines: a tinkerer's guide Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:58:34 AEST ]]> The mathematics of architectural beauty: an analysis of Christopher Alexander's second theory of architecture Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:27:17 AEST ]]> Photography as phenomenology: capturing (my) views of space Mon 22 Jun 2015 09:20:56 AEST ]]> Isaac Newton, architect Mon 16 Sep 2024 14:15:08 AEST ]]> Online construction management education: a discipline-wide implementation Mon 12 Nov 2018 17:00:47 AEDT ]]> Building design for people with dementia: a comparative analysis of planning quality in residential aged care units Mon 09 Sep 2024 14:34:38 AEST ]]> Research through design Mon 02 Sep 2024 14:55:11 AEST ]]> Sympathetic World-making: Drawing-out Ecological-Empathy Fri 30 Jun 2023 10:10:29 AEST ]]> Glenn Murcutt 'Architecture for Place' Exhibition. Fri 30 Aug 2024 12:13:39 AEST ]]> 74 Memorial Drive Fri 30 Aug 2024 11:59:47 AEST ]]> Cliff face house Fri 30 Aug 2024 11:59:46 AEST ]]> Watt Space Gallery Fri 30 Aug 2024 10:16:22 AEST ]]> Introduction Fri 26 Aug 2022 14:58:17 AEST ]]> Aquatic and architectural labours: charting Spooner's voyage Fri 23 Sep 2016 11:11:40 AEST ]]> Digital research in architecture: reflecting on the past, analysing the trends, and considering the future Fri 20 Apr 2018 14:19:47 AEST ]]> My arguments with the world Fri 19 Jun 2015 09:07:57 AEST ]]> Testing the 'Wright Space': using isovists to analyse prospect-refuge characteristics in Usonian architecture Fri 16 Aug 2024 16:10:58 AEST ]]> The Archive of Power: Drawings and Wangi Power Station Fri 13 Jan 2023 10:24:43 AEDT ]]> What works in the architecture studio? Five strategies for optimising student learning Fri 08 Jul 2022 13:28:35 AEST ]]> Alvar Aalto’s Muuratsalo house, understood through Jay Appleton’s prospect-refuge theory Fri 07 Dec 2018 16:43:48 AEDT ]]> Playing person: an architectural adventure Fri 05 Aug 2022 11:35:26 AEST ]]> Collage and Fumihiko Maki's creative place making Fri 04 Aug 2017 09:26:17 AEST ]]> Puducherry postcolonial public place-making through four frameworks Fri 04 Aug 2017 09:25:49 AEST ]]> Unburdening expectation and operating between: architecture in support of palliative care Fri 03 Nov 2023 11:05:07 AEDT ]]>